"culture" between ice ages / thule.org

objectivity, when considering the development of planet earth. one can also research 'ice age' in wikipedia. intro, glacials/interglacials, milankovitch cycle. there is going to be a problem with food in the future because of the weather. this is good information which i have. FEMA and the military (martial law will be instituted) should begin to coordinate now as if this issue has already begun, or as if it is an emergency. they could begin to store non perishable food and have planned distribution points. people should stop having children, or limit it to 1 child per mother and father if possible. don't panic. the problem is when people don't address issues head on, even if that means creating more work for themselves initially. it works out better in the long run if you don't BS around. people could coordinate and contact your u.s. representatives and/or the president or the united states. it would good if we could begin to coordinate something between the president(s), FEMA, the military and mayors of cities. i will contact my state representative and also the president with whitehouse.gov.

poem / author unknown

volunteer number work # 1

past attempt to give scientists an idea which they could pursue on their own, with knowledge which they already possessed. i was attempting to make a breakthrough in physics, so that it could be applied to the study of the geomagnetic field, or weather. i am interested in pursuing part # 4 of this work, with a mathematics professor at the university of st. thomas (houston, TX), or other universities in houston, TX. i messaged the United States Geological Survey. i messaged another institution which studies cartography. NASA has a cartography and imaging sciences node which i can try to pursue. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) 1, paired with 8 would correspond to 180 2, paired with 7, would correspond to 270 3, paired with 6, would correspond to 360 4, paired with 5, would correspond to 45 (half of 90), or 54 (like 540, or the equator) all pairs equal 9, when added together. 8 bits in a byte? 8 relates to 8 directions, or a cube. (quadradic equations) 1, paired with 2 = 3 3, paired with 4 = 7 5, paired with 6 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2 7, paired with 8, = 15, 1 + 5 = 6 that generates the essential digits of both 36 and 72. the angles of 36 and 72, relate to pentagonal geometry, and/or the golden ratio (1.618). 72 + 36 = 108. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrOrrMUrwdkfY8BfzZXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=36+72+108+pentagonal+geometry+quadratic+equation&fr=mcafee https://byjus.com/maths/golden-ratio/#:~:text=The%20golden%20ratio%20is%20approximately%20equal%20to%201.618.,solution%20to%20the%20quadratic%20equation%20x%202%20-x-1%3D0. leave the 3 by itself, add the center 2 digits of 7 and 2, = 9, leave the last digit of 6 as in 396, or earth radius of 3960. 36, or 360, is the triangle of 8. in other words, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36. 32 points on a compass. therefore, 8 = 1/4th, or 90 degrees. 360 minutes is 1/4th of a day, or 90 degrees. if 8 correspond to radius, then 16 would be pole to pole, or diameter. 3 diameters determine a sphere. 16 + 16 + 16 = 48. Ptolemy and 48 constellations? the almagest. now i think that they say that there are 88 constellations. i know that 48 is the first number with 10 divisors. 10 can be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, or x + y + z + time. i am not just coming up with this on my own. 16 would also be 180 degrees (or latitude). 32 or 16 x 2, would be longitude (360 degrees). 32 points on a compass. 16 x 16 x 16 = 4,096, which can be viewed as just 496. 496 is a perfect number, e.g. perfect numbers, imaginary numbers, pure numbers, etc. i studied numbers for a few years, i know what i am communicating about. a 4 digit number can be organized into 3 variations of pairing of 2 digits. first 2 digits to left of number paired / second 2 digits to right of number paired, first digit with third digit / second digit with fourth digit, inner 2 digits paired / outer 2 digits paired. another thing about 16 (latitude) and 32 (longitude), or 48 together, or 48 as 3 separate diameters, is that 16 x 32 = 512, which is 1/2 of 1,024. 1,024 is significant with regard to computer science. 512 is also 8 x 8 x 8, so perhaps 8 can represent an axis, or diameter, instead of 16 representing the diameter. rate doubling or reducing by 1/2? related to geometric progression? cartography, and measurement of space/time, is similar to computer science. don't know if it could apply, but you can also think about 7.5 compared to 8 (7.5 rounds to 8). 10,800 minutes is pole to pole (latitude), because 1 degree of latitude = 60 minutes of latitude. therefore 180 (distance from pole to pole) x 60 = 10,800 (minutes). 10,800 (minutes), divided by 1,440 (# of minutes in one day) = 7.5 (days). therefore, you would have 7.5, 7.5, 7.5 (3 axis), instead of 8, 8, 8. the figure of 7.5 might correspond to 16 (latitude) (or 7, because 1 + 6 = 7) and 32 (longitude) (or 5, because 3 + 2 = 5); hence, 7 and 5, like 7.5. anyway, it would be a difference of .5. .5 + .5 + .5 = 1.5, or 15, or 60, even though i can't explain why you can go from 15 to 60, other than 1+ 5 = 6 or 6 + 0 = 6. positional value or absolute value, (physics/geometry). also, 15 (or 60) is the triangle of 5, or in other words, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15, so it would be 60/60/60, consistent with concept of 3 axis. a triangle is 180 degrees, like 60 + 60 + 60. i think that it is related, with gematria (geometry) value for the name Jesus is 888. Christ is 1,480. one way which 666 can be applied to earth measurement, or space/time, is that 10,800 (pole to pole/latitude), as mentioned above, would be 21,600 if 360 degree around earth. 216, like 21,600 is 6 x 6 x 6. 1/12th of the zodiac is 2,160 years. or, that could be 18 (6 + 6 + 6, as in 216, as 6 x 6 x 6) x 12 (houses of the zodiac) = 216, or 6 x 6 x 6. like i stated above, a 4 digit number can be paired up into 2 sets of 2 digits in 3 ways. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 / x + y + z + time) when pairs are added together, it will create 2 numbers. - 3 and 7 - 4 and 6 - 5 and 5 37 x 64 = 2,368 (or the greek value for Jesus Christ / 888 + 1,480). i did this work on my own; meaning, the evaluation of 1, 2, 3, 4. there is a link in the 'for your information' section of this website about the number 10, or the significance of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. decimal system. i doubt that i can help science progress. i think that this type of study was done a long time ago, and has since been sort of forgotten about. i think that it might be a new manner of analysis, but not that it will help science progress. maybe it would help science progress, if a correspondence, or correspondences, would be made between previously unrelated phenomenon . something else which i corresponded about in the past, was, or is the fact that a geometric progression, e.g. 1:2::2:4, 2:4::4:8, 4:8::8:16, will consistently generate a pattern, when the first 2 digits of each set are added together until a single digit is derived, compared to the last 2 digits of each set, when added together until a single digit is derived. it reveals 3::6, 6::3, 3::6. 6 is the triangle of 3. in other words, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. i think that this reveals something about a function of the hebrew alphabet. the term 'gematria', which relates to each letter of the hebrew alphabet, in addition to how each letter has a numerical value, means 'geometry'. hence, geometric progression. 231 (or just 6, because 2 + 3 + 1 = 6) is the triangle of 21. 21 is the triangle of 6. 3 is the triangle of 2. 300 (or just 3) is the gematria value of the 21st letter of the hebrew alphabet. there are a total of 22 letters. there are 231 ways to connect or interrelate the 22 letters, with 231 being the triangle of 21, not 22. something about the letters 'alef' (1) and 'tav' (22) being united, or in a sense, overlapping. alpha (first) and omega (last). one of the 14 gematria numbers in the 'greatdreams' link, in the 'for your information' section of this file = 3168 (lord jesus christ). that can essentially be 36 (like 360) and 18 (like 180). space/time. longitude = 360. latitude = 180. 36 x 18 = 648 (with there being 864 or 86,400 seconds in one day) / that is not a typographical error / it is an example of numerology / the important issue is that it equals 9 36 + 18 = 54 (with 5400 being 90 (pole to equator) x 60 (minutes) it is only one example of how the 14 numbers relate to scientific phenomena. __________________ some number work which i did about 15 years ago. i would like to follow up with a math professor. i intend to take this, and other work on this website, to a math professor, to try to learn how to communicate with someone who knows 'number theory'. 96, divided by 5 = 19.2 69, divided by 5 = 13.8 19.2 + 13.8 = 33.0 (or) 1.92 (a decimal harmonic of 19.2) - 1.38 (a decimal harmonic of 13.8) = 0.54 i think that the figure of 33 relates to a type of calendar. i know that it is related to pentagonal geometry. also, when considering the figure of 0.54, as it can relate to the measurement of the equator. 32 x 3 = 96 / 32 could also be conceived of as 63, as 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, and 1 + 2 = 3 23 x 3 = 69 / 23 could also be conceived of as 36, as 1 + 2 = 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 32 x 6 = 192 23 x 6 = 138 32 points on a compass. i think that it relates to trigonometry. take note of difference between 96/69 and 192/138, when multiplying by either 3 or 6. consider geometric progression of 3/6/3/6/3, etc. also 3 = 6, as 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 3 can indicate a triangle or circle. one more issue with 192 and 138: 192 192 138 138 the outer digits of 1 and 2 in 192 add to create the center digit of 3 in 138. the center digit of 9 in 192 is formed when adding the outer digits of 1 and 8 in 138.

volunteer number work # 2

past attempt to give scientists an idea which they could pursue on their own, with knowledge which they already possessed. i was attempting to make a breakthrough in physics, so that it could be applied to the study of the geomagnetic field, or weather. something else which i corresponded about in the past, was, or is the fact that a geometric progression, e.g. 1:2::2:4, 2:4::4:8, 4:8::8:16, will consistently generate a pattern, when the first 2 digits of each set are added together until a single digit is derived, compared to the last 2 digits of each set, when added together until a single digit is derived. it reveals 3::6, 6::3, 3::6. 6 is the triangle of 3. in other words, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. i think that this reveals something about a function of the hebrew alphabet. the term 'gematria', which relates to each letter of the hebrew alphabet, in addition to how each letter has a numerical value, means 'geometry'. hence, geometric progression. 231 (or just 6, because 2 + 3 + 1 = 6) is the triangle of 21. 21 is the triangle of 6. 3 is the triangle of 2. 300 (or just 3) is the gematria value of the 21st letter of the hebrew alphabet. there are a total of 22 letters. there are 231 ways to connect or interrelate the 22 letters, with 231 being the triangle of 21, not 22. something about the letters 'alef' (1) and 'tav' (22) being united, or in a sense, overlapping. alpha (first) and omega (last).

volunteer number work # 3

past attempt to give scientists an idea which they could pursue on their own, with knowledge which they already possessed. i was attempting to make a breakthrough in physics, so that it could be applied to the study of the geomagnetic field, or weather. something else which i corresponded about in the past, was, or is the fact that a geometric progression, e.g. 1:2::2:4, 2:4::4:8, 4:8::8:16, will consistently generate a pattern, when the first 2 digits of each set are added together until a single digit is derived, compared to the last 2 digits of each set, when added together until a single digit is derived. it reveals 3::6, 6::3, 3::6. 6 is the triangle of 3. in other words, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. i think that this reveals something about a function of the hebrew alphabet. the term 'gematria', which relates to each letter of the hebrew alphabet, in addition to how each letter has a numerical value, means 'geometry'. hence, geometric progression. 231 (or just 6, because 2 + 3 + 1 = 6) is the triangle of 21. 21 is the triangle of 6. 3 is the triangle of 2. 300 (or just 3) is the gematria value of the 21st letter of the hebrew alphabet. there are a total of 22 letters. there are 231 ways to connect or interrelate the 22 letters, with 231 being the triangle of 21, not 22. something about the letters 'alef' (1) and 'tav' (22) being united, or in a sense, overlapping. alpha (first) and omega (last).

volunteer work # 4 / quadratic graph

past attempt to give scientists an idea. i assume these matrices will reveal an understood geometric graph, when plotted. golden ratio? 4 x 4 = 16, x 4 = 64. 16 x 64 = 1,024, which is significant with regard to computer science. it could also be 7 (1 + 6) x 4, or 28 as a perfect number. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. 1 axis rotation, counterclockwise, from normal x, y, z perspective.

volunteer work # 5 / quadratic graph

past attempt to give scientists an idea. i assume these matrices will reveal an understood geometric graph, when plotted. golden ratio? 4 x 4 = 16, x 4 = 64. 16 x 64 = 1,024, which is significant with regard to computer science. it could also be 7 (1 + 6) x 4, or 28 as a perfect number. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. 2 axis rotation, counterclockwise, from normal x, y, z perspective.

volunteer work # 6 / quadratic graph

past attempt to give scientists an idea. i assume these matrices will reveal an understood geometric graph, when plotted. golden ratio? 4 x 4 = 16, x 4 = 64. 16 x 64 = 1,024, which is significant with regard to computer science. it could also be 7 (1 + 6) x 4, or 28 as a perfect number. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. 3 axis rotation, counterclockwise, from normal x, y, z perspective.

sagittarius / microsoft encarta 96'

2018 paycheck stub / pappasito's mexican restaurant

it was an attempt to commit peaceful suicide. i intended to try to overdose with xanax, so i needed money to purchase xanax from an online canadian pharmacy. peaceful death. i don't want to attempt to commit suicide anymore. it would create long term confusion for the community, being a win for some ugly attitude bully creeps, and it would also be very bad for my family and girlfriend. the mexican girl who can act aggressively toward me and the community in general intentionally obstructed my ability to work at the restaurant in order to try to give herself an alibi, or a way of lying her way out of the bad social situation she had created for herself. she thought that ignorant people would think that she wouldn't do that, wanting to keep me alive. she also didn't want ignorant people to think that i have honor, or that i cared about people's peace. i do care about people's long term peace. i am not a weak man. i wanted to get this mexican girl away from everyone, protecting them. she is acting aggressively toward the entire community, wanting to bully people. it is not just bullying. she wants people to know that it excites her to harm people emotionally. weird psychopath.

paris hilton business complaint

she took money from me for a few months, knowing that she was not going to send me what i had asked for, also spoiling the spirit of christmas, she could have immediately returned the initial $50 cash which i sent, stating something like "we don't feel comfortable selling you one of these bags.", if that was the case. if so, it was childish cowardice. she could have then directed me to a website or something, respecting me as a customer, respecting my money. my money, my power, my image, not hers. i wasn't interested in nicky hilton. i wanted a bag with the number 7 on it for my niece at christmas time. they are not nicky hilton bags anyway. they are samantha thavasa bags. the hilton sisters seemed to want to make a big, unnecessary, stupid, childish, deal of themselves, and their fashion accessories. tacky and disrespectful, to state the least. it was or is not good business at all, not treating me as if i was any other customer, discrimination, because they wanted to use me for publicity. paris hilton also did a blatant, creepy, shady side step maneuver when i tried to get to the bottom of what had happened with the additional $150, when i utilized the phone number which used to be on parishiltonsite.net, prior to the website being updated. she wants to use me for her childish "publicity" without respecting me or anyone else. i am not a whiner. i have a legitimate complaint. i will always be negatively affected, in addition to people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, because of the way she treated me, publicly.

1955 Look magazine article / thule.org

there seems to be bogus information about the government finding little men aliens at roswell, new mexico. it wouldn't jump from what we are to little alien men. there would be something in between.

book of Enoch / thule.org

there is no mention of the egyptian Horus (Heru). the author of this file seems to focus on the egyptian Set too much. Set was evil. Thoth was a civilizer. i don't like "the great white reformer" part. i read that Jesus looked like an Iraqi. the blond hair, blue eyed Jesus, was a picture of some evil pope's son. many Enochs seems like valuable information. Enoch is mentioned in the book of revelations (bible). Enoch is significant because of the ancestry of Jesus. the greek hermes is the same as the egyptian thoth research it. typhon is the greek name for the egyptian set. they are not all one being. thoth was a civilizer. set was evil. https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr2=p%3ads%2cv%3aomn%2cm%3asa%2cbrws%3achrome%2cpos%3a4&fr=mcafee&type=E210US1485G0&p=typhon+greek+mythology the black man and some black women are trying to confuse people about who is who (horus or set) because of the left eye, right eye issue. truthfully, no one cares about that. people care about what they can actually understand, with proof, because of the testimony of others. i am not evil. this black man and some black women want people to know that they are evil, trying to recruit thug like people. i don't think that it will work.

technological aryans / thule.org

i want everyone to have the same information. i don't like the tone of some of this, but i thought that some of the information was important. i never wanted to harm or oppress anyone, and people knew that. the author of this file seems a bit angry, or stuck up. i believe that he knows something about what he wrote about, but not everything there is to know about it. i don't think that anyone knows everything which there is to know about it. i am sure that there are differences in opinions or personal feelings within this technological aryan group. splinter groups. they probably don't all get along. i probably would have thrown this file away, not wanting my mother to find it if i was able to commit suicide, if i had placed it in the same binder as the few other thule.org files. it was accidentally in a different binder, and i found it years later when i was not looking for it. i don't like the confused message of the concept of the term aryan. on one hand it can be thought of as something positive, christ like (aryeh, hebrew for lion), or "noble" but this file can make it seem negative. sorry about any confusion. i don't understand it, and i don't think that anyone understands it.

theory of catostrophic mountain uplift / thule.org

i wish that the thule.org website was still online. i know that people know that i am not shady, and that i had and have a good intent, but i feel like people would think that there is a problem with him, and it bothers me when they associate me with him. i didn't get the impression that he discriminates based solely on race or ethnicity. interesting guy. i felt like he wanted to help me and everyone, or was willing to help people if they help themselves. i will upload another file about teohuanaco and deluge next month. it costs money to scan. today is 8/10/24.

the great pyramid - part I

this work by larry pahl got me started. when i was in the army, i used to see black guys dressed in good sunday clothes get together on sundays in the barracks building next to mine, i thought carrying bibles. i learned something about freemasons through an old buddy of mine, but didn't understand or care too much about it when i got out of the army, i was watching a discovery channel tv program about ancient egypt, and they were talking about masons or master masons or whatever. i thought. "so it is related to egypt, but they read the bible?" then i searched pyramid on the internet, and found pyramidology.

the great pyramid - part II

this work by larry pahl got me started. when i was in the army, i used to see black guys dressed in good sunday clothes get together on sundays in the barracks building next to mine, i thought carrying bibles. i learned something about freemasons through an old buddy of mine, but didn't understand or care too much about it when i got out of the army, i was watching a discovery channel tv program about ancient egypt, and they were talking about masons or master masons or whatever. i thought. "so it is related to egypt, but they read the bible?" then i searched pyramid on the internet, and found pyramidology.

island of the nine whirlpools / production company letters

this was a story which i took an interest in. i thought that people would find production companies' strict policy about rejecting unsolicited material interesting. they must protect themselves from unfounded claims of plagiarism. i thought that maybe a young person could research how story ideas are given consideration; inspire an artist. i think that you need an agent, but i still don't know how it works. i also want to make sure that everyone understood what actually happened back in 2008 - 2009.

teohuanaco and deluge / thule.org

for your information. this file makes me think of the book 'fingerprints of the gods', by graham hancock. it is important that we can care of our future generations. help them. like a message in a bottle. does someone want to bury 200 bibles somewhere? or 200 of each type of scripture in the world?

egyptian Set (Sat-an)

interesting file. some information is the same, some is different, depending on what you read from where or who. i couldn't go to the link on the web anymore. Set is a weird dummy. i think that i lined through 'from a moral' in the article because back in the past i was confused about what would be considered wrong, within the context of something positive, in general, not understanding as much as i understand about the situation now. something about harmony, in general. i think that i was thinking that it didn't matter if Set was evil, because there is harmony anyway. this is before i got stabbed in the back by my own people. i was ignorant.


for your information. the gospel of mary was also apocrypha.

judging by appearances / vernon jenkins

i was lucky enough to find this file, sometime between 1998 and 2002. i searched 'sacred geometry' on the internet. i corresponded with mr. jenkins prior to his passing, via email. he didn't know about the significance of the letter 'G' with regard to freemasons 3 or 7. 37 x 73 = 2701, or the value of the first verse of the bible. 6 and 28 are perfect numbers. 6 is the triangle of 3, as 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 28 is the triangle of 7, as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. see file. rest in peace, brother.

"nineteen hundred seventy two", by jean ingelow

i was born in 1972. the story is example of utopian literature. you can search it, or the name of the story, with author. it was one of several children's stories in a book which my mother had, 'the oxford book of children's stories', selected by jan mark.

the prophet muhammad

i thought that the prophet muhammad's name in stylized form was interesting. i think that i saw this in a book at an islamic study institute here in houston, texas, took the book, and made a photocopy. this would have been in 2007 or 2008. i have been to that islamic study institute about half a dozen times since 2007 or 2008. i learned that they had a class on jesus and mary once, attended the class, learning that jesus is mentioned more times in the holy koran than muhammad. then i looked it up on the internet. i don't think that i would consider myself as any one particular religion there is truth to all of them. i went to the islamic study institute initially to show some basic respect. i also went to a jewish synagogue around the time that i first went to the islamic study institute, in order to show some respect. i remember learning that Adonai means Lord.

the secret time of jesus's birth, by larry pahl

i think that i may have this information in the 'for your information' section of this website. interesting bit about "year' 432. 432 is the square root of the speed of light. i think that the numbers represent something else, within a broader context. cycles.


the physical realm, which would include me at this moment.

the importance of astronomy

pole star changes. 26,000 year movement through zodiac. 26 is value for YHWH, Yahweh. it could also be Havayah. 26 can also be 8, as 2 + 6 = 8. 36 (like 360) is the triangle of 8. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36. 360 minutes = 90 degrees of a day.

john dee / 007

author unknown. you can search for it on the internet if you want to. i am not stating that i am james bond (maybe i am 007), or that i work for the british government. i work for all governments. 700 is a value which can be given to the hebrew letter 'nun'. final form of the letter, i think. 300 + 400, i think.

the great pyramid / earth matrix, science in ancient artwork

378 is the center of the pyramid. 378 can generate 18 (like 180) and 36 (like 360). i have done already demonstrated this work in the 'for your information' section of this website. it could also generate 72. related to 3168, Lord Jesus Christ. 2268 (measurement of base of 3 pyramids in file) is also the digits of my birthdate, multiplied out. 11291972, 1 x 1 x 2 x 9 x 1 x 9 x 7 x 2 = 2268 i think that 2268 corresponds to 2368, or 37 x 64. gematria of jesus christ. first verse of bible. difference of 100, or 19 (or 91). my birth date, added to the inverse of my birthdate, then multiplied out = 1296. 360 x 60 x 60 = 1,296,000. the century of my birthdate (19), multiplied by the year of my birthdate (72) = 1368. compare to 3168. peace, and god bless you.

symbols of freemasonry (chamber of reflection)

this was taken out of a book entitled 'symbols of freemasonry', by Daniel Beresniak. i had the numbers 41 and 1600 scribbled on the page, which i didn't want people to take out of context, which i marked through with black marker. i used to scribble all kinds of things down when i would study, with passion. one of the reasons that i was confused about the importance of the late george h. w. bush was because he was 41, and i am 14. or 50 stars on the united states flag. good luck, and so mote it be....

knight's modern seamanship, 12th edition / d. van nostrano company, inc.

arrrrgh matey! i was never a scallywag.

"slice of pie" / artwork

11/22/24. i will have the electronic file available to download in about 2 months. other versions also. i like the simple black and white version the best. i don't like the red and yellow, with the black and white. i think that either version with just red dot, or version with just yellow lines is best, if you want some color with the black and white. the black line around the work got cut off on one side. the electronic file work includes the large outer white border. print on metallic paper, at a specialty print place, if you can afford it. you can also print on cardstock material, at a place like fed ex office. peace.

"sidekick" / artwork

photo (houston, texas), photoshop. 12/23/24 - still fine tuning in photoshop.

"slice of pie" (a.) / artwork

photo (houston, texas), photoshop 12/23/24 - still fine tuning in photoshop

"slice of pie" (other version)

i will get all of the versions together. i think that i like this negative space in the center section version, better than the extra sliver in the center section version. i am going to lessen the intensity of grey in the center. leave same intensity for dot and outer grey lines. it is frustrating that this work is going so slow right now. sorry, if you are interested in owning the work. i'll get it done.