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For those people who have not already been made aware of this, independently of this website, I am in a constant 24/7 activity with a small group of people (144,000) who are situated all over the world. I don't understand it exactly, but it is related to the design and creation of the great pyramid of Gizeh. Look at link (144,000) in the 'for your information' section of this website. In other words, our central nervous systems are somehow fused. They can sense that i am typing at this moment, even though they are situated in different places all over the world. They could also sense that I was drinking a cup of coffee, if I was doing that right now. I am not currently in activity with 144,000 people. Some have died from old age. Some I am not in activity with yet. Apparently, some of these people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with were sensing me as a fetus, when i was still in my mother's womb. I think that i am joined with these other people because of something relating to the sun, other stars (most notably the constellation of Orion), the design of the great pyramid, and electromagnetism. It means that what is happening in our minds, or central nervous systems, also exists somewhere else, in order for the fusion to be taking place in the manner which it is. I believe that the water in our systems acts as a conductor. I believe that the same was true of Jesus of Nazareth; meaning, that this same connectivity with others is what actually distinguished him from other people. Read in the 'for your information' section about 144 and 72, or the story of Jesus and the 72 in the book of Luke. Also the story of Horus battling Set (Sat-an) and 72 conspirators in Egyptian mythos. I am not stating that Jesus of Nazareth and the Egyptian Set (Sat-an) are the same being. 72 is 1/2 of 144, with there being 1440 minutes in one day. The story of Jesus of Nazareth in the bible is mostly allegorical, although he was a real person in real history. The constant 24/7 activity can be, at times, maddening, for both me and the people who are sensing me. I believe that the 144,000 is some type of star seed. Constellation of Orion, astrology, 12 x 12 x 1000. Look at links below. Star seed is not necessarily "positive". I was 24 years old (1997), when it first became evident to me that I was, or am, in this unique, constant 24/7 activity with people. I am not schizophrenic. Then, in February of 1998, I started to sense an intelligent being communicating to me, with the use of physical contractions of my muscle and soft tissue, which meant that this being began to sense me first. It is a form of non verbal communication. This happened, in a way, exactly as it was predicted by something known as the Ussher chronology. Beginning of 1000 years (6000 years = 4004 BC to 1996 AD). Look at links in the 'for your information' section of this website. It also means that other people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with can sense, or were also sensing this intelligent being. It was extremely confusing at first. Madness. Isolation from the community. Hopelessness mixed with confused faith. 13 years later, in May of 2011, I started to sense another intelligent being communicating with me, with the same type of physical contractions of my muscle and soft tissue. It was, and still is, easily differentiated by me, and also the entire worldwide group who are sensing it, from the communication from the first intelligent being. It was, or is, fainter and more frequent. A totally different person, with a totally different personality. Non verbal communication. Both of these beings wanted, or want, to make it apparent to me, and anyone else who they thought was sensing me, because of the type and timing of the physical contraction communication which they can generate, that they had my vision, or that they could see what i could see. It was, or is, sensed as a person who is sort of child like, who is in a type of shock, or stupor, and finding it fascinating. Like they are children watching cartoons on television. It is very easy to understand, through sensation or non verbal communication, that the first intelligent being which myself and the rest of the group began sensing was, or is, male. It is very easy to understand, through sensation or non verbal communication, that the second intelligent being which myself and the group began to sense was, or is, female. They are human, just like I am human. I know without a doubt that the female is Hispanic, now (in the year 2022) about 30 years old, probably still living in Houston, Texas. I have seen her about 6 times in different places in the Houston area, because she wanted me and the rest of the group to know that it was her, wanting me to talk about her, or that she was responsible for creating the sensations, in a way childishly showing off. She used to have a white SUV and restricted phone number in the year 2011. Height is probably about 5 feet or 4 feet 10 inches. Medium size breasts. Full figured. She had long brown or light brown hair. I believe that she lives inside of the Houston 610 loop area, or that her parents live inside of the Houston 610 loop area. I believe that this is true, because she was able to get to locations within the Houston 610 loop area, where I was, quickly, already knowing that I would be at the same location. She has an unusual issue with her left eye, which I have seen, which I believe is the eye which acquired my vision, being at the beginning of the fusion of our central nervous systems, right around the last week of may of 2011. I believe that she has a brother who owns, or who used to own a Dodge Charger. I saw this car when I dropped off paperwork at the downtown Houston police station, wanting to be respectful of her, trying to establish rights for both of us. I also saw the person who I think is her brother together with her at the Houston Veteran's Administration hospital, when I went there one time. She wanted me and other people to know that it was her. I know without a doubt that she is lying about this situation to her family. I can reasonably assume that the male being who can also create contractions of my muscle and soft tissue, which other members of the group (144,000) can sense, who also indicated that he has my vision, also has an unusual issue with his left eye. Meaning, the eye which acquired my vision in February of 1998. It took me 13 years (1998 - 2011) to be able to understand that this male being is an African American, and also that he is ignorant, not possessing extraordinary knowledge concerning me, or this situation, which I thought that he had prior to 2011.
I think that the black man who I am referring to might live in New Jersey. He likes to be a stupid smart ass, thinking that I won't understand what he is communicating, or wanting to think about how he thinks that he is slick, when he really isn't.
I believe that these 2 people were characterized, or defined, as Set (Sat-an) and Nephthys in Egyptian mythos, in the past. I believe that I was characterized, or defined, as Horus (Christ) in Egyptian mythos, in the past. Look at links in the 'for your information' section of this website. I also believe that the male was characterized as Beelzebub during the time of Jesus of Nazareth. My old bible study teacher told me that Beelzebub was just another name for Satan.
After having enough experience, having been situated together with these 2 people for some time already, as stated, I can list some of their characteristics.
They are like people who are a type of mentally retarded. Constant stupor. Psychopathic. Sociopathic. Narcissistic. Childish. Evil. It flaunts being evil, seeming to try to recruit evil people. Hate. Anger. Envy. Jealousy. Greed. Problem with ego, or perhaps super ego. Negative. Angry. Sadistic. Nervous. Insecure. Creepy. It flaunts thinking that it is creepy. Attempts to intimidate. Vicious. Insane. Predatorial. Deceit. Perverted.
Even evil people wouldn't want anything to do with these beings. They have a mental problem.
Because they are naturally, or understandably, insecure about what people think about them, namely because of their unusual issue with their left eye, they embarrass and anger easily, ultimately having betrayed the community, desperately trying to make it seem like I was evil, or that people should think of me as evil, when I am not evil, and when they knew, or know, that I am not evil. They also childishly and sloppily imply that they have some authority which they don't think that they have, wanting to make a mockery of what would actually be considered responsible behavior, it seems because of panic, or greed, or not understanding how they should fit in with society. They seemed to want to try and associate in a cooperative way, when the activity with them first started. As time went on, they seemed confused about how to survive, socially, and long term, thinking that they had embarrassed themselves by having been unnecessarily aggressive.
They both seem to want ignorant people to believe, acting out in a childish, blatantly fake, confused, ignorant manner, that the eye above the pyramid on the dollar bill represents them, or that they have authority which they actually don't have. It is related, but the eye on the dollar bill seems to be the opposite of what they are. God is a loving God. They are not loving, and not only that, they are trying to make people think that God is not a loving God. They are also trying to fool people into thinking that i am not loving.
I have tried to help them. They should communicate to the public, or me, with actual words and conclusive statements, instead of trying to stupidly and wrongfully hustle their way into happiness, social success, power, or survival. There would be a commitment to cooperation which they would benefit from. They wanted, or want, to show off and play childish games. It got, or gets them intro social trouble. It seems like their minds never develop properly, in any incarnation of theirs, because they have my vision, and are constantly distracted by, or interested in what I am doing. They are not doing work like other people ordinarily do work, by not communicating with intelligent statements, which are easily understandable and conclusive. It got them into social trouble, or didn't, or doesn't, allow them to make a type of normal social progression. They seem to be implying that they are supposed to get unusual special treatment, or be worshipped because they are unusual, but they are lazy, childish and are constantly attempt to deceive, like someone who is criminally insane. They are disabled, and are trying to obtain something for themselves in an unethical, rude, bully style way. They seem to live in a fantasy world, fanaticizing about having happiness and power, but are unwilling to try to do work like people ordinarily do work, communicating using intelligent, conclusive, easily understandable statements, in order to achieve this happiness. They have a confused identity problem, seeming to want to settle for being different, and a foe, not wanting to try to make a more normal social progression on earth.
They seem to have an unusual need to feel loved, or respected, or accepted, or recognized. They have an unusual psychological problem, just as a few other people who i am constant 24/7 activity (144,000) with have proven themselves to have. These 2 people are trying to secure something for themselves, using their ability to create contractions of my muscle and soft tissue, which other people in the group (144,000) can sense, as a type of weapon. It is an attempt to subdue or incapacitate me, and other people, so that these 2 beings do not have to work as hard, or compete with others, as people ordinarily have to compete, or cooperate, with others. It seems as if they are doing this, really for the future incarnations which they think that they will have, not wanting me, or others worldwide, to achieve the potential in this life, because they think that it will make it better for themselves if I was considered unpopular. I think an attempt to have me murdered, in this life, or in future lives. They want to create frivolous gossip which they think will benefit them in making me seem unpopular. It seems as if they are both confused and angry, trying to create gossip which they think will help their chances of survival. They have a strange pride problem, or ego problem, like someone who feels special, but inferior, and is in a type of panic, then doing something irrational for attention. It is an angry, childish attitude, like "oh yeah, well i am somebody too!", or, "oh yeah, well i am going to show you who i am!" They think that i am special, or unique, so they have a confused desire to feel special, or unique, too.
i think that these creatures might have been a problem during Jesus Christ's time here on earth, or a distraction for him, but that it was not so bad that people communicated at length about it. I have thought that the biblical character Beelzebub was, or is, a way to refer to them, or at least the male. There were more opportunities for problems to arise in this incarnation of ours because of technology.
I have told both of them that it is better if we work together, and that they are creating a lose-lose situation for themselves and the community. It seems as if they both want, unrealistically, to be thought of as like stars, or celebrities. As I stated, they have a unusual ego problem. I have told them they they would have love and happiness in their lives if they didn't try to unnecessarily overshadow me, or other people as well. As time goes on, it doesn't seem as if they care about being loved anymore. They are confused about what people think about them.
I think that these 2 beings have something to do with the moon. I have read that scientists think that there used to be 2 moons. They have mental problems. It seems like their ability to create the contractions in my muscle and soft tissue relates to an electric charge, or a positive/negative charge, or electromagnetism. We don't feel electric shock, though. I have thought that maybe it has something to do with the moon (grey aliens?/I read that they don't have a soul), or reptilian entities which I have read about, or something about Alpha Draconis (constellation of Draco/Draconian/star corresponding to northern side of great pyramid).
I wish that scientists and other people would be informed about what is going on by people who who i am in constant 24/7 activity (144,000) with, who could prove that the constant 24/7 activity is real. They would have to include me and perform a test, publicly certified with television cameras and the police. They could put us in different rooms of a building, say something to me, with me being in one room of the building, and the other people in the other rooms of the building would know what it was. Someone could touch me somewhere on my body not inappropriate, and the other people in the other rooms of the building would know where on my body it was. Give me something to eat, and the other people in the other rooms of the building would know what it was. It could be certified by the police. Television cameras were invented only 70 years ago. The eye (like a camera) connects everything, or allows for information to be gathered and processed. You could use it as an important tool like a microscope. For example, people who don't live in Egypt wouldn't know what the pyramids looked like, unless there were photographs of them. They couldn't understand it, or begin to understand it, or conceptualize it, or appreciate it. The use of a television camera to observe myself connected to the 144,000 would be like looking at a cell, through a powerful microscope. Objectivity. Science, and not religion. I think that it would be good for scientists, politicians, and future politicians to understand, because this constant 24/7 activity which I am in with others applies to people all over the world, not racially or territorially discriminatory. World mind. World consciousness. I think that it will get spiritually messy in the future, or in everyone's future incarnations, if you don't make a story about me now, while you can, in the way that you could. Don't take our current peace or social order for granted. I have a few ideas about how to secure it. One is that if it were acknowledged by the government, it would be respected, but also as a way of making it seem unimportant. I could do something unusual every morning when i get out of bed, which only people who i am in activity would know about. There is a chance of an information leak, I think for people who would try to get social security disability money, when they are not mentally sick, or disabled, or in constant 24/7 activity with me. Another thought is that there would be an agreement that the 144,000, after being officially recognized, do not speak about me, or themselves, in public. If someone who wasn't a person who i am in activity with would try to convince people that they were a person who i was in activity with, no one would believe them, or pay attention to what they had to communicate.
I think that at a minimum, the police, or FBI, who i believe already know about this public situation, should come to my home, stating to me (in front of everyone) that they know about it, and have made a public statement about it. There needs to be more social order, or more confidence vested in what is happening. apparently, It happens all of the time, or in cycles.
God bless, and Peace be with you.
some of the above information seems like i am dragging it on, or becoming too emotional about it, but that is because i am confused and sick, wanting the 2 beings who are acting aggressively to be real and cooperative.
also, i usually write in all lower case, or am informal. i also like the uniform aspect of all lower case.
i am being made intentionally sick and confused by this creature (i am referring to it as one thing, but it is 2 different people) all day long, every day. it has compounded. it has been going on for years. my mind can not function properly. i feel constantly threatened, publicly. nobody's mind could function OR DEVELOP properly. it is weird, childish sadism. they are also evil or criminally insane. please help if you can. try to help. i am not crazy. part of the reason that it is doing this to me is to make it seem like i am crazy, trying to cover up the fact that people know that they are the problem. another reason is that it wants to make me seem weird and unlikeable. it is because it thinks that people think that it is weird and unlikeable. it thinks that it can't survive. it is so different than what people normally are, like an animal or completely different species, so that it doesn't try to work with people, as people ordinarily work with one another.
interesting article about great pyramid. cornerstone. chief cornerstone.
scroll down to part about alpha draconis. thuban. satan.
https://www.blueletterbible.org/study/larkin/dt/32.cfmalpha draconis. constellation of draco. draconian. egyptian set (sat-an). alpha draconis is called thuban (serpent) in arabic.
thuban, head of the serpent, or large snake. alpha draconis, look to our northern hemisphere.
binary star system.historically represented the north pole, from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BCE.
in arabic, it represents the dragon.
in egypt thuban was very significant in the original alignment of the pyramids and stars before the earth's tilt and magnetic realignment. pharoah kufu believed he would join the sun and thuban in death.
in sumerian and mesopotamiam lore, it was called tiamat. tiamat the sea serpent, that existed even before the sky and sea had divided from each other. a dragon of chaos that had to be tamed before brining in a new order.
in greek mythology hercules, jason and cadmus are all tasked by gods, to kill a dragon for different reasons, eventually placing a dragon in the sky to represent a trophy of cadmus.
habab is where satan get's connected to draco threw pagan arabic, muslim cultures, the light barer, bringing of morning, the morning star.
jujitsu comes from thuban, and was given to his half son oda nobunaga, as a gift to help conquer and unite japan.
the archons are a war bread race, hive minded, cybernetic, genetically modified constructs, that have become self aware are an now have the ability to war with higher dimensional forces by causing havoc in the system like a virus. the fallen.__________________________________________________
type in bold above.
this is what i have been communicating about. i have read something else about a hive mind from another source. something about orion dragon queen. i am guessing thuban, as it relates to alignment of the great pyramid, one of the 3 pyramids corresponding to the constellation or orion. i read the term messeh, from which comes our term messiah or mashiach. something about crocodile/reptilian. i am reasonably certain that i, or a positive force, is to keep this entity at bay, cycle after cycle. they seem to be more of an annoyance, rather than a real threat. maybe the annoyance is a real threat. they try to use deception and psychological warfare as a method of dominating, or survival. criminally insane. very strong survival instinct, but irrational or confused thinking, like an animal which is trapped, attempting to break free.
it is just like they teach in church, that satan tries to stop you from being more, or as much as you can be in life. i want you to be as much as you can be. good luck and God bless you. love.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon_(Gnosticism)basically, i am saying "take this job and shove it." don't expect me to do something positive for the public when you don't act like you care about at least trying to protect me from weirdos who are out there. they are childish and sadistic. they want people to know that they get a creepy thrill from stalking me and everyone else, including the police and government.
a very few of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with have sex problems, social problems, identity problems, image problems, family problems, friend problems, etc. they think that they don't fit in, without trying to fit it, so they don't want me to fit in, stupidly childishly harassing me, stalking me, every day. it is a stupid childish game, with them holding people hostage. it is like they are telling whoever that they will hold me and others hostage, like for some kind or ransom, or favor, but they don't even communicate with anyone, or have any power, with them having some kind of childish make believe fantasy about being happy. they are like crazy homeless people. they are not sophisticated. just because they can create these contractions in me, which other people also sense, it doesn't mean that they are more advanced that i am, or than we are. they are no more advanced than i am, with them operating at my level, but they want ignorant people and ignorant government to think that they are more advanced than i am, or that people should think that they are powerful, when they are not. they are demons who are trapped, angry, bitter, unfriendly, socially lame, weird, unpopular, desperate. for world governments, you are much better working with someone like me, who can be identified, and who actually has responsibility because of my lack of privacy, rather than people who hide while trying to get someone for themselves. vicious wild animals, who don't care about anyone. i can be held accountable. they can't be held accountable. they are weak people who imply that they need me in their lives, wanting to make a story about me every day, when it isn't necessary or important. like little children, implying that they are impressing people when they are not impressing people, or when what they are doing isn't impressive at all. "look what we can do." "look what we can do." like little children who can't take care of themselves, who imply that someone owes them something, like it is childish make believe. they are not getting credit for doing something, like they want people to think that they are. we don't need this black man and mexican girl in our lives. they are freaks. sorry, but it is true. they think that they don't fit it, so they don't want me to fit in. real sleazy game which they are playing. they are afraid of me, or they are unintelligent people who are afraid of intelligent people. they hold me hostage because they are afraid of me. they can't keep up, so they hold me hostage, pretending as if they have a good reason to hold me hostage. i didn't sign up for dirty politics. i signed up to try to help people, everyone.
here is a houston,texas police report which i created on 12/01/2016.
the incident number is: 1528227-16
the officer's name: E. Estep
unit #: 20G52N
i would like to create another report, or add to the existing report. i think that people could think that they have a better chance of getting away with murdering me if there is already an existing report. go figure. the report is filed under some mental health category which shouldn't be filed under mental health. i would like for houston media and national media to be involved with this. i know that you know about this situation. i want to communicate with a media investigation person here in houston.
i have already deleted negative tone information about half a dozen times in the past 2 or 3 years from my website, trying to fight, then not liking what i think that it is doing to the community, trying to fight, then not liking what i think that it is doing to the community, etc. the issue is that i am defenseless, trying to defend myself and others, and that there are weird, childish, very mean people out there. some people feel humiliated by their own personal situations, so they want to humiliate me. they should stop. i have been confused about what to do. i want to stop bad things from spreading, but i don't want a negative, confusing tone or confusing thoughts to dominate the community. a few people who are are really not nice or honest, who caused a social problem for themselves, didn't anticipate in the past that i would ever be communicating online, defending myself and the community. then they started to harass me so badly, weird, evil, childish cruelty, in order to try to get me to defend myself and the community even more online, in order to try and make it seem like i am a weird, uptight jerk, or a liar, when i am actually not. my computer work worked against them, publicly, so they tried to make it work against me, publicly. they are evil. it will be difficult to not fight back if they continue to do what they have been doing, since i lack privacy in the way which i do, since it affects my feelings, publicly. very difficult or actually impossible to ignore. they probably will continue. it is completely natural to feel the need to fight back against this type of aggression, since it affects your feelings, publicly, and permanently. you fight back to try to bring a feeling of dignity and peace into your life, like someone who is being raped or violated. they understand this, so they think that they have an opportunity to make me look weird, crazy or evil on the internet, with them also trying to cover up the fact that they are the problem. or trying to fabricate a reason to be harming me, obstructing my life and the lives of others. the people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are weird, childish, evil psychopaths/sociopaths. anti social personality disorders. it shouldn't come as a surprise that a person in my situation is being stalked, harassed, violated, in public.
i don't have to like everyone because i am christ. i don't like mean, dishonest people. if they want to be that way on their own, then fine, but when they act aggressively toward me, and people who i love and am trying to protect, intentionally disrupting our lives, then there is a problem.
i really don't feel like there is a need to communicate anything more about george h. w. bush, northern trust bank, paris hilton, or
thule.org. one reason is that i have already honestly communicated about these issues, more than once. the other reason is that i am not evil, with people knowing that. i am not mean, either. i'll probably be harmed and mocked even more if i do communicate about these issues again. it gives childish, evil, fake, mean spirited, socially lame people something to lie about, and to try to spread hate about. they do it because they got themselves into social trouble. they want ignorant people to think that because i seem defensive about something, that it means that i am guilty of something, or that there is something more interesting or more important about it than there is. no. it is like cheesy, fake, lame tabloid shit. it isn't important.
needed to add it. important.
george h. w. bush stated "1000 points of light", which was unusual and is related to christ. it confused me back in the past when i thought that everything had some special meaning, like a child would think, making me think that maybe i was going to have some official public support if i accomplished something significant for scientists. i also thought that bush living in houston was some type of sign for me. my lack of privacy confused me. the thought about doing something good for scientists or the public was despite me having a drug problem at the same time. i thought that what i was going to figure out for scientists was so important that it didn't matter if i was using speed. i had a weird mental problem because of my unique situation, combined with a weird drug problem. i was addicted to methamphetamine, with it making me think that the future could be unrealistically positive or happy for me and everyone else. i didn't want to think that God would put me here to create something weird and confusing for the community, knowing that i lacked privacy. this was when i was younger and had less confidence, or when i was more confused after i first started out. i also thought that skull and bones was more important than it is, or was, like a part of a network of people all over the world who knew that i was going to create something positive, also because of experiences which i had, and was still having with the supernatural, mostly this black man acting aggressively toward me. i didn't believe that God would use me as a way of creating something bad or confused for the community, so my mind wanted to believe in something which was unrealistically positive, like an inexperienced child would. in 2002, i was nervous and confused, feeling isolated, hoping that i could do something good and be happy, and i thought that i would write a letter to george h. w. bush, to try to figure out if i was thinking the correct thing, that i was supposed to work on something related to the weather, and also if he seemed like he was acting supportive. the letter was brief, and would have seemed like i wasn't really making a real point. i remember mentioning "1000 points of light", and also something about geomagnetism, thinking that geomagnetic reversals were important, mostly because of a book "fingerprints of the gods", by graham hancock. i became nervous or awkward while i was working on the letter, thinking that maybe i shouldn't be writing the letter to bush while i was high on methamphetamine, publicly or semi publicly, thinking that it was disrespectful or inappropriate. at that moment, the black man, who i didn't know was a ignorant black man, gave me what felt like, and i think that other people who sensed it would agree with me, a loving, comforting nudge, like "everything is ok", like he was wanting me and the people who he knew were sensing it to think that everything was ok, and that i was not doing something bad in the letter. i didn't know that it was an ignorant black man who was acting aggressively, thinking that he was someone who had special knowledge about the future and who worked for some kind of super government, i thought that maybe george h. w. bush had connections with people everywhere, and that there was a special prophesized understanding of me doing something positive for the community, because my mind couldn't rationalize the situation any other way. i thought that it meant that i was correct for thinking that everything that i was thinking about working a type of miracle was accurate, and that it was prophesized. i didn't want to think that i was supposed to create a mess, with me feeling confused, sad and isolated all of the time, with me knowing that i lacked privacy. i would have stayed way, way, far away from george h. w. bush if this black guy, who i didn't know was an ignorant black guy, had not have acted aggressively in the way which he did at that moment. i would have been scared of george h. w. bush, thinking that some supposed, imaginary government faction was working in opposition to me. it seemed like the black guy was telling everyone that it was ok, and that there was nothing bad in my letter to bush, since i became nervous or felt awkward in the way which i did. i used to think that maybe i was supposed to unite 2 opposing factions in government, like some "scorpion king" did back in egypt (i don't mean the movie), uniting upper (southern) and lower (northern) egypt, sort of child like. i know that the black guy now lies about what his intent was back then. he turned out to be a phony creep. he stabbed everyone in the back, years later, after he thought that he and a few black girls made themselves look bad. i believed or wanted to believe that i was going to figure out something important for scientists, and that i would have support, or love, or peace, or happiness in my life. i didn't want to think that God was cruel. i was young and naive, and also confused, nervous, and i had a very weird drug problem. amphetamine is used to treat sadness or depression, but i don't need an antidepressant. it caused me to have unrealistic, positive hopes and thoughts about the world's future, everyone, with an interest in geomagnetism or the weather, thinking that i was, or that maybe i was supposed to work a miracle, not thinking that God would want to use me as a way of creating something weird and confusing for everyone. the situation was also confused with me thinking that maybe i really didn't have any responsibility, or that what i was doing really didn't matter, because i was not officially together with anyone who was indicating that they knew about me. i wouldn't expect me to accomplish anything really good for the community, if no one who was indicating that they knew who i was, socialized with me, being friendly, publicly, giving me or other people an opportunity to shine. don't be surprised if you create a weird confused freak. i thought that george h. w. bush was part of some kind of imaginary hocus pocus, abracadabra world organization, which was about "prophecy", which knew something about me, which was about benevolence or charity, even though i had a drug problem. part of the issue was that i knew that i had a problem, and that i was trying to justify my use of methamphetamine. i am sure that many people have thought all kinds of crazy, untrue crap about the bush family, and skull and bones, and that the bush family would agree with me. i thought that the fact that bush lived in houston was a sign, because i also live in houston. i was young and naive, like a child. i apologize to the bush family about any confusion this may cause them. people who know me well probably thought that my old drug problem was weird, funny and sad.
one of the reasons that i was confused about the importance of george h. w. bush was because the black man acted aggressively toward me, at least once, when i was looking at bush's old office building from the terrace of my old friend's apartment. i was thinking something about masons or an imaginary network of people who i thought knew about me, thinking that they knew, or that it was prophesized, that i would do good in the world, sort of child like. i don't think that i would have thought about going to bush's old office if i wouldn't have known where his office was located. my old friend who owned the apartment is the one who told me that it was bush's office at that location, but there was nothing inappropriate going on, or discusssed. they didn't know who i was. for some time, i thought that it was george h. w. bush who was acting aggressively toward me.
as far as northern trust bank goes, i wasn't interested in banks or banking, not at all, and i did nothing unethical. i didn't drive to a bank. i wasn't thinking of a bank or banks. i saw a sign for northern trust bank in the elevator at george h. w. bush' office. i drove to george h. w. bush's office in 2005 to drop off some sentimental items, i think mostly because i just wanted to see what his office looked like, but also because i felt awkward in public, wanting to feel secure, knowing that i had a weird drug problem, wanting to feel as if i could be liked or accepted, probably also protected, even though i knew that people knew that i had a weird drug problem, thinking that maybe i was a part of some kind of network of people who did unique work for the world. i was also confused about my drug usage, because in a way i thought that it was ok to use because it made me optimistic, and gave me energy to study. it was confused. i also thought that maybe it didn't matter, because i didn't have any special responsibility, or that no one who indicated that they knew who i am would ever speak to me, publicly. i used to think about being able to have a cool job, being able to help everyone in a unique way. i wanted to think that i wouldn't always be isolated, confused and sad, and that i could be around people at a job. weird mental problem because of what this black guy had been doing to me for years, being aggressive in a weird way, plus other experiences, combined with a weird drug problem, methamphetamine. i used to feel and think that i could not do anything without using methamphetamine. i still have meth using fantasies, but i would definitely never use again. it would make me feel awkward and uncomfortable in public. i did some studying for several years. in 2006, when i was in a car as a passenger, going to get vietnamese food, just happening to be driving by a northern trust bank location on bering drive in houston, texas, the black man's reaction (aggression toward me) to the driver (nothing unethical) stating something about northern trust bank, and a minimum investment of 5 million dollars, caused me to react to the black man's reaction to the driver. i think that the black man was wanting me to understand some point about 50 (messiah) or 5 (5 + 0), or me not having a special involvement with george h. w. bush, but i misunderstood what he meant by it. the black man had been observing me working with numbers for years already, every week for 4 years, adding digits together until a single digit is derived. 50 years to counsel, 360 x 60 x 60 = 1,296,000, like 50 x 25,920 = 1,296,000. BUSH can equal 50, as B = 2, U = 21, S = 19, H = 8. i thought that i was being told by this black man, who i didn't know was an ignorant black man, that northern trust bank was something good for the world, for everyone, and that i was supposed to be involved in it. i became excited about it, but didn't understand exactly how it would work, thinking at the time that i should just keep it to myself and have faith. he knew immediately that he confused me, and then made a sick, childish, disrespectful joke about it, with me not understanding what he was doing at the time, like he just gave up on himself. after he knew that i thought that it meant that northern trust bank was something special for everyone, and antarctica, he referred to the south, or antarctica, after he knew that he confused me, wanting to intentionally confuse me even more. he was being an irresponsible smart ass about how the south or antarctica was the opposite direction of george bush's office in the north, knowing that i wouldn't understand. now i do understand. i didn't understand that he was an ignorant uncaring black man, just trying to cover up for the fact that he was the main reason that i was in george h. w. bush's office to begin with. i thought that the black man, who i didn't know was an ignorant, incompetent black man, was somebody or something with special knowledge about me and the future. i am glad that i communicated about northern trust bank eventually, because it was causing me to act weird, publicly, with me thinking that i had to keep it to myself, stuck in an awkward situation. i didn't want to communicate it at first, because i didn't think that i was supposed to, because i didn't have all of the answers, not understanding how it would work, not wanting people to get crazy about it. people would have probably gone "so what is this?! and what is that?! what are you?! and who is that?!" there is absolutely no need for panic. i know what i am communicating about, when i communicate about this person who i now know is an ignorant black man, i have 26 years experience. i thought that the meaning was that many wealthy people were going to invest at northern trust bank, which would generate money or interest or whatever you would call it, so that all banks, or so that all people would benefit. i believed, or wanted to believe, that antarctica, because i was young and naive, and because of a file which mentioned antarctica, which i read in 1997, which was not as important as i thought it was, and because of what this black man did to me, was going to be a good place to be, something which would bridge this period of development with the next period of development, because of an ice age. then i tried to protect people from the bank a few years later after i thought that something about it didn't seem right. there is proof with a black woman who used to work at a northern trust bank location on kirby drive, houston, texas (beginning of 2011). i took her a letter which i had typed and mailed to the northern trust legal department in chicago in 2010 or 2011. i explained in the letter that private information was made public, thinking that my house had been broken into. i don't think anymore that my house was broken into. i am glad that i communicated about northern trust eventually. i was feeling weird about it for 3 years (2006 to 2009). northern trust bank is not involved in anything shady, there is no reason for alarm. it was just a misunderstanding. it wasn't my initial thought or idea; meaning, i had no interest in banks, banking or business. this black man knew that he had confused me, and didn't or doesn't want to take responsibility for it, lying with black women about my character because they have embarrassed themselves. i thought that everything which i was doing had some special meaning which it didn't. i had started to write a screenplay, and i thought that i was supposed to share information about northern trust bank with johnny depp, thinking that it was my duty. i have not been interested in writing a screenplay since 2013. i shredded all of the work. i sent 84 pages of work to the viper room in 2010. it was a start, and i was going to go back over the dialogue. i was happy with the scene by scene structure, being one scene away from the first 1/3rd of the movie. i didn't communicate in the letter to johnny depp that i received unusual communication from this black man, or anything about antarctica. i just stated that i saw a sign for northern trust bank in the elevator at george h. w. bush's office when i went there in 2005, which is true. me seeing the sign for northern trust bank in the elevator is what the black man was referring to in 2006 when we drove by a northern trust bank location because he has my vision in his left eye. he mixed the bank with george h. w. bush's office, which confused me, stupidly implying that i was not TRUSTworthy, when this black guy is the one who isn't to be trusted, because he knew that he was the main reason that i was in george h. w. bush's office. he thinks that he makes himself look bad, when he really doesn't, but because he is so insecure, he makes a big stupid deal of it, trying to put it off on me, blatantly shady or thug like. i was implying to johnny depp that maybe it was a reputable or good bank, but i thought that people had to determine that on their own. i stated "i am not intentionally steering you in that direction, but you might want to check it out" or "i am not trying to intentionally steer you in that direction, but you might want to check it out". i don't think that johnny depp ever got my mail, because i sent it to the viper room, not knowing that he didn't work there anymore. people talk stupid crap about me, lying, stating that i did something unethical when i didn't do anything unethical. they insult me, trying to make it seem like i was trying to hustle my way into hollywood when i i wasn't doing that at all. my writing work was a completely separate issue. i thought that it was 2 good things for people. again, i thought that it was my duty to communicate something about northern trust bank to johnny depp, and that it was part of a bigger God plan for the world. i had the best of intentions and the black man was part of the issue. the black man confused me, but it doesn't matter, because i am not evil. this black man lies, stating that i reacted to the information which the driver of the car gave about northern trust and 5 million dollars before he did. i didn't. he reacted to it, which caused me to react to him. he didn't know that he was going to cause me to write about it, then creating all of this unnecessary drama, and then the black guy tried to cover it up. i know that he lies because he has attacked me and people who he knows will defend me like a weird, crazy, insecure, evil, sadistic pig, wanting us to know that he was lying about the situation, making a smart ass, ugly, sick joke of it. he did or does this in order to try to humiliate people who rightfully criticize him. he is an insecure black man. he tells black women to just lie, because he thinks that they have made themselves look so bad.
i wasn't wanting paris hilton to give me money. i liked, and still like to earn my own money. i got stuck in an unusual, awkward, confusing public situation in a grocery store in 2008, thinking that a white woman who was standing behind me in the checkout line one night was giving me a dumb look, wanting to insult me and hilton, wanting to take away my pride, so i reacted to this in a defensive, confused way, and did nothing wrong, with people knowing that i did nothing wrong. i had pride in my own work and own money which i was earning. now i think that the white woman was only flirting a little bit with me. i just misunderstood what was happening all around me at the time. i reacted to the look she had on her face, and then needed to take change out of the change dish in the grocery store, needing to pull the change toward me, thinking of my own jobs, my own money, my own pride, but mixed with a thought about hilton and i having worth or value together, since i thought that the woman was insulting us, and it got all confused. i pulled the change out of the metal change dish slightly more aggressively than normal, but you wouldn't have known that unless you were sensing it. it was confused for 1 or 2 seconds, because the more i thought that i wasn't a problem with money, the more it would seem as if there was a problem, when there wasn't, so my mind reacted by being more aggressive, not wanting to take it out slowly, as if there was a problem or as if i had been thinking of doing something wrong. it confused me because i am not a money problem, so i talked about it when i got back to my apartment about 10 minutes later. then the next day this weird, childish, creepy, fake, evil, sadistic, stupid, ugly attitude black women who i am in activity with assaulted me, non verbal/verbal communication, at the same store, knowing that i did nothing wrong, knowing that other people knew that i did nothing wrong, wanting to try to separate me from being loved and earning money. she wanted to humiliate me, weird cruelty in public, knowing that i did nothing wrong, and that it was just an unusual situation. i called her a name. she deserved to be called a name. i was trying to be funny about it. i also apologized to innocent black women, with me thinking that they got their feelings hurt. then unfortunately, a bunch of black women turned fake, childish, mean and evil, pretending as if they thought that i was the problem because they were confused, or because that one black woman had embarrassed them. they should move on with their lives. the irony is that i have had so much trouble with trouble with females, since 2008, because i was wanting to lift the spirit of a female, hilton, being loving, having written to her when she was in jail in 2007. i felt sorry for her, seeing a photograph of her crying in the back of a police car.
paris hilton should not have been playing unnecessary, childish, cryptic games with me, or other people, having sent me several things back through the mail, cryptic junk, wanting to toy with me in public, wanting attention, knowing that i lack privacy in the way which i do. also, weird, childish, cryptic phone calls from her, toying with me and everyone else, with her wanting attention. she didn't conclude it in a respectful, civil way, acting as if she cared about trying to create long term order for the community. she was more interested in childishly, greedily entertaining herself (and probably her sister). it seems like she wanted to harm my reputation if i was not promoting her, like she has trouble promoting herself. she preyed on me, publicly. she wanted to see if she could use me, and so she tried to, and she thought that it started to work, but then it didn't work for her, because she was only playing cheesy, childish games in public, and not communicating anything substantial or conclusive with the use of words. she has done so much unnecessary harm to so many people, all over the world, creating so much unnecessary confusion and tension, like the way i feel at this moment typing this, playing childish, disrespectful, rich kid games. i wasn't a fan of hers, i was neutral.
as far as thule.org goes, i didn't have an interest in, nor was i, or am i, an advocate of white supremacy. i don't believe in it and i never would believe in it. in fact, i tried to protect black people in 1997, when i inadvertently learned something about antarctica and the third reich, back in 1997, thinking that i was going to be murdered, right before i was checked into the psychiatric ward at the houston michael debakey va hospital for the first time. i have knowingly tried to help black or colored people at other times, too. the person who shared information with me, an internet file about antarctica and the third reich, wasn't looking for something about white supremacy, either. i think that you can find the same file by searching 'omega file' on the internet. i haven't read all of it, and i am not telling other people that they should read all of it. people knew about this information back around 2002 or 2003, but some of them will probably now play dumb, lying about my heart or character. thule can simply be the name of a hyperborea. planet earth would be a thule. so would another inhabitable planet somewhere else. i shared information about thule.org to the public, in the past, and anyone could have contacted the person there. i was, and am still not hiding anything. all i wanted to do was to try to help people, everyone, so i thought that maybe i was supposed to be involved in, or know about something (thule) which would enable me to be able to do this. people knew this, but after they embarrassed themselves, starting in 2008, they went back into my past, being fake and socially lame, trying to make it seem like i didn't have a good heart or that i was a mean white supremacist when i am definitely not. i believe that the guy who i used to email at thule.org was trying to help people, but i didn't know him that well. the person who shared information with me about antarctica and the third reich was actually looking for information about the ark of the covenant. also, antarctica is not a german project anymore. it is an american project, as with operation high jump (1947). i communicated about this many times in the past. it was my hope and thought that it was, or is, diverse. i believe that it is. the irony is that i thought that i was being told that i was involved with antarctica, or that maybe that i was involved is something in antarctica, which i believed or wanted to believe was something positive and diverse, by a black man who i have communicated about, who was trying to motivate me to do something, who i didn't know was an ignorant black man. now i do know that he is an ignorant black man. i also know now that he is an evil, weird, childish, insecure back stabber. they now have documentaries on television about antarctica and the third reich. i wanted to help people, everyone, and i knowingly had a dream about love and diversity, wanting to think that God was a loving God, thinking that it was what america and i were all about, thinking that it was the only thing which made sense, and people knew this because i spoke out loud about it many, many times, trying to understand and explain my situation. i have never communicated with anyone about hating jews or blacks or any type of person who wasn't white, and i wouldn't communicate with anyone who was wanting to communicate with me about doing this. there is good in all races or religions.
i had also given paris hilton my old email address and password, hoping that she would help me print the messages which i had saved from thule.org, thinking that i wanted to try to work some of them into the screenplay which i was working on. i sent her $20 for her time. i never got any printed work, and i never got $20 back. i wasn't doing anything shady or oppressive toward anyone. i would have been willing to share my email with everyone. i was excited about working on the screenplay and i was also wanting to establish trust and openness with everyone, since i lack privacy. i didn't think about how it could put put paris hilton in an awkward situation, and i apologize to her for that. i didn't think that it mattered, since i lack privacy all of the time, and since people know what i am doing all of the time, and since people know that i am not evil. i didn't have a computer which was online, or a printer, at the time that i asked hilton to help me. i didn't get into computers and smart phones like everyone else did when they came out. i hardly get any email. i really don't have anyone who i associate with, except now for my girlfriend. i thought that hilton wanted to be closer to me than she did in the past, because of the way which she communicated cryptic, childish crud. i was not telling her to hate blacks or jews or anyone else.
refer to the post above about northern trust bank. it is the part after george h. w. bush.
i have already honestly communicated about it, more than once, but i am mocked by a few evil people who got themselves into social trouble by playing games. when i was driving by the northern trust bank in 2006, as a passenger, when the driver of the car mentioned something about northern trust bank, and a minimum deposit of 5 million dollars, the black guy referred to the right, or east side of my body, which i thought meant something about God, or sun, or the world. something positive. i also thought that it had something to do with the shriner's recognition test, which i don't think anymore. the bank was on the left, or west side of the street. he was just telling me to get out of bush's office, or to get away and forget about george h. w. bush, since the sign for northern trust bank was in bush's office. what the black guy did was stupid and irresponsible though, since he knew that he (the black guy) was the main reason why i was in george h. w. bush's office, in 2005, because of the letter which i wrote to bush in 2002, and also that i just wanted to help people, being TRUSTworthy, and that i was just confused, with a bad, really weird drug problem. this black guy made my drug problem worse and worse. he knew that. actually, he thought that it was interesting for me to get him high. the black guy thought that he had created a problem for himself, playing unnecessary games, so he immediately tried to put it off on me. that is what he does. he is a very childish, very insecure black man, with a serious attitude problem. the black guy mixed the bank and george h. w. bush's office together, because there was a sign for northern trust bank in the elevator of george h. w. bush's old office. after he created a mess which he didn't know that he was going to create, causing me to write about northern trust bank to california, he lied and stated that i was thinking something about california, or the west, and that it was the reason he stimulated me on the right side of my body, or the east. he is lying, saying that i was the one who reacted to the driver's statement about a minimum investment of 5 million dollars, when it was his reaction to what the driver stated. it is obvious that he lies, and tells people to lie for him, because of the way which he has attacked me and other people, referring to the west or east. he thinks that he can get away with being evil and fake, because he thinks that he can make up any story he wants to, because he is not communicating with the use of conclusive statements, using words. he implies that he doesn't have to work (communicate), just like other people do, and that he deserves special treatment, like he is some kind of God or something. he is an ignorant, incompetent, weird human. he is not a God.
i don't think that it should matter that i communicate anything more about this really old crap. i think that people get all excited because it involves famous people, or a bank. it isn't important and it isn't exciting because i am not evil. full stop. it is boring because i am a guy who must tell the truth all of the time, because he lacks privacy in the way which he does. i have been telling the truth, not wanting to do anything else but tell the truth, since i started to communicate out loud in 2002. i have also never lied when communicating on the internet. i have gone way, way out of my way to always tell the truth, about everything in my life, and people mock me for it. all of this crap isn't important, because i am not evil or dishonest. it can become a way for people to gossip about something, wanting others to think that they are more important or interesting than they are.
i am very sorry if this information confuses you. it is an unusual situation, so please grant me some latitude. i know that everyone is tired of my internet work. i am tired of it, too. sorry that people have to be stuck in the middle of it. i wouldn't have felt the need to communicate about it if a few people were not obviously, blatantly lying about it, trying to create division in the community.
here is a houston, texas police report which i created on 12/01/2016.
the incident number is: 1528227-16
the officer's name: E. Estep
unit #: 20G52N
i would like to create another report, or add to the existing report. i think that people could think that they have a better chance of getting away with murdering me if there is already an existing report. go figure. the report is filed under some mental health category which shouldn't be filed under mental health. i would like for both local houston media and national media to get involved in this. i know that you know about this situation. i am wanting to communicate with a media investigation person here in houston.
this black man and mexican girl who people know about are desperately trying to fool people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who don't understand english, trying to make them think that i did something really wrong in the past when i didn't. they have the bad heart. they have the evil intent. they mix stupid, unimportant things together in order to try to make people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who don't understand english, think that something is important, or that i have an attitude problem, when it isn't important, and when i i don't have an attitude problem. they are nervous about their current life and future lives. they also want people to know that they are evil, because they are trying to make people defend me, so that they can say that the people who defend me are evil or fake.
i feel like i am stuck with evil druggies in the dope scene, even if the people who are betraying me and the community aren't actually using drugs. that is what these people make me feel like. it is like they are shady people who fuck people over for dope, or money so that they can get dope, in order to try to make themselves feel better, or so that they can be around people who they can get something from. it is a few of the 144,000 who have personal problems or identity problems. they want people to think that they are interesting or special, but are confused about how they do or don't relate to me, or what people think about them when compared to me. they want to have fun but have trouble. they shouldn't interfere with my ability to have fun. i feel for them, but it doesn't give them an excuse to blatantly lie or harm others. i hope that it works out for them. maybe it will. i hope it does.
this black man and mexican girl who i refer to in the beginning of this section of this website are trying to bully the government. it has a weird ego problem. sort of like an animal. i think negative alien. i wish that the government and/or police would issue an official public statement about this situation, or the situation which i know that they know about. this creature (singular, even though it is definitely 2 different people) assumes that i will never get official government protection. it assumes that nobody will have official government protection. it thinks like a criminal. actually, it is criminally insane. scary. weird. please help. the government needs to protect itself. the government needs to protect the community. i have read about negative aliens, and this seems to match. psychopathic. it lacks empathy. predatorial.
i have been trying to defend myself and the community when i am defenseless. that is why it looked weird, excessive and obnoxious. it creates the impression that i am not as confident as i am. ignorant people can't imagine how evil, childish, perverted and sadistic the people who are acting aggressive are. they want others to know that they think that it is fun to irritate a unique person in public. i don't think that i will ever really be happy again, even though i am a cheerful person by nature. i am not stating this because i am a weak or negative person, but because the very few people who are being unnecessarily aggressive have demonstrated that they have weird mental problems, or anti social personality disorders.
i wish that the police or government would make an official public statement about this situation, or the fact that people have testified that i am being stalked and harassed. i believe that a statement would act as a deterrent. the very few people who are being unnecessarily aggressive believe that no one will ever make an official public statement about me, acting as if they are showing me some respect, or as if they trying to protect me. ignorant people don't understand how weird and cruel this is for me and others. i believe that if an official public statement was made about situation, that the people who are stalking me and the community would lose interest in continuing to do the same thing. like children who need to be disciplined.
agaln, i begin to look weird and obnoxious, because i am trying to defend myself from creepy, evil, very very mean weirdos when i am defenseless. i have been trying to defend myself and others. do you understand? ignorant people don't understand how weird and cruel this is for me and others.
don't expect me to really be able to lead, when you don't officially, publicly acknowledge or recognize what is actually happening, or that i am actually here. i want to lead, or to work as an assistant. are you implying that i have to do it with one arm tied behind my back? or two arms tied behind my back? do i have to prove something? what would you want me to do, when people really don't give me a chance to do much at all?
what do i mean? no official, public statement about me.
sometimes i feel like a child who the parents didn't want, who was placed in a garbage dumpster to die. it seems like no one wants the responsibility, or that people are afraid of responsibility, or that they are insecure. for God's sake, why?! what happened to Hallelujah?
you are also not giving other people a chance to do much at all. no public pressure to coordinate, documenting and studying this phenomenon. no accountability, not for me either, which would benefit the community as a whole.
1. documentation
2. science
3. law
i think that it would be good if people put faith in me, the community, and God.
put people on the honor system.
i believe that christ return is related to 6,480 years, or 1/4 of the zodiac. related to divine intent, or a shift of elements of zodiac. actually, a shift of circuits (4 cardinal, or 4 fixed, or 4 mutable signs). similar to 144 x 42 = 6,048 years, or 144 x 41.67 = 6000.48 years. difference between 6,480 and 6,048 or 6000.48 were not typographical errors. still related somehow to 6000 years + 1000 years, or 7 God days. refer to work in the 'brainstorm / science' section of this website. if this theory is correct, it might be a more practical manner of understanding christ, and how to predict future change. it would be good to able to understand how this christ phenomenon consistently works.
please go to the 'important 3' section of this website. click on photographs and read comments.
i also went to george h. w. bush's office in 2011, not high on drugs, confused, scared, listening for his voice, imagining that he was trying to make some type of arrangement at the united nations for my protection. ignorant people would believe how weird this situation has been, mostly because of how their was evidence that i was in constant 24/7 activity with people, and also because of the unusual physical contraction communication which i receive, or can receive, with me earlier not understanding who was delivering it, or why. i had been sober from illicit drugs for 4 years, since 2007, prior to going to george h. w. bush's office in 2011. i continued to abstain from illicit drugs for another 8 and 1/2 years. i broke down and used methamphetamine on one occasion at the very end of 2020, and then another time, on one occasion, a few months later in the beginning of 2021. i cried after using both times. i have not used since then and i know that i never would again. i told my family and girlfriend about what i did, so as to make it impossible for me to do it again. it wouldn't make me happy anyway. it would just make me feel stupid and uncomfortable, publicly. i also scared the middleman guy who i used to get it from off, after the last time that i used. someone who i am in constant 24/7 activity with sent me a warning about how it was a problem, and i told the middleman guy about that in 2021 after the second time that i used, and i know for sure that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. i definitely wouldn't do it again because i am under the impression that people want to help me financially. please don't judge me too much because i have used drugs in my past. i did it because i felt sad and fed up of really weird crap, but i am doing much better now that i have worked since the fall of 2021, have worked on art and taken some good photographs, and am in a happy relationship with my girlfriend and family. back to george h. w. bush's office in 2011. i was and still am going through something very weird, with some people inflicting blatant harm on me. i was taken to the houston VA hospital psychiatric ward from george h. w. bush's office by the houston police, and interviewed at the hospital by the secret service a few days later. i have been interviewed by the secret service 3 times in my life. the first time in 2011 after i went crazy, having left panic voice messages with the offices of john mccain and hillary clinton, scared, after i my blood had been intentionally infected when i was at a care facility. i thought at that time that everyone knew about it, thinking that i was in activity with everyone, and that no one cared, and that something really evil was occurring within government and everywhere else. i hated the police, because of what happened to me in la grange, texas, thinking that i was being mocked and ignored by all police and all government. i don't hate the police anymore. the first interview with secret service was at my old home on tabor street conducted by a female agent named frohliche and male. frohliche and a different male interviewed me at the houston VA hospital psych ward after the george h. w. bush 2011 office incident. i was interviewed in 2014 by 2 different secret service agents, a male and a female, at my current home, who were associated with then texas governor rick perry's office, when i sent correspondence to i think 13 different government offices, with the use of the regular mail system, explaining the insanity of this world situation, trying to be euthanized at a hospital. i wanted to be shown official respect in public before i was killed. i also assumed that people who i am in activity with were also corresponding to offices, trying to make my death happen, because they knew that i was working on writing the correspondence. i spoke i think 2 more times after the interview at my home with that female agent. she seemed to be trying to figure out if i was a problem, but there was nothing more after that. she gave me her name and number, but i don't think that i have it anymore. i don't want to be put to sleep anymore. my life is difficult, but i have made some progress. i still wish that an official public statement was made about me, because i think that it would act as a deterrent against a few socially lame childish sadistic stalkers. they stalk everyone. they want people to know that it excites them to harm people emotionally. it can be typical in public situations. in a way i was more confused then, thinking that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone. i thought that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone from 2008 to 2012. before that i wasn't sure how many people it was. i wasn't able to focus in on concept of 144,000 until later. in the beginning, the thought of being in constant 24/7 activity with just a few people was confusing, because i didn't understand how we would work together, or how they would work with others, or what the social or work goal was. the thought of it being everyone made more sense in my mind, for a while, because i felt like a more meaningful or understandable purpose or task was being fulfilled. i began to think that it was everyone when i was betrayed and assaulted by the black woman who i am in constant 24/7 activity with at the grocery store in 2008. i couldn't imagine that one of my own people would intentionally betray, harm me and the community in that way, so i began to think that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone, and that there was both good and bad people. i stopped thinking that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone, after thinking it for 4 years, when i was being released from the harris county jail in 2012, after thinking that the government was never going to let me out of jail, realizing that most of what i had been thinking about my situation for years was delusional. in other words, what i experienced mentally for the 4 months that i was in the harris county jail was so bizarre that i was finally able to snap out delusional thinking. one of the offices i sent correspondence to in 2014, trying to be officially euthanized, was the white house, with president barack obama being there. i get the feeling that my mail would have been stolen by black women who work in mail, because they had stolen it before, and because they would have wanted me to feel as if i was being ignored in the event that obama would have corresponded, with black women wanting to provoke my anger, wanting to make an unnecessary racial issue of it, trying to make me unpopular publicly. this is the same reason that they infected my blood with something which targeted my digestive system; to confuse me and provoke my anger, publicly. you would assume that i would have been corresponded with, officially from the white house, about suicide prevention. i am not upset with the obamas. i have great respect for them. i was very very angry with them for some time in the past, when i was thinking that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone, including them, thinking that everyone was knowing that something absolutely absolutely horrifying was happening to me, and that no one cared. i was eventually corresponded with about suicide prevention, after i started to send correspond electronically to the white house, after i correspondence which i sent with the use of the regular mail system. another issue is that what good is it for me to have talked with someone about suicide prevention, when they either don't know about my real situation because no one who knows about my real situation has told them, or when they would know about my real situation, but act like they don't care. i honestly have no desire anymore to die before my natural time, even when or if my life is extremely confusing. i told people yesterday that i accomplished the mission, or the met the objective, but am still stuck in what could be compared to a war zone.
that information is very important for the public, including government.
i didn't want to confuse the spirit of the olympics closing ceremony, but we still had, or maybe have, some issues to work through. the olympics wasn't or wouldn't be the only thing on my mind. i didn't even think of the olympics yesterday when i worked.
i fine tuned comments in different files in the 'miscellaneous files' section of this website.
i am going to try to coordinate with houston, texas channel 2 (NBC) news investigators, sending them an email after i type this. i want to let people know what i am doing. I should not be wrongfully discriminated against, nor should anyone else in the community. people should be able to feel as if they can communicate openly and candidly about what they know about me and this situation. this is not an unusual situation. apparently i am here all of the time, or frequently. a blink of an eye to God. not just 2 christs.
it important for me to state that i was able to give people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000), who are situated in places all around the world, who speak different languages, an opportunity to locate my website on the internet. i translated my full name, as my full name would enable someone to locate my website, into the numbers corresponding to each letter of my full name, as the place values of each letter in the latin alphabet. i explained many times by speaking out loud, and with body language, what i was doing, so i think that it worked. i used google translate, with audio function when it was available, typing numbers spaced with commas, as the numbers corresponded to the place value of the letters of my full name, using the latin alphabet. for example, a = 1, b = 2. when the google translate audio function was not available for some languages, i was able to give people the information myself, verbally, using information from omniglot as a reference, and method of performing the conversion into numbers myself. in other words, when i speak out loud, it is sensed by others who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. interesting work. God bless you...\
i corresponded with houston, texas channel 2 television (NBC) investigates. investigation ideas. i made an online submission. today is 8/11/24.
i am not implying that channel 2 must do something.
but some kind of response would put me at ease, thanx.
when i went to george h. w. bush's office in 2011, it was late at night. i did not go into the office building and talk with anyone. the building was locked. i thought that bush was inside of the building and that something weird was going on with different government security agencies, listening for voices. i stood outside the building, trying to understand what was going on, when nothing was going on inside of the building. apparently the real building security called the houston police. they took me to the houston VA hospital psychiatric people.
i sent this message to
whitehouse.gov on 8/31/24. sent to both president joe biden and vice president kamala harris, same message sent to each office, both president and vice president offices.
Mr. President. I think that you know who I am, and something about the unique situation which I am in. It is very difficult when I don't have any official public support. People all over the world are being intentionally made sick every day by a few evil, childish, socially lame people, in order to try to make something about Christ seem unpopular. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive think that they can't survive if Christ, or people who are Christ like, are popular, because they think that people think that they don't have anything in common with Christ, or people who are Christ like, positive, honest, loving people. They are thugs who think that they can bully the community with blatant, unintelligent ugliness, including bullying the government, assuming that the government will never try to protect the people or itself. This isn't church, whereby typically the people who attend already have a humble, submissive, loving attitude toward God, and toward each other as a community. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are childish, evil, socially lame losers, who don't have honest goals. Sort of like homeless crazy people who need to be defended against. They are like people who assault people with assault weapons at socials events which most people want to be happy events, wanting the people who are harmed emotionally to know that it excited them to do harm. Please help get this on track for the world. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are like obnoxious children who need order to be enforced. It wouldn't take much. I am not in any trouble with the law. There should be a unified global understanding of my presence. Otherwise, when i die, it will leave a void, or a vacuum, which I fear will be an international public security issue.
My website is: joshuaevanmishler-pinnacle1.com.
People who I am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000) know that i am sending this message. Please try to help. Thanx.
VP Harris. I think that you know who I am, and something about the unique situation which I am in. It is very difficult when I don't have any official public support. People all over the world are being intentionally made sick every day by a few evil, childish, socially lame people, in order to try to make something about Christ seem unpopular. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive think that they can't survive if Christ, or people who are Christ like, are popular, because they think that people think that they don't have anything in common with Christ, or people who are Christ like, positive, honest, loving people. They are thugs who think that they can bully the community with blatant, unintelligent ugliness, including bullying the government, assuming that the government will never try to protect the people or itself. This isn't church, whereby typically the people who attend already have a humble, submissive, loving attitude toward God, and toward each other as a community. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are childish, evil, socially lame losers, who don't have honest goals. Sort of like homeless crazy people who need to be defended against. They are like people who assault people with assault weapons at socials events which most people want to be happy events, wanting the people who are harmed emotionally to know that it excited them to do harm. Please help get this on track for the world. The people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are like obnoxious children who need order to be enforced. It wouldn't take much. I am not in any trouble with the law. There should be a unified global understanding of my presence. Otherwise, when i die, it will leave a void, or a vacuum, which I fear will be an international public security issue.
My website is: joshuaevanmishler-pinnacle1.com.
People who I am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000) know that i am sending this message. Please try to help. Thanx.
the message above which i sent to the president and vice president of the united states doesn't mean that i am stuck up. people don't have to go to church if they don't want to, figuratively communicating, but they should not get in the way of people who do want to go to church, figuratively communicating.
No one could be blatantly, childishly, strangely stalked and bullied, like i have been and still am, and remain calm, given the situation. not the pope. not mother theresa. no one. in fact, it makes a person who is loving and caring even more angry than a person who isn't loving and caring. some people are playing stupid because they don't want any real responsibility.
a few (not all) black women are still trying to cover up the fact that they have been blatantly cruel and fake. they didn't think in the past that i would eventually defend myself and the community online. they try to cover it up, or pretend as if they are covering up their cruelty and fakeness, while actually at the same time intentionally wanting to be thought of as cruel and fake, trying to recruit. they will be the blind (stupid) leading the blind (stupid). they really don't care about their image and it is a real shame. these few (not all) black women who do this don't care about being real and responsible, publicly. they are lazy. simple. i state this not to insult, or to harm, or to hate, but to love, trying to get people to be real, trying to inspire. don't waste your lives. just because i had a love dream and they didn't, doesn't mean that i didn't.
why is northern trust bank, george h. w. bush's office, antarctica, thule.org, or paris hilton important? honest, real, loving black people, or anyone else who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, know that none of it is important at all because i am not evil and because i wanted to help everyone. everyone. end of discussion.
these few cheesy weird sadistic people including black guy and mexican girl keep assaulting me. they want people to know that they know that i am innocent, and that it excites them to harm an innocent, defenseless unique white person, publicly, implying that they can get away with it. it is absolutely sick. i mean, what they are doing to me and other innocent people all over the entire world.
just because i called a creepy obnoxious, weird, angry, childish, evil, sadistic black women a name in 2008 doesn't mean that i am a white supremacist. she assaulted me knowing that i was innocent. angry because i was more confident than her. just because i don't like a few fake childish mean black women or maybe a few black people in general doesn't mean that i am a white supremacist, either.
just because i had a love dream, and they didn't, or couldn't, doesn't mean that i didn't. get real. leave me and other people alone.
i mentioned the year of the horse in 2 years, and how rats don't get along with horses, and then thought that some of these black women might try to use it as an opportunity to murder me, trying to fabricate some nonsense divine meaning. i think that there is a good chance that i will be murdered sometime, anyway. the people who would do it would want to imply that they humiliated me before they did it, when they wouldn't have.
just because these fake cruel people are intentionally causing me to have to struggle horribly doesn't mean that they are the winners, or that God is on their side. i am an innocent defenseless man who is basically being tortured every day by lame childish psychopathic people who want to try to humiliate me because i can be happy in a special way which they can't be, publicly. why don't the police try to help me and other innocent people out? the people who tell blatant lies about me, pretending as if they have a reason to assault me every day, are pretending as if i haven't already defended myself. i have. i have a confused past, but none of it matters at all because i am not evil, and because my intent was to help everyone. they try to make me look defenseless because they think that they are defenseless for what they are publicly known to have done. a few fake cruel black women (yes black women, i can state that you have been something negative for the community, and because you are, if you choose to continue to be.) and this black guy and mexican girl who i communicate about in the beginning of this section of this website. ignorant people couldn't possible imagine how ugly their attitude is. they hate being what they are, but pretend as if they like being what they are.
why would it be a problem to state, publicly, that some black women are very very mean, fake and childish, when that is obviously what they want to be known for? seriously. that is the image they want. in america? it is not the image i want or have. they choose to play dumb and be lazy, and they shouldn't. a few socially lame, thug like, low class black girls are trying to bully other black girls, or black people in general. they have detestable, cheesy thug like, low class attitudes. a few black girls who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, WHO DON'T WORK, who have mental problems, who are obviously low class, who are trying to hustle, trying to bully and run people, are like thug black girls who sit in a jail cell. it isn't going to work. they spread their thug hustle all over black female america since 2008, being totally fake, implying that they are God and that i am not, trying to steal something from me. they are a real danger to national security, playing stupid, childish games with computers and phones, racists. guess what? you can't have it. as much as you want to have it, you aren't going to take it from me. they are thug like, low class common thieves. they think that they made themselves look bad, and then try to take everyone down with them. you're not taking everyone down with you. bye bye. go away. they don't give a damn about themselves, or other black people, or anyone. irresponsible.
people wouldn't believe what kind of emotional pain in am in every day. no law. like a 3rd world country. people who have a savage mentality.
sometimes i feel sorry for this black guy and mexican girl. you can try to make friends with a wild animal, but it doesn't work impossible. they are some kind of weird human mixed with animal. their instinct is to attack people.
the black guy and mexican who i have communicated about in the first part of this section of this website are trying to trick ignorant people into thinking that they are not human, trying to create gossip all over the world. at first they did want people to know who they were. now they are trying to hide. they fear being killed in this life, or in future lives. they know that they can easily be identified because of the unusual issue they developed with their left eye. they are not gods. they are no more gods than i am a god. i am a human on earth.
the few people who got themselves into social trouble over the year try to make it seem like if i honestly write something about the situation on my website, that i am fake. then, if i don't honestly write something about the situation on my website, they imply that ignorant people could or should think that anyone else who honestly writes about the situation are fake. the few people who got themselves into social trouble over the years actually hate the internet, but pretend as if it works for them, being fake. they don't even care if people know that they are fake. they want to imply that they have a reason to be lazy and uncaring.
go ahead. be evil and obnoxious. gang up on me and other honest people. it just makes my job easier.
the black man and mexican girl are trying to put the 144,000 at odds with itself, trying to deceive people who i came into constant 24/7 activity with, after i translated my full name, or website address, into different languages around the world in the year 2024. they are trying to avoid being killed in this life, or their future lives.
the mexican girl is lying to her parents, stating that someone else besides her is being aggressive with the physical contractions which she can create with the use of the concentration of her mind, trying to deceive her parents for inheritance money. i told her a long time ago to come out and talk to me, actually communicating to me and everyone else something real and conclusive, and she did exactly what i didn't want her to do, digging herself into a hole. ignorant people have no idea about how nice i was to this girl in the beginning.
the government should put out a unified official public statement about what they know about this situation, whether they feel comfortable about it or not. try to protect people, including governments. this creature (2 different people, yes, i am absolutely sure) is some kind of insane psychopathic sadistic creature which is attacking us, including trying to bully government. it is animal like and trying to survive somehow. i firmly believe that part of the rationale behind the design and construction of the pyramids at gizeh (egypt) is to keep this weird creature at bay. please put out a statement, so that this creature doesn't think that it can get away with it, or dominate with brutality; psychological warfare. it is like an animal which is caged, or being caged, and it thinks that as long as no official public statement is made, that it has a chance of getting away, not giving a damn about community harmony. the military should know about this. it is a form of biological warfare.
squared away. high and tight. outstanding. high speed, low drag. good to go. hoorah. pull chocks.
drive on.
it won't do me or the world any good to not give me or other people responsibility, like it or not. waste of my time and other people's time. i have to know who i am in order for this to work correctly each time each time that i am here. someone has to tell me. this time i was able to figure it out on my own, eventually. part of the way that i figured out who i am was in the summer of 1997, with people involving me in a church organization who knew who i was, but who didn't want to tell me who i was, i think because they thought that it would confuse me. i was able to figure out later on that they knew who i was. tell me who i am when i am about 10 years old. it doesn't do the world any good for me to be here, and to not know who i am, and for people to not know about me. it potentially creates security problems for the world because of gossip, or a lack or order, in the present incarnation, and in future incarnations. people benefit when their minds and spirits are more engaged, even if difficult at first. good parents give their children challenges, because they believe in them, also offering them moral support and guidance when in need. good luck.
i have been writing notes in my phone for a few weeks.
i don't want to communicate about any of this anymore.
i copied important information from the 'for your information' section of this website, pasted it to close to the top of this section of this website. link to great pyramid. alpha draconis. satan. draconian. information about archons. you can also do search for archons and negative aliens. i think that it is related.
i think that if the government would make an official, public story about me, showing some support and confidence, i think that these things would back off. i am not crazy. they try to dominate with ugly psychological warfare and deception. they assume that i will be fair game, along with everyone else who is made defenseless.
i also copied it here beneath. it is close to the top and right here underneath this.
interesting article about great pyramid. cornerstone. chief cornerstone.
scroll down to part about alpha draconis. thuban. satan.
this is very important. i'm not crazy.
https://www.blueletterbible.org/study/larkin/dt/32.cfmalpha draconis. constellation of draco. draconian. egyptian set (sat-an). alpha draconis is called thuban (serpent) in arabic.
thuban, head of the serpent, or large snake. alpha draconis, look to our northern hemisphere.
binary star system.historically represented the north pole, from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BCE.
in arabic, it represents the dragon.
in egypt thuban was very significant in the original alignment of the pyramids and stars before the earth's tilt and magnetic realignment. pharoah kufu believed he would join the sun and thuban in death.
in sumerian and mesopotamiam lore, it was called tiamat. tiamat the sea serpent, that existed even before the sky and sea had divided from each other. a dragon of chaos that had to be tamed before brining in a new order.
in greek mythology hercules, jason and cadmus are all tasked by gods, to kill a dragon for different reasons, eventually placing a dragon in the sky to represent a trophy of cadmus.
habab is where satan get's connected to draco threw pagan arabic, muslim cultures, the light barer, bringing of morning, the morning star.
jujitsu comes from thuban, and was given to his half son oda nobunaga, as a gift to help conquer and unite japan.
the archons are a war bread race, hive minded, cybernetic, genetically modified constructs, that have become self aware are an now have the ability to war with higher dimensional forces by causing havoc in the system like a virus. the fallen.__________________________________________________
type in bold above.
this is what i have been communicating about. i have read something else about a hive mind from another source. something about orion dragon queen. i am guessing thuban, as it relates to alignment of the great pyramid, one of the 3 pyramids corresponding to the constellation or orion. i read the term messeh, from which comes our term messiah or mashiach. something about crocodile/reptilian. i am reasonably certain that i, or a positive force, is to keep this entity at bay, cycle after cycle. they seem to be more of an annoyance, rather than a real threat. maybe the annoyance is a real threat. they try to use deception and psychological warfare as a method of dominating, or survival. criminally insane. very strong survival instinct, but irrational or confused thinking, like an animal which is trapped, attempting to break free.
it is just like they teach in church, that satan tries to stop you from being more, or as much as you can be in life. i want you to be as much as you can be. good luck and God bless you. love.
the black man who i have already communicated about wants to hurt women because he thinks that they like me more than him, for good reasons. he is a weird, weak, wimpy, insecure, evil black man, with a weird social problem, which he created for himself. he has a weird sex problem. this doesn't mean that i am a white supremacist or white national.
the few people who have acted up, and who are still acting up, being unnecessarily aggressive, have weird mental and social problems. a few of the 144,000. they are like childish vandals. they want to vandalize my spirit, and people's spirits as well. they want me and other people to know that it excites them to be able to people. they are just like childish vandals, who want to get so much attention for doing so little.
i wish that the NAACP would get involved, making an official public statement.
this is not condescending.
the one single black women who assaulted me at the grocery store in 2008 was a childish, evil, weird, angry vandal. she has a mental problem. i know what i am communicating about. she wanted to vandalize my spirit, permanently. she thought that she had an opportunity to get away with it. it is a real shame, because so many innocent black women, or black people in general, have be negatively affected by her past and continued actions. i am not happy about this. she wanted me and others to know that she is a person who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000).
i am not a mean white supremacist or white nationalist white person. i am not dishonest. i am a person who cared, and who still cares about peace and happiness for everyone. nothing will be lost.
my intent was never to be divisive, or to create division, and honest people know this.. my intent to to create something unified. i will try to stop utter childish obnoxious nonsense if i think that i have the ability to. parents or school teachers will sometimes become angry or assertive in order to try to instill order, for everyone's benefit, and there is nothing wrong with it. the problem is that i have no official, publicly sponsored authority vested in me. not as a god, not as superior, but as an american citizen who should have basic rights. people can pretend like they don't understand what has really happened, or what is happening. don't lie about my character because you are the one who did something childish, stupid and socially irresponsible.
please don't use that MHMR (Mental Health Mental Retardation) comment written by the la grange, texas police, dated 4/22/2011 ('important 2' section of this website), against me. you are ignorant. i am not insulting you. there can be a tendency to pigeon hole by people who don't know about this situation as well as others, or by people who don't have an informed, objective understanding of my mental health history. i am not schizophrenic. i moved from houston, texas to la grange, texas in 2009. i lived there from 2009 to 2011. a few of the police in la grange, texas, who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, tried to murder me a short time after the report, a portion of which is in the 'important 2' section of this website, created on april 22nd, 2011, was made. the police wanted to use that paperwork, and other paperwork which they intended to create, as a way of substantiating a murder. they intended to try to make it look like i was involved in drugs, or that mexicans involved in drugs committed the murder. this was at a motel in schulenburg, texas, the corner of the north side of interstate 10 and west side of highway 77, at the end part of april 2011. i stayed at the motel because i was afraid of my old mexican neighbor, confused, thinking that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone, when there was no need to be afraid of my neighbor. i thought that i was in constant 24/7 activity with everyone from 2008 to 2012, communicating frequently about every aspect of my life. the few police officers who i was, and i think still am in constant 24/7 activity with knew that people who i actually am in constant 24/7 activity with wouldn't know if i was in constant 24/7 activity with my old mexican neighbor, or any person who he might have been associated with. i wasn't involved in drugs or drug dealing, and when everyone knew that i wasn't. i suspected my old mexican neighbor was involved in drug activity, and people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with knew this, but i honestly had, and still have no substantial proof that this was, or is true. the mexican girl who can act aggressively toward the 144,000, described in the first part of this section of this website, knew and still knows that i was innocent of any wrong doing. i think that money was the police officer's motive to murder me. they were becoming more and more confused, unable to work at their jobs as time went on. i have already corresponded with the fayette county sheriff about this. i know much more about this situation that you think. i don't believe that any of the few cops who were involved in that situation still work for the police force in la grange, texas. not because they got in trouble for what they did, but because they probably had to quit their jobs back in 2011 for mental problem reasons. they probably gave their boss some other explanation in order to try to cover their tracks. i also believe that part of their motive was personal, because of their own personal, confused social problems which they created for themselves by having engaged in childish, unnecessary gossip about me. i was not as mature, or hadn't made as much progress as i have now at that time. the mexican girl who i am in constant 24/7 activity with knew and still knows that i was, and still am innocent of any wrong doing. she stabbed me and anyone else who she knew would defend me in the back, trying to make it seems as if i was involved in something illegal, unethical, wanting to try to relate it to drugs, george h. w. bush and northern trust bank. she tried to create a way for herself to wrongfully defame me, wanting to use the 144,000 as a type of media, stupidly trying to promote herself as messiah, and then have me murdered so that i wouldn't have an opportunity to defend myself, publicly. i know what i am communicating about. she didn't anticipate or know then that i would eventually defend myself on the internet.
i know without a doubt that the mexican girl lied, and continues to lie to her parents about what she knew, and knows about la grange, texas. she told her parents that she knew that i was innocent, starting in 2011, then changed her story to her parents after i got the police report from la grange in 2014, knowing even more that i was innocent. i know what i am communicating about. she thought that she could use the report as type of a alibi, like a dumb criminal, trying to confuse a crime scene, not wanting her parents to understand how unbelievably greedy, aggressive, rude and childish she is. she thought that she could twist the truth, which she already understood before i got the report, against me and anyone else who she knew would defend me when she tried to have me murdered in 2015. she thought that if she would make the 144,000 so sick with constant aggression, that someone would murder me in order to get rid of her. she also wanted people to know that she took a sick pleasure in wanting to confuse my dog and family, while she tried to have me murdered. she lies, stating to her parents that someone else is responsible for the aggression. she doesn't give a damn about her parents or anyone else. i wouldn't be surprised if she had created a facebook account with a fake profile, probably wearing sunglasses in her profile picture, maybe with a name which is similar in some way to 'aliyah girlie 30'.
both the black man and mexican girl who can act aggressively toward the 144,000 have vicious, violent mentalities. they are also pathological liars, or criminally insane. i understand why ignorant people would think that maybe i have a mental problem, or that i don't know what i am communicating about. i really do know what i am communicating about. these two people try to get people to communicate about them, and what they do, in order so that they think that they can use it as an alibi, or as a way of implying that no one could have anything on them, or do anything about it if they were responsible, because of how it is an unusual situation. they think like criminals. they like to flaunt being evil, wanting to try to intimidate others, but it really only acts as a stupid annoyance, not intimidation, only confining them to nothingness. only ugly psychological warfare, which will never help them. they really don't care about survival, or trying to survive. they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. actually, thinking again, they don't even talk the talk.
this is definitely not meant as a insult or disparagement of blacks and mexicans in america. i do not like the notion of white people, or whoever, insinuating unnecessary racial bias toward blacks and mexicans in america.
i don't want to communicate about this anymore. i don't need to.
god bless you.
one more important issue about what happened in la grange, texas, is that i went back after i moved back to houston, texas, in 2011, to speak personally with my old mexican neighbor, several times, informing him that someone was trying to wrongfully defame me. i also mailed him a copy of the police report which is in the 'important 2' section of this website, also having made a note with it, having read it aloud before i put in the mail. mexicans don't want to harm me. unfortunately, there are a few people who might try to make it look like something is more interesting or more important than it was, or is.
i believe that i was initially charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest in 2002. the incident took place close to beaumont, texas. that is jefferson county. when i went to a bail bond place in downtown houston, not in trouble, about 8 years ago, to get a print out of my criminal history, i remember only seeing disorderly conduct. i don't know if it is different on paper in two different counties, jefferson county (beaumont, texas) or harris county (houston, texas). i never lie about anything, so it isn't important, or exciting, or interesting.
a few people who obviously lie about me and my past don't hate me because i am mean or dishonest. they hate me because i am more popular than they are, or than they made themselves over the years. a type of constant 24/7 public situation. have some respect, and don't jump the gun. be openminded.
whether people want to think or read about it or not, there are some weird, evil, childish, very mean people in the world. i am not one of them. ignorant people don't know me or the situation that well. i am not insulting you.
i went to a bail bond place in houston, texas (harris county) tonight to get another print out of my criminal history. i see that there is no disorderly conduct charge. i don't understand this, because when i obtained my criminal history from different bail bond place in downtown houston (harris county) about 8 years ago, not in trouble, there was a charge for only disorderly conduct in 2002. this is what i remember, and i told everyone who i am in constant 24/7 activity with about it, right after i got the report, sitting in my car, looking at the print out for 10 or 15 minutes. i assumed that the disorderly conduct charge was because of what happened in jefferson county, close to beaumont, texas, in 2002. this is why i didn't understand what the charge was. either disorderly conduct, or resisting arrest, or both. i learned from the bail bond person tonight that a harris county bail bond place would not have any record for anything which occurred in jefferson county.
the reason that i went to get my criminal history from a bail bond place about 8 years ago, not tonight, was because when i was in the back of a police car about 8 or 9 years ago, being taken to the michael debakey VA hospital for mental health reasons, from my current home, not for a crime, i looked at the computer in the police car from the back seat, seeing that it was definitely my name, seeing two charges which i had never been charged with. one charge was 'assault with a deadly weapon', and the other was some charge for drugs which i had never been charged with. i told people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with about this then, stating it out loud, because i was confused about it, feeling as if it was a problem. a few months later, i thought that i should go get a print out of my criminal history to see what i could find out.
i am going to try to get a print out of my criminal history from jefferson county tomorrow. i already called a bail bond place, and they told me to call back in the morning.
i intend to scan my criminal history for both harris county, texas, and jefferson county, texas, and upload to my website, placed in the 'miscellaneous files' section.
i don't need doctors and medication. i need a little respect and love. why should i communicate to a mental health doctor, publicly, who has not been officially informed about my real situation, which the public is definitely aware of?
i spoke with the jefferson county, texas courthouse clerk today. she informed me that they will send me my criminal history in jefferson county. i have to send a $10 check through the mail first.
the issue with the la grange, texas police and/or texas fayette county sheriff's department does not reflect poorly upon the police, in general. it reflects poorly upon some of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. i know with certainty that black females who i am in constant 24/7 activity with communicate with other black females, including police officers, or former police officers.
in reference to my 2002 arrest in jefferson county, texas, for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, a "police call" in the military is where many soldiers gather together in formation to search for rubbish, or to keep the environment safe. FOD (Foreign Object Debris) is probably policed off of aircraft carriers, or places where aircraft are kept, by military personnel every day, maybe more than one time a day. not limited to military aircraft. my first Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was as a helicopter mechanic (67V), having initially enlisted in the army reserves. i liked the structure of active duty military, so i decided to be retrained as a legal administrative specialist (71D), having worked for the JAG (Judge Advocate General).
the police exist for a good reason. it would be chaos without them. they also act as a deterrent for crime. they have a difficult job. unpredictable situations. show them respect.
as a former solider, i know that repetitious training is very important. competency. proficiency. practice. confidence. it is difficult to be able to train for every situation.
thule.org is back online. i am glad that he is publishing his own work, himself.
https://thule.org/i initially researched thule, or thule society, because of a basic desire to learn and help people, only if i could help people, everyone, in a positive manner. i got a file from an old friend who was not advocating white supremacy, which had something about the thule society in it (World War 2). i think that it is named 'the omega file' now. i have already communicated about this. i have not read all of it, and i really don't have an interest in reading all of it. my old friend was searching for information about the ark of the covenant because of several unusual experiences which he had with the supernatural. he informed me that he search for 'ark', and found a file supposedly written by a person named 'arkel', which led him to the file. i have already communicated these things with people, more than once, starting in the year 2002, when i began to communicate out loud with people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. i was, and am still not advocating white supremacy. i had unusual experiences with the supernatural, starting in the year 1997, including communication from the black man which started in 1998, who i communicate about in the 'important 1' section of this website, who i did not know was an ignorant black man, who didn't know what he was doing, and still doesn't know what he is doing, thinking that he was some type of super government agent. i had a good intent. he knew that i had a good intent, but then changed his story later, after he thought that he got himself into social trouble by engaging in childish, unnecessary games. he thought that he created a problem for himself, which really wasn't a problem, but because he is so childish and insecure, he cracked under pressure. i've tried to be friendly with him. he isn't friendly. it took me about 3 or 4 years after the year 1997 to be able to think that maybe i was supposed to help, or that i could do some good in the world, after initial unusual isolation and confusion. i didn't want to think that i was powerless, or that the community was powerless, or that i was condemned to a life of isolation and confusion, or that i couldn't do some good in the world, because of what i had, and still have in my heart. god bless you.
don't be fooled or discouraged by the propaganda of the 3rd reich. this is not propaganda. this isn't white supremacy. this is a study group. whites or blacks shouldn't think of it as unnecessary angry racial issue in america. be openminded.
because of what happened to me, experiences with the supernatural, and various things which i read, and the way that it happened, i thought that maybe i was being told that i was supposed to be involved in something, in order to create something positive, for everyone.
i can't control everything. i can promote something diverse and unified. people knew what was in my heart years ago, when i would be alone, studying, talking out loud every week for years. i'm talking out loud all of the time, always being as honest as i can be, because i have to be, also trying to figure things out. i'd like to think that top and bottom can meet in the middle, and that there is definitely something more important than money. good, long term management.
my instinct on the day when i first went into the houston, texas, michael debakey VA hospital psychiatric department, in december of 1997, was to try to protect black people, having taken some actions, thinking that i was protecting them. it was witnessed. i was initially confused by an array of unusual experiences with the supernatural, and thought that there was more of a problem than there was, or is. i was young and inexperienced. take it in stride.
i never had, and still don't have, an intent to oppress anyone. if the guy who i used to communicate with at
thule.org would have every communicated about hating certain groups of people, i wouldn't have communicated with him anymore. i assumed that everything was better or more important than it was back then, because of my unusual experiences with the supernatural, most of which was communication from the ignorant black man, who i didn't know was an ignorant black man back then, who would eventually stab me and other people in the back. i honestly didn't get the impression that the guy at
thule.org hated all people of color, or jewish people. in a way it doesn't matter if he really does, because i am the one who doesn't hate all people of color, or jewish people. i was not that close to him, and i'm not sure that we would get along well if communicating face to face. why would i have made any inference of hating anyone, when i knew that i was in constant 24/7 activity with different types of people, and when i already knew that they knew that i had love in me, because of what i honestly, openly communicate all of the time? i shared what i was doing with people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, as if we were experiencing and learning together, thinking that we were on the same team. why would i have thought that anyone who i am in constant 24/7 activity with would think that i am a racist, or that i have hate in me, when obviously i didn't, or don't, because of what i constantly communicate? a few black women turned fake and mean, panicking, after the incident at the grocery store, paris hilton incident, in 2008, going back into my past, trying to rewrite history for their own childish, evil, selfish social reasons. they state that i am a money problem and a racist, with them lying about anything that they possibly could lie about, only because i called an creepy, evil, childish, sadistic black woman who stupidly attacked me in 2008, grocery store incident, a name. i could have called her something which i think would have seemed worse. i was trying to be funny about it. another thing is that i have rights. it doesn't matter if i research something, or communicate with someone, like anyone else could, because my intent was, and still is, in check. i wouldn't be surprised if the u.s. government has already investigated me, or continues to investigate me. that is absolutely fine with me. that is what i would want, and also what i would want everyone to know about.
a few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000), who are childish, evil and unpopular, are desperately trying to get me to lose my cool on the internet, knowing that i have a good heart, and that i will try to protect people.
the few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000), who are acting up blatantly stupid, childish, evil, being unnecessarily aggressive, try to get me to try to protect the community from them, knowing that i will because they know that i have a good heart, making a sick joke about how i am defenseless, with them intentionally trying to create collateral damage, in order to try to make people not like me, or anyone who defends me, or acts like they like me. there is a fine line between trying to eliminate a threat, and causing unnecessary collateral damage, harming innocent people. i wouldn't fight in the way which i do, or have over the years, unless i already knew that 80% or 90% of the community is knowingly supporting me. the other 20% or 10% will figure it out, hopefully. if you don't want to do honest work, fine, but don't obstruct people who do, or who want to.
the few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000), who are being unnecessarily aggressive, evil, blatantly childish and disrespectful, are engaging in weird, pathetic, self destructive behavior. they are psychopathic, i think it is classified as anti social personality disorders. total disregard for people's feelings. they think that they have made themselves seem so unattractive, that they don't care about love, or fun, in general. they should care. they are obviously fixated on trying to make people who they think seem more attractive than they are seem unattractive, or miserable, being that their behavior indicates that they don't feel attractive, and that they are stating that they don't feel attractive. their tactics won't work. they don't seem to understand or care about how positive minds are stronger than negative minds. they don't seem to care about sex, or more importantly love and peace, in general, and they should care. a sweet compliment is always good.
people who think that they can not do much or anything on their own, for whatever reason, weak minded, are trying to recruit people who they think are also weak, thinking and wanting others to think that they could do more as a giant, stupid, blind leading the blind group. they wouldn't. they don't even know what is happening, or what will be happening, or what the condition is, or what an objective would be. the internet creates the illusion that people are grouped stronger than they are, or would be, without it. it won't be around forever. chill out, go home, and relax. share with your neighbors. do the best which you can. it is all mixed together.
a resolution which i want to believe is attainable, would be for the government to give official, public notification of a my presence, indicating that there is proof, or testimony, that there have been some social problems which were not necessary. people don't have to worship me, or go to church if they don't want to, but i should be given a basic amount of social acknowledgement, and protection. i believe that if i am given some official respect, that the very few people who are being blatantly childish and disrespectful will lose interest in continuing with that behavior. the public would need to know that i knew that a public statement had been made, in order for it to work. i vow to stay out of trouble, obeying the law, trying to keep a good attitude, studying, sharing relevant information, also keeping my attitude online in check. amen.
don't assume that this is better than it really is, or will be. i am able to keep it grounded when i am alive with a website, also because of good people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000). i think that unless some official public respect is given to me, while i am alive, that it will not be good for the community after i die. i predict that, after i die, that there will be a divergence of gossip, feelings, action, and continued actions in the community. this will affect government in future generations. i think that if there is an official general consensus, while i am alive, that i was, and should be respected, that there will be less confused gossip, and consequently more peace, or opportunity for peace.
the government or governments should not take a position like a child watching a cartoon, like i am the hero who slays the beast, against odds, and that i don't need any help. the conflict which currently exists, which people are aware of, is doing, and will do serious, confused, long term social damage if i am not officially, publicly shown some respect. you shouldn't realistically rely on me to create something positive, long term, if you don't want the public to think that you want to act like you care about trying to protect me from socially lame, childish, very mean, psychopathic people. even if i don't communicate that there is a problem on my website, other people will communicate about it, and the negative gossip will last. lead by example, respect and love. the government or governments should not complicate this with unnecessary formality or unnecessary bureaucracy. be friendly and humble. come down to the people. it will help. the government or governments should not project fear, or uncertainty, or indecision.
do you know what i really think? i think that it seems like people are curious, and like they are inclined to try to set me up for failure, by never speaking with me in person, indicating in person, publicly, that they know who i am, giving me opportunity to shine, publicly. it is a public situation for everyone but me.
i didn't know that i had to drag a wooden cross to golgotha, while being whipped and spit on, in order to prove that i am worthy of God. the proof is in the figgy pudding. i think that in general, people have been brainwashed about jesus christ, seeing movies about him, or being at church, thinking of a suffering christ upon a crucifix. too somber.
i would rather think about life and happiness, rather than death and sadness.
if this is a government job interview, why doesn't some government person, or government personnel, come speak with me in person, publicly, asking me questions, so as to establish the matter?
i am friendly. are you friendly?
i am trustworthy. are you trustworthy?
you would expect me to do something for you, or to create something positive for you and the community, but you wouldn't even give me any real or official power, publicly, with it being a public situation for everyone else, except me. power can be good, if a caring person has it. i care about helping the community and world leaders, and future world leaders, and future world leaders, etc.
whether people realize it or not, i am fighting for your rights, and the spirit of christ.
you shouldn't make it about my "popularity", rather than just giving me a little official acknowledgement, acting like you are trying to protect me, the community, and the government. i should have rights, just like anyone else. no unnecessary or prejudicial bias.
the bottom line is my criminal record, and i'm not in any trouble with the law. i am also not a money problem. just because i have honest ambition, which some people don't have, doesn't mean that i am a money problem.
i am going to be myself, and true to myself. i don't like the idea of people wanting to unnecessarily politicize me.
there is the concept that christ is savior, but christ is also saved, or engaged, by the same process or system.
it is really not about me setting an example of love and acceptance. i have already, knowingly done that. it is about you setting an example of love and acceptance. it doesn't need to be political issue for the government. it is a social issue, which will affect the government. maybe that it politics. or, make it a political issue so that it isn't a political issue. be bold. i think that if the government normalizes this situation, making it more about scientific phenomenon, not "religious" phenomenon, that it would help.
a problem with this situation, being the way which it is, is that on one hand people can act like they know what is going on, and on the other hand they can act like they don't know what is going on. there should be a basic amount of accountability.
hey ya'll. you don't have to worship me, but it would be nice to feel welcome here. it is a very difficult situation to be stuck in, with me not having a choice, so please have some compassion. i didn't know this was going to happen to me. my parents didn't have the intent to bring me into the world. what would that mean about my intent? i am trying to figure it out, just like other people are. we can do it together. i don't want to harm anyone, and i would appreciate it if you would show me a basic amount of respect, official, public. it would help me cope.
this shouldn't be like a job interview. you should treat me like someone who was, or already is an employee, who is given a basic amount of deserved acceptance and respect. sort of like what baptism is. you wouldn't have to be baptized in order for God to love you. not all cultures incorporate baptism into their faith practices. does that mean that God doesn't love those people, or that He prefers christians over someone else, or that they are not saved? no. obviously it wouldn't. christ is a process, not just a person, and there are different ways of thinking of the same thing, or different names for it.
i am a cheerful person by nature, but basically stuck in a weird state of confusion all of the time. sort of like a soldier who has been in the field for a long time. i can go from extreme to extreme sometimes, really because i am not being kept stable by the public. no open, public conversation about what is happening, plus really childish, creepy, weird, unwanted aggression from a very few unfriendly people. they are socially lame. i'm really not a cool, calm, collected celebrity personality all of the time. as stated, i am constantly confused, and i want to joke and be happy, so it can go from extreme to extreme; hence, the wrestling video which i deleted.
i didn't watch the entire paul bearer wrestling video. didn't understand it, either. sorry if confused anyone. it shouldn't be cryptic. i'm fed up and i have a sense of humor. i thought that it was so goofy that i didn't care. my intent was to make people smile, or relax, and so it will work out ok. i believe in myself, in general, so God is with you.
it is confusing and somewhat painful to think that my presence in the past, was, or is the root cause of conflict in the middle east. i wish that an official, public story would be put out about me. it wouldn't change everything quickly, but i think that it would be beneficial to long term social development. there needs to be confidence, or validation vested in the system, in general. kids will benefit later. scripture, as an entire body of work, is the key.
part of the reason that i went to george h. w. bush's office in 2005 was to try to justify my own drug usage, knowing that i had a problem, wanting to believe, or implying that i had some authority to use illegal dope. it was a form of denial, but it was also very confused because of unique situation, thinking that it seemed ok to use, because i knew that everyone knew that it made me feel positive, also giving me energy to study. i think that it was also an admission of having a drug problem. amphetamine is used to lift the mood in clinical studies. another part of the reason that i went to his office was because i was having a fantasy about being able to work around people; fear of being stuck with really weird, confusing isolation, publicly, wanting to have a cool job with others. i do have a cool job. i want to get excited about other people and myself making a difference, together.
i had myself baptized when i was 16 or 17 years old. interesting experience.
this makes me think of a game of 8 ball, billiards, and it wasn't a good break at the beginning of the game, and someone needs to knock the cue ball into the cluster of balls, to break it up and get things moving so that we can learn, even if it means knocking one of your "opponent's" balls into a pocket. after all, it is about having fun, having a good game, not taking it too seriously.
i didn't sign up for politics, and definitely not dirty politics.
it must be exciting and interesting to talk about this unique situation with other people who indicate that they know about it. i would like to do the same. it would be fun for me to be able to feel like people were indicating that it is ok for me to get excited about being me, being able to work with others who indicate that they know who i am. otherwise, it really isn't fun, weird, and that doesn't help society, even though i am a fun person.
i don't like the idea of embarrassing the military, or anyone else, because of me being separated from the military early, even having been given a good discharge. i had a substance abuse problem. i still do, alcohol, but not a problem like when i was less mature. if i would have been situated on an aircraft carrier, or in a submarine, or in the field most of the time, i wouldn't have had opportunity to get myself into trouble, like i did having a job in administration. i am very proud of my military experience.
i edited some of the above.
people who haven't thought about it enough don't have an appreciation for that which precedes them. there is nothing which you can do about it. take a number. i am a slave, too. you are not going to figure it out. why care about it too much? have a good thanksgiving, or walk your dog in the park.
as far as the omega file and
thule.org issues go, it doesn't mean that all white people, or people with money, are connected. i also know that healthy creation doesn't limit itself to just white people.
i believe, or know, that there is ethic diversity at the top levels of government; meaning, government with extra terrestrial incorporation. i think that they are already so secure, financially, technologically, that they really don't need or want much. their sense of security and peace of mind would be, or is, more important than money and anyone which they really don't need. they would probably be more interested in being selective, wanting intelligent, honest, no nonsense, hard working people to be a part of their group; not just wealthy people.
i am neutral about the omega file and thule.org. i was most importantly being transparent. i didn't think or care too much about an affect, because i believe in a caring, loving God. it is really about intent, or a lack of intent.
the guy who i got the omega file from wasn't looking for information about white supremacy, or government, or world war 2. he decided to hike to the top of stone mountain, georgia with an old friend, a few years before he met me, and they had an experience with a UFO. he stated to me that he got taken into it, and was looking at 3 beams of light, also having some kind of telepathic experience, sensing something about the number 64. i call the 3 beams of light "snap, crackle and pop." or "curly, moe and larry". my thought, 64 could be 50 + 14, or 1 + 2 + 3 (6) [space], + 4 / [time], totaling 10. i met the old friend who climbed stone mountain, georgia, who shared the omega file with me, through a different old friend who i met in a night club in may of 1997, when i was looking for friends from college. i don't mean that the guy who i met at the night club was someone who i knew from college. the guy who i met at the night club came over to my place a few weeks after we met the first time, being homeless, carrying a box of personal belongings, needing a place to stay, so i let him stay a couple of days, and we stayed in contact thereafter. he later asked if a friend of his could stay at my place, and i was being hospitable, and said "yes". this was the other guy who climbed stone mountain georgia; the one who shared the omega file with me. the guy who shared the omega file with me thought that he had some special God task before he met me, building an ark to transport an ark, because of his experiences with the supernatural. it took him some time to be able to understand what it didn't mean, being in a type of shock from his experiences. he read into some type of meaning about his personal situation too much. i know what i am communicating about. i also believed, and still believe, that i have special God task, but i am who i am, and he is who is. it took me some time to figure out what was what. the old friend who climbed stone mountain, georgia didn't know who i was before he met me. i used to annoy and confuse him when i would try to explain what was going with me, after we met. my other old friend, who i met at the night club, didn't know who i was either. i used to annoy and confuse him also, trying to explain to him what was going on with me, after we met. there was no intent by any of us to do anything evil, or racist, or shady, and we didn't have some special involvement with government. type of fluke. people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with know all of this very well, because i used to go over it again and again, communicating out loud about it for years, wanting to share it with people, trying to figure it out, myself. i now think i do have some limited involvement with government, or that the government is aware of my presence, and monitors my activity, but i don't think, or i know, that my old friends are not involved with government. those are old friends, and i don't communicate with them anymore. we grew apart. people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, probably including a few people who worked for government, knew about what i was doing, when i was doing it.
this is not just a single person, or single event. it is many events, globally, which coincide, related to a single event.
i am not just complaining. i am complaining in order to try to get people to stop being unnecessarily aggressive, so that there is more peace and harmony. grow up. get a life.
a few black people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with are being blatant about wanting the public to know that they like to be ugly attitude, childish, low class acting, unintelligent acting bullies, being blatantly fake, stupid, about pretending as if it makes them attractive. they imply that they have more power than they actually do, or will, greedy for power, and they do it because they think that they don't have power, or because they don't want it to seem to the public that i am more attractive, or more powerful than they are. they want to make a sick mockery of christ, i think mostly because i am a white man with power in america, or the world. it is their hate. black people can hate, just as white people, or anyone else can.
these few black people who are being blatant about thinking that they get a weird thrill, causing unnecessary problems, seem to have psychological problems, and i wish that the government would step in and try to create order. this has been going on for 16 years, since 2008. that is basically a generation. the disorder has become a trend, and i fear that it will compound. i am also concerned that black females who work at internet provider companies are engaged in something childish, illegal, providing personal computer network information to the public.
i am not preaching hate of black people, or anyone else. it is really sad to think that black people know that i tried so hard to support them, and that a few lazy, childish black people, mostly black females, are trying to drag all black people down into their social mess, trying to make it seem like they should all group together. if they would do good things in life, and move on, they would feel better about themselves, gain confidence, thinking that they had power, and were attractive. i have preached this many times, out loud. quit communicating about me. they should communicate about themselves, having positive things to communicate about, like a good thanksgiving dinner. contribute positively.
a few of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with got themselves into social trouble over the years, gossiping too much about me, really because they wanted to boast about who they were, obviously, stupidly, making fun of me because they think that i have to go through something so confusing or socially awkward. then when i worked through some of the initial confusion, making progress and spiritual progress, with my act cleaned up, they sabotaged it because they thought that, because of what they had already been gossiping about, people who they communicated to, would think that they were heartless or evil if i succeeded. then some of them tried to make it look like i was evil, when they definitely knew that i wasn't. they want to keep me in a state of confusion and social awkwardness, publicly, knowingly, because they find it fascinating. it is childish and perverted. they think that it doesn't matter if people know what they are doing, because they assume that the government, or no authoritative body, will never stick up for me, publicly. it is just a few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with who are doing this, and peoples' knowledge of it, whether i personally communicate about it on my website or not, creates a negative tone for the community. i inform people about it, not wanting to create something negative, trying to give the few people who intentionally cause unnecessary problems no option but to stop, because it will make them unpopular, because they majority of people are on my side. they like to harm people emotionally, or people who are happier than they are, wanting to make it a public event. my defensive effort has worked over the years, along with the help from honest, good hearted people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. i hope that it gets better.
no offense at all, but in the event that anyone would state that it is time for me to move on, conceptualizing the present public situation, involving me, as an event like a typical, peaceful church service or mass, it really wouldn't move on unless a police officer, or good Samaritan in the church tackled and removed a very few crazy, psychopathic people who are shouting aloud, wielding weapons. get the unruly people out of the church, then you can have a peaceful service or mass. this is figurative. i am not the crazy, psychopathic people wielding weapons this isn't a brainwashed people story about a hollywood movie about a peaceful jesus, who wasn't being blatantly, unnecessarily harmed, publicly. one of the things i learned in a bible study is that jesus's anger, or determination, was respected. i am not an angry person by nature. people don't have to worship me, but leave me alone. i should have rights. christ can make weak people, who don't like themselves, want to hurt him, publicly. envy in public. it is more socially convenient for some people if i don't have success, or if am not publicly happy.
i didn't and don't want to make any of the george h. w. bush family uncomfortable, or feel pressured to agree or disagree with any of what is transpiring. i think that george h. w. bush knew about me, his experience as a freemason, but that he didn't have some special knowledge of me, or what i would eventually do, like i believed he did from 2002 to 2012. peace. i'm happy that he had a thanksgiving with his family, just before his passing.
i don't understand why in God's name that the government doesn't secure this, knowing that there is a public problem, or potential for a public problem in the future. are they being childish, and nosey, curious, getting a thrill, wanting to find out what happens if they don't do anything? i think that is seems as if they think that it would be convenient for them to set me up for failure, because it makes it convenient for them to say that christ doesn't work. it doesn't work if you don't give him some acknowledgement, just as any human should be given some acknowledgment.
why doesn't someone explain what you are thinking to me?
i am a happy person by nature, but it is not being supported.
i think that you people who are reading this think that this means that i am socializing. i am not socializing. i am always very confused about what is going on around me, and it makes me feel sad, empty and weird, like i am really not welcome here, or like people could hate me. a void in my life. how could i build the community up, lacking privacy in the manner which i do? what is the point? that people should think of a person who feels sad, empty, weird, confused?
i sent this message to
whitehouse.gov on 10/17/24.
President Biden. Hello. I think that you know about who I am. A group of people who I am in constant 24/7 activity with (144,000), situated worldwide, are being savagely, strangely assaulted, consistently, every day, by a creature which I reasonably believe is related to the star Alpha Draconis (Draconian). Something about the design of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. It is like a vicious animal combined with a weird, evil human. It wants the community to know that it wants to obstruct other people's work, so that it can have dominion here on earth. It is implying that it is the government, or that it wants to be the government, wanting others who it thinks that it can subdue to know that it is trying to get them to join in with it. It assumes that as long as no official, governmental, authoritative body comes to my, or the community's defense, making an official, public statement about my presence, this situation, and the fact that there is a known problem, that it can survive. It is like an animal which is confused, trying to survive. Psychopathic. It wants people to know that it enjoys creating misery, that it is excited by that. It has no remorse, no empathy, and I don't think that it will ever stop. Why do people have to be afraid of this creature? Why won't someone show me and the community some respect, and a little love? Please help. People know that I am corresponding with you, at this moment. I am going to copy this message and post it to the 'important 1' section of my website (joshuaevanmishler-pinnacle1.com).
i don't want to communicate about this anymore. i am really the one who is tired of it.
it is not that some black girls who have acted up, being unnecessarily aggressive, actually believe that i did something wrong. in fact, that want people to know that i am innocent. for some reason they want an "excuse" to imply that they are superior. some of them are playing a game of defiance, like a child would.
truthfully, i like the thought of giving a sweet black girl a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
i want the government and everyone else to know that the black man and mexican girl, who i reasonably assume are related the the star alpha draconis (draconian), are not sophisticated. they try to fool ignorant people, who they know get information from honest 144,000 people, into thinking that they are intellectually superior, or sophisticated. they are not sophisticated at all. they are not intelligent. they think like childish, dumb criminals, who don't care about themselves, or anyone else, stuck in a jail cell. it is like watching a criminal, who is busted, guilty, who is sitting in an interrogation room talking to the police, nervous, giving the police any kind of stupid, irrelevant crap which they can possibly come up with, in defiance. they know that they are busted. this, by virtue of what they are, because of what they think about themselves, and because of what they think that other people think of them.
this black guy who i have already mentioned is intentionally irritating. it is like he gets in our face every day, weird, and states "yeah, i am lame, childish, evil and perverted". the majority of black girls state that they don't like him, so he tries to humiliate me and them, together, especially because he thinks that they think that their are reasons to like me. in case he is trying to make it look like he is sexual and i am not, i am not interested in having sex with an ugly attitude, stupid, childish, evil black man. i am referring to the black man which i have already mentioned, in this section of this website. he already knew this. he knows this. get away from us, creep. get your own sex partner, on your own. he thinks he can't, so he tries to take sexual power away from me, someone who he thinks has power, or anyone else who he thinks has more power than he does, publicly. he is a weird, creepy socially lame, evil black man. he tries to humiliate me and black girls who say that they don't like him, which is the majority of black girls. he tells the others black girls to continue to be fake and mean. he plays games, wanting ignorant people to think maybe it meant this, or maybe it meant that, so that he thinks that he can hustle his way out of trouble, or imply that we don't understand what he is doing. we do know what he is doing. he isn't sophisticated.
no negro! no one cares about george h. w. bush or northern trust bank, either. the black man is a childish INCOMPETENT weird fool. he refers to his incompetence, with an obnoxious attitude, every day, day after day. he isn't intelligent because of this ridiculously stupid, childish, lame game, referring to different directions, like a child who wants to try to impress an adult, when it isn't impressive at all. he actually has an attitude like "yeah, i'm a dumb thug", but wants ignorant people to think that it means that he is superior, or that he built the pyramids, like a childish fantasy of his. he tries to tear the structure down, not build it. he tries to trick ignorant people into thinking that he is some kind of sophisticated alien, or that he has an advanced intellect. he is really dumb! so is the mexican girl! they are not sophisticated at all! they are like a crazy, weird, evil, obnoxious homeless bums, who try to hustle people. basically, they are trying to create a negative story about christ, so that they think that they will be murdered in this life, or my next life, so that they won't be identified because of their problem with their left eye. they are trying to hide.
every day the black guy refers to the mistake he thinks that he made about george h. w. bush and northern trust bank, panicking, being weird and obnoxious, weak, bitch ass thug black man, telling black girls that he is panicking, trying to get some of them to continue to be fake and cruel toward me, wanting them to pretend as if they like an obnoxious thug black man, instead of a friendly honest white boy, or a geek. they think so little of themselves, angry, wanting to try to get people to talk about them every day. the black guy feels powerless, and is sour, perverted, wanting to harass everyone, or people who he thinks have more power than he does, publicly. the mexican girl does the same thing. they are like obnoxious problem children. the issue is that a trend can develop that i am to be disrespected, or that no one has any power. i wish that the government would help.
they try to make ignorant people think that i am faking being sick, or that i am trying to cover something up. i was never trying to hide anything from anyone. for 3 years (2006 to 2009), i didn't talk about northern trust bank, because i didn't have all of the answers, and also i also didn't understand who or what had me referred me to it, wanting to believe that it was something good for everyone. people would have wanted to know "what is that!? who is that!?" what's this bank!?, etc., and i didn't have all of the answers. this black guy changed his story around about me, after he made a mess which he didn't know he was going to make, and also because of what black girls stupidly, extremely mean, did to me a few years later, with him joining in with them. he tells them "we look stupid! just lie about the shit!". they don't even care if people know that they are lying. they just want an excuse to obstruct me public like and public happiness, because they are not happy, because they have made themselves look so unfriendly. they obstruct me and other people from doing work because they can't keep up.
the black guy is trying to confuse people about the meaning of whatever, over and over, trying to lie his way out of trouble, any possible way that he can. the mexican girl does the same. they have brains like thugs who are stuck in a jail cell.
some black people pretend as if they think that this means that they have power which they don't have, stalking me, because i am paying attention to them in public. i have been ignoring them a lot, actually. grow up. quit stupidly gossiping about me. communicate about yourselves, having given yourself something positive or interesting to communicate about.
i am reasonably certain that my mom's cat, Bonkers, was poisoned about 15 years ago, in 2009, right after the paris hilton crap started. my girlfriend's mom's dog died unexpectedly and mysteriously about 4 months ago. people knew where my girlfriend's mom lives, and that she is single, and they knew that her dogs go outside into the back yard through a dog door in the regular back door, and that it is a corner home with a side walk going around it, which means that you could throw some kind of food with poison mixed into it, over the fence. i'm not sure, but i'm watching out for it. given what has happened to me so much, it really wouldn't surprise me if this is what happened. my girlfriend's mom has a new dog, and i am a little worried about it. the black woman who assaulted me at the grocery store in 2008 still stalks me, making a sick weird childish game about how she thinks that she can get away with it, also rubbing it in people's faces that she is responsible. i'm not paranoid, and these are not persecutory delusions. the black woman who was at the grocery store in 2008 tries to get me to communicate on the internet about what she is doing, to try and make it seem like i am crazy, or that i have no right to criticize or dislike some black women. she likes to interfere with my happy relationships with other people, like paris hilton, and i don't even like paris hilton. the black woman who was at the grocery store in 2008 is a person who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, she is crazy, childish, weird, evil, blatantly obnoxious, and sadistic. a few other black girls who i am in constant 24/7 activity with seem the same. she is angry and weird because i am happier that she is, or because i can be happier than she can be, or because i am more confident, in general. i am not stuck up. people should get to know me in person.
a few of these people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, and a few others who join in with them, are trying to humiliate me, or others, sexually, spiritually, because they think that they are ugly, or unattractive, with no power. they lack confidence. they don't humiliate me, or others. they just give me and others sexual and spiritual power. i'm not a sex problem, or greedy. sorry that it has to come to this, but it is amazing what people who lack confidence, and who are childish, will try to do to someone who THEY think obviously has more confidence than they do, publicly.
weird politics, and i didn't sign up for weird politics. people attack you, publicly, if they think that you seem more attractive or confident than they are, publicly.
i'm not going to shut up about people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, or anyone else, who are intentionally, blatantly causing unnecessary problems for me, and people all over the world, until someone officially, publicly recognizes me, acceptance, defending my basic rights to be here, and to have a peaceful, happy life. for some reason, they want to give themselves a sense of power, or fake sense of power, publicly, wanting me and others to feel constantly threatened by them. creepy childish socially lame stalkers who think that no one will ever stick up for me, officially, publicly.
i don't want to rant and rave. i want someone to stick up for me, and for everyone else, too.
someone should officially, publicly recognize me, showing me a basic amount of respect, acceptance, implying that i need a basic amount of recognition in order to be protected, given the situation. otherwise, childish people think that they can imply that they can do anything that they want to, like unruly kids in a classroom, whose teacher can't send them out of the classroom, to the principal, creating order, and creating a better real opportunity for the class to do their work. i think that it will help many things settle down, invoking confidence in the system, and trust in people, in general.
i didn't send information about northern trust bank with anyone other than johnny depp at the viper room, and i easily could have communicated about it with other people. i don't think that mr. depp got my mail at the viper room, anyway. i thought that he still owned the place, but he didn't. i went to george h. w. bush's office in 2005. i got unusual, unnecessary, childish communication in reference to northern trust bank in 2006. i didn't communicate about northern trust bank to the viper room until 2007. again, i thought that it was my special duty to communicate about northern trust bank, in the way which i did, thinking that it was something special for the world, which was prophesized, believing that it was to help everyone, not just people with money. at that time, i also believed that maybe it was known that i was to write a screenplay which would be successful, with it being prophesized. sort of child like, wanting to believe in something positive, for everyone. i had already started to work on my screenplay, prior to this unnecessary, childish northern trust bank nonsense. eventually it didn't seem to make sense, so i warned people about it, even though there was, or is, nothing special or shady going on with northern trust bank. it was just a misunderstanding. sorry about all of this, but it is not my fault. my intent was always to help everyone.
i edited some of the above posts.
the black guy and mexican girl, and a very few other people, black girls who are childish racists, try to make ignorant people, who don't know me well, personally, think that i am the sinner, or the problem, by constantly, childishly intentionally irritating me, childishly stalking me, cheesy bullying, publicly, knowing that i will try to defend myself and others on the internet, knowing that we are defenseless. they are childish and sour, insane, sadistic, blatantly envious, stupidly trying to spread envy, because THEY think that i am more special, or loveable than they are, publicly. they got themselves into trouble by acting dumb and rude. it is like they are stuck in a jail cell. their childish ridiculous behavior indicates this. i am not stuck up. obviously they don't love themselves, or don't care about trying to do honest work. they dwell on childish, weird deception while hiding, pretending as if they think that they are powerful. they don't want me to have friends, or to have love in my life, because THEY think that they don't fit in, or that they can't have love, or friends. childish vandals who are not intelligent or sophisticated. weird and crazy. the community needs blanket protection. this is what happens when a public or famous person doesn't have protection. it is understandable.
please do something about it. i don't need to die, and i don't want to die, and i don't think that the community, in general, wants me to die, prematurely. that would be a victory for something evil. i'm just exhausted. if you kill me, you would be making a martyr of me. it would take a few hundred years to come around, but it would. i wanted to be like other people, with a basic amount of love and respect given to them. the reason that christ would seem so special or interesting, when it really isn't, is because they couldn't document it, globally, with the use of technology, in the manner in which we can, or could, at this moment.
don't act like a rubbernecker, being unnecessarily nosey, slowly driving by the scene of an accident on the highway.
the government needs to take decisive action. a happy story.
i don't want to die. i want to stay with my family and girlfriend, and the community, and to have a happy, peaceful life, the best which i can. i could, easily, if i was given some official public respect, acceptance, protection, in general. blanket security for me, but more importantly, also the community, in general. you wouldn't want to build a $50,000,000,000,000,000 hotel, figuratively, regarding all of the work, for centuries, millenia, eons, and then not have any security at the hotel. waste of investment. stupid. the very few people who are being blatantly, unnecessarily aggressive, childish, blatantly dumb, wanting to be thought of as dumb, are not sophisticated at all. they are like crazy homeless weird bums. they are like childish adolescent, low level computer hackers (figuratively), vandals, toying with the community and government, stupidly amused by causing unnecessary problems for successful, happy people, stalking us. really because of envy or jealousy. they are nervous or terrified, thinking that the public thinks that i can do more than they can do, or be more than they can be, or that i have more power than they do, publicly, so they blatantly, childishly obstruct, implying that they can get away with it, trying to get weak people to group together. i think that they would back off quickly, or lose interest in doing what they are doing, if a very basic amount of public security was implemented. security for all people. i could probably easily commit suicide on my own, if i really wanted to, mixing 30 tablets of xanax with hard liquor. i would fall asleep and then quit breathing. the point about me having communicated to the office of donald j. trump, is that i want to be officially, publicly respected, now, or if i died, in order for the community to be protected, now, and in the future. gossip. there is already gossip. what are you going to do about it? killing me would be a victory for something evil. i have to keep remembering that i already defeated this nasty thing with the use of electronic communication; just need to try to keep cool on the internet, even though it is difficult. people will be ok. i really don't want to die yet. i really don't trust donald j. trump. that was part of the reason that i communicated to his office, thinking that he would just kill me, hoping that he would make a public spectacle of it. i had a nervous breakdown. sorry if this confused anyone. i am not weak, either, just because i am rightfully exhausted, confused, extreme unusual anxiety, and because i want to believe in something positive for the community, in general. the very few childish, unsophisticated people who are blatantly, intentionally causing unnecessary problems are an annoyance for everyone. there is no blanket security, and in my opinion, the best way to create blanket security for everyone in the world is to officially, publicly recognize me, not making a serious religious deal of it, without killing me. it is a sociological issue, not a religious issue. i didn't vote for donald j. trump, just as many other people didn't. i have rights. i understand that the issue with me corresponding to the office of donald j. trump is confused. guess what? i am confused. very confused, and have been very confused for years, unnecessarily. i don't want to cause a problem for government. i want to make government better, and in my opinion, the best way of going about that is to incorporate me into government, in a very limited manner. don't try to hide it. it is a long term sociological issue. sorry, but there is no way around it. i'll keep doing research as i can.
i understand the importance for me, in my position, to be politically neutral. i really want to help all world government, if i can. i wish that an official study commission would be created, officially, publicly, now that i am here. politically neutral. long term uncontrolled, unofficial gossip will be a problem. get a good control of it. i don't need to die. i should be given a basic amount of official public respect. it invokes confidence in the system, for everybody.
Sent electronically to the office of Donald J. Trump on 11/6/24.
President Trump. This is an emergency, and a global security concern. Please refer to my website. JoshuaEvanMishler-pinnacle1.com. I am grouped together, by automatic default, with the 144,000. Cybernetic. We, the 144,000, are victim to an insane animal, I believe Draconian, predator, acting like a computer virus, with the intent to act like a computer virus, a problem for world government. People are needlessly suffering, horribly. Please arrange for it to be authorized, for me to be peacefully, respectfully, put to sleep at a hospital. I am absolutely certain that the 144,000, and their family members, would agree that this is wise. I have informed them that I am sending your office this message, and I will copy it to the ‘For Your Information’ section of my website. Peace.
Sent electronically to the office of Donald J. Trump on 11/9/24.
President Trump. I sent this office an electronic message on 11/6/24. I changed my mind. My own family would never agree with me being caused to be put to sleep, and I don’t want to leave them. My family would be heartbroken, and they would never publicly agree with you, or anyone else, intentionally causing my death prematurely. The real issue is that the public knows about this situation, and that they know that there is a problem, a type of childish anarchy, and that no one, including yourself, including world government leaders, are being protected. Christ needs protection, whether people like it or not. The alternative to not protecting him, or having a basic acceptance for him, officially, publicly, is that there is a lack of social order, not necessarily religious order, which works against world government. This is now, but especially in the future. An authoritative body should publicly recognize this phenomenon as natural, and repetitive. Tactful pressure should be put on civil study institutions to document this phenomenon, with public awareness, to promote scientific awareness of it, a synthesis, in order to assist in the preservation of peace. I have informed the 144,000 that I am sending your office this message, and I will copy it to the ‘For Your Information’ section of my website.
for the public. i sent the first electronic message to the office of donald j. trump, not really because i think that trump cares about me, and not because i really think that he would care about protecting other people, but because i thought that he would kill me, sort of erratically, quickly, publicly, wanting the world to think that he was special or God like in a way which he isn't, and i didn’t care, just wanting to get the job done, erratically, confused, horrible unusual anxiety, wanting peace, because i am suffering unnecessarily. my family and girlfriend wouldn’t agree with my being caused to die prematurely. i also talked with my sister, which made me feel better. i don't think that the public would want me to die either. it would be a victory for something evil. i am not playing games. i didn’t plan to do this, in this way. this is not some kind of attempt to trick anyone. i just wish that an authoritative body would officially, publicly, show me and everyone else some respect, acting like they are trying to protect us, including world government. sense of love and order. the vatican already did this once, but you have to do it again, validating holy scripture, a biological phenomenon, and protecting a u.s. citizen from lame childish vandals who want to harm him and anyone who acts like they care about him. people need to understand what holy scripture really is. the entire body of work, in its’ entirety, is more important that the details. i don't want to cause a problem for government, or anyone else. the few people being unnecessarily aggressive are not intelligent or sophisticated.
Sent electronically to the office of Donald J. Trump on 11/13/24.
President Trump. I am sending the last two electronic messages which I sent to this office, which were the only two messages sent, to President Biden at WhiteHouse.gov. I am also sending this message, for a total of three messages which will be sent at the same time, today, 11/13/24, to WhiteHouse.gov. I also intend to correspond with His Holiness, Pope Francis, through the head of the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese, and also a civil rights attorney, and also the city of Houston mayor’s office. I have rights.
i sent the 3 messages above, sent to the office of Donald J. Trump, to President Biden at whitehouse.gov. peace be with you.
vatican law
sent electronically to the office of the Galveston - Houston archdiocese. also left voice message, having read the message verbatim.
Good day. I have an international security concern, relating primarily to myself, but also the 144,000, who I am in constant 24/7 activity with, hive mind, and the international community, in general. Please refer to my website, JoshuaEvanMishler-pinnacle1.com, for explanation. I am reasonably certain that you are already aware of this situation. I intend to communicate to the head of the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese, a separate written correspondence, next week, with a strong desire to have it be forwarded to His Holiness, Pope Francis. I will hand deliver it to your office on San Jacinto street. I have read this message aloud, and am copying it, and will include it in the 'For Your Information' section of my website. God bless you. Josh.
paris hilton's intent was, and still is, to obstruct my life, and the lives of others, who she thought could be more than she can be, especially with her thinking about how her money is not important. she did this because i didn't and don't find her attractive, publicly. she knew that there wasn't a reason to find her attractive, publicly. she made it personal, instead of business like, or neutral, wanting to draw unnecessary attention to herself and her sister, pretending as if she had an excuse to make a big stupid deal of her and her sister, who she bullies. hilton likes to stupidly, childishly bully people; everyone in the world, while being so unbelievably irresponsible or tacky at the same time. because hilton childishly, stupidly disrespected me, or played games, unnecessary childish cryptic shit, so do mean black women, so does the mean black guy, so does the mean mexican girl, and it continues, every day, day after day. instead of just selling me a hand bag in 2008, and being done with it, quickly, creating normal distance between us, a bag which was a gift for someone else, my niece, hilton's deliberate intent was to drag it on and on, intentionally wanting to put me closer to her and her sister, wanting to use me unnecessarily for publicity, one way or another, stupidly feeling the need to try to make a big, stupid unnecessary deal of me and her, or me and her and her sister, but trying to make it seem as if it is the opposite of that, and that she was trying to create distance, and that i am stalking her, or trying to use her or something, which i am not. i just want my money back, $150, a basic respect thing, just like i was anyone else in the world. because she didn't or doesn't show me basic respect, other people make sick game of not showing me basic respect, or they blatantly stalk and harass me, and hilton know this. i don't care if she got the money or not through the mail. she shouldn't have sent me something which i didn't ask for, with no return address, with no post mark, and with a creepy photograph of her in the hand bag. why wouldn't she tell me and everyone else if she didn't get the money through the mail? she does this because she knows that people know that i don't like her, and that there is a good reason to not like her, and because she wants to sick thug like, low class black people on me, and the rest of everyone else. she wanted and still wants to use me. she made it weird, childish and personal. in 2008, she wanted me all to herself, publicly, being so disrespectful and thoughtless, uncaring, knowing that she was complicating my life, unnecessarily, trying to make me her pet, publicly, but it backfired on her because she isn't likeable, or is stupid. she plays evil, childish publicity games, the only thing she has ever thought of doing, like pseudo celebrities do.
sent to the office of donald j. trump, electronically, on 11/18/24:
President Trump. I have sent 3 previous messages to this office, electronically. Disregard my statement about an emergency. I have a history of mental problems. I will copy and send this message to President Joe Biden, at whitehouse.gov, and copy and post to my website, JoshuaEvanMishler-pinnacle1.com. Good day.
i apologize to donald j. trump, or anyone else, if i have made people feel awkward or confused by my recent posts. very confusing situation. i am tired of it, but feel as if i have good things to do on earth.
it is socially convenient for some weak people, who think that others know about me and this situation, if i am not
publicly successful, or
publicly happy. it affects their personal and social situations. understood. this is why a very few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with or others, an extension through socialization, pretend as if they have a good reason to constantly obstruct my life, and the lives of others, childishly. an authoritative body should make an official, public statement, while i am alive, which would provide a basic amount of protection for me and the community, in general. it doesn't need to be much, but my full name should be used. enough with the secret handshake crap. people need protection from themselves, including me. general accountability means that i would also be held more accountable. the few weak people who are being unnecessarily aggressive (i'm not crazy, or having persecutory delusions) apparently live in a world of fear, misery, and confusion, thinking that they can't have good personal or social lives, so they don't want me or others to have good personal or social lives,
publicly. they intentionally want to make other people fearful, miserable and confused. they are sour, sore losers. i am not the loser. i didn't sign up for weird, dirty politics. if the government wants to try to sweep this under the rug, now, something else unpredictable will occur in a few hundred years. don't put government and society, in general, at odds. make it a big deal, so that it isn't a big deal.
the black guy and a few black women and the mexican girl blatantly state to people every day that they think that it is fun to ugly obnoxious bully me, with them telling people that they have a bizarre childish inferiority complex, and that they are weak weird people, who are blatant racists, who are trying to group racist blacks and racist mexicans together, not wanting a white person, or christ as a white person, to look better than they do, publicly. they don't like the way they look, or their image. part of the reason that they do so much of it, all day long, day after day, is to try to make it look like i don't know what i am communicating about, or that they can get away with it. they think that it is fun to bully me and confuse me in public, like picking on a honest nerd, mocking people who do honest nerd work. the government or an authoritative body can stop this. it harms the community in general, because there is gossip about it. the people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are trying to take over, implying that they will be the government, some weird lame childish fantasy, identity problem, implying that stupid childish rude people are going to rule, since they think that no one will officially, publicly come to my defense, or defend something smart and peaceful. these people are like homeless weird crazy bums, or like people locked in a jail cell, taunting everyone. they don't even care about themselves. low class, being blatant about thinking that they are low class. it is engaging in ugly psychological warfare. it would back off real quickly if someone acted like they cared about me, and other people, officially, publicly.
the very few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, and their "friends", who are being unnecessarily aggressive, childish, cruel, fake, evil, try to trick people who don't know me personally, into not liking me, because they want people to give something to them, being incapable, and greedy. it is a game. they even want people to know what they are doing. they admit to being weak. they try to create an impression amongst ignorant people that there is nothing about me which good to sense. there is a great deal of good about me to sense, if you know me personally. these people should get the fuck out of our lives. get a life. they stupidly, childishly try to deny the existence of christ. why would they do that? i am a good person, and it is right in front of you, a big fat juicy pyramid on a dollar bill.
this doesn't mean that i am an unfriendly person. on the contrary, i am a friendly person who doesn't want good relationships which i am in, with others, being stupidly obstructed, or intentionally sabotaged.
it is like being stuck in a jail cell with weird creepy perverted freaks, who belong there, who are criminally insane, who are stuck there forever, when i don't belong there at all. they want me to be in jail with them, since they see that i am free, and that i can be happy. this draconian creature was already bound, or confined. for world leaders, don't think that this creature is "cool", or interesting, or that you should follow it because it is related to a star (alpha draconis / constellation of draco), or because of the great pyramid, or because of ancient egypt or alien whatever. it is like a crazy, weird, socially pathetic homeless bum, sitting miserable and angry in a jail cell, guilty, evil, envious, jealous, incapable of doing intelligent work, insane, very childish, stupid, obnoxious, unpopular, knowing it is unpopular and that it could never be popular, wanting to hide from the general public, trying to deceive. it is a miserable creature, which is fixated on obstruction and deception as a manner in which to try and survive. it is the most disgusting stupid mind you could ever imagine. like an vicious animal mixed with a weird human, thrashing around in a cage, because it is trapped. black man and mexican girl, and a very few others. it is the most creepy shit you could ever imagine. like the feeling richard ramirez, the night stalker, gave to people, wanting stupid notoriety, not even caring about itself. i am not crazy or schizophrenic. i know what i am communicating about, even though it would seem strange to someone who isn't experiencing it first hand. i am not faking being sick, like this creature wants people to think that maybe it means. this is not dignified for me, publicly, or for others. that is why i thought about committing suicide. i am not going to commit suicide. i would like to be officially, publicly recognized and respected. i am not in any trouble with the law, and i seriously doubt that i ever would be, except for maybe a traffic citation eventually. i am not a money problem, like this creature keeps trying to fool people into thinking. i am the most honest person in the world, because i have to be, and also because i like to be. they mock my integrity, just because they have absolutely no integrity. these people try to trick ignorant people into giving something to them, because they are incapable of doing anything, and also especially because they think that they have money issues about me to lie about (northern trust bank and paris hilton). the black man is like a crazy, weird, insane, obnoxious, homeless, evil bum, walking around a major downtown metropolis area, shouting at people, yelling around, walking with a stupid annoying, obnoxious strut, with him a black racist, making a stupid racial issue "but a black man built the pyramids! but a black man built the pyramids! but a black man built the pyramids!", when he knows that he wants to destroy, with people, including black people, telling him to shut up and leave them alone, wanting people to think that his creepy left eye is more important than it is, or that it means that he is a good person, or powerful, or a player in america, when he isn't, and when black girls hate him and what he is doing to the black community, and when he knows that he is satan, or the egyptian set. he would go up to people and shout, being stupid, and then be tased by the police. he and the mexican girl are going to wish that there had never been a dollar bill with a pyramid and and eye on it. she has an attitude like "oh, i know i am childish, evil and obnoxious, hehe. oh, i know that i am childish, evil and obnoxious, hehe. oh, i know that i am childish, evil and obnoxious, hehe", and it is absolutely sick and sadistic, over and over and over, being blatantly cruel and obstructive. she has a weird anger problem, weird inferiority complex, ever since she thought that she made herself look bad, or incompetent, as soon as i got into my current home at the end of 2012. stupid micky mouse pin left on my mail box, which she dug out of my garbage at my last home. all she cared about was thinking that i would make her some hollywood person because she knows that she could never be a hollywood person at all. i am not the one who is crazy. she is. the black man has an weird anger problem, also, because he knows that people know that he is incompetent. they both have an issue with their left eye. i have 2 good eyes, thanx be to God. they tried to confuse people about the meaning of who they are, knowing damn well that they are evil, greedy, wanting special treatment, or money, or sex, lying about me, forcing others to lie, holding people hostage, wanting to wrongfully defame me, desperately try to survive. i had planned to overdose with xanax and hard liquor when i got the job at the mexican restaurant (see pay stub from pappasitos in 'miscellaneous file' section of this website), but i told people that i wanted 6 months or a year to be able to work, and take a nice final vacation somewhere, so that it was a happy story. the mexican girl sabotaged it, in order to be able to lie about the situation, in as many ways as she thought that it was possible for her to lie about it, and so that it wouldn't have been a happy story. she didn't want me to die with dignity. weird, angry, sadistic creature. it is the most disgusting weird thing you could possibly image, and you wouldn't want to be stuck with it, either. both the black man and mexican girl, and a few others, mostly black girls. i am sad to report this, but some blacks girls have been childish and socially stupid. grow up. i am not going to commit suicide. i love my family and my girlfriend and the community.
i think that some people are familiar with the term "draconian", and really don't understand what it means. i think that what it refers to, basically, is how we evolve, or have evolved, from an animal mind to a human mind. the black man and the mexican girl, and a few others who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, seem to be the epitome of animal like mind, mixed with being human, behaving more like animals, "irritational", not caring about their young, or not being able to take care of themselves, not intelligent or capable to do intelligent human work which requires real care and sociability, lack of empathy or care, lacking social capability, lacking human mind like attributes which develop or evolve in human minds later, after our basic (including me) animal mind. brain stem evolution. i think that it has something to do with reptilians or negative aliens. different brain structure. i am not negative.
https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/brain-the-inside-story/your-emotional-brain/beyond-our-lizard-brainme having stated something about negative aliens doesn't mean that the black man and mexican girl are not human, and in america. i think that she still lives in houston, texas, and i think that he lives in new jersey. they are humans, in a human body, just like i am in a human body. what is happening in us, in our bodies, is also happening somewhere else.
the black man and mexican girl are trying to make people think that maybe they are aliens and that maybe they are human. they want to hide, scared, but are also trying to give themselves an opportunity to get something for themselves, if they think that they can. they try to confuse ignorant people, who are getting the information from the 144,000, trying to get away with something horrific, trying to survive. dumb childish criminals. they are not sophisticated.
the black man and mexican girl, and a few others, have exposed themselves as being weird and incompetent. they are very angry about it, social and sexual problem, and want to harm me and anyone else who acts like they have love in them. they are intentionally irritating the 144,000, constantly, childishly, blatantly evil, in order to try to make it look like we are crazy, or over reacting, or trying to cover something up about northern trust bank. also, they are doing this because they are trying to cover up the fact that they are incompetent and weird, and the cause for the problems to begin with, going all the way back to 1998.
the mexican girl keeps telling her parents that she isn't being aggressive, trying to blame black people. she is being aggressive and it is sick. she has a sick weird childish anger problem. the black man and mexican girl intentionally want us to sense 2 different people, so that they think that they can say "how could people know who is who?", blatantly evil, trying to lie their way out of trouble. a black trying to blame whites and mexicans, a mexican trying to blame whites and blacks. it is 2 completely different personalities, like 2 completely different voices.
a few black people, the black man, but mostly black girls, have embarrassed themselves over the years, and they are angry about it, now making a sick childish stupid joke about wanting the public to know that they are trying to humiliate me. gues what? they are not humiliating me. they are childish socially lame people, who admit to being socially lame. they embarrassed themselves, and are now weird, sour, sore losers. they keep trying to cover for one another, with the mexican girl included, stating to each other "i'll be dumb if you are dumb. ok. i'll be dumb if you are dumb.", etc. peer pressure. really annoying. ignorant people don't understand how they are being aggressive, implying that they can get away with it, or trying to humiliate anyone who speaks out against them, or trying to humiliate anyone who acts like they care about me. it is only a 10% or 20% of all people problem, so i am really not worried about it, and it will probably get better.
i'm not the one who is crazy. the people who are around me are crazy.
a few black girls, the mexican girl, and paris hilton, , girls who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who stupidly intentionally, messed with me and the community, are like the girls in the movie "death becomes her", wanting to use a man in order to empower themselves, or to try to seem more attractive than they are, publicly. they are the real reason that there is a mess. i don't want to hurt innocent girls with these statements. a few girls who i am in constant 24/7 activity with exhibit that they are weak, become insecure publicly, and that they feel the need to want to use me, blatantly implying that they don't give a damn about me or my health, actually making a sick childish mockery of my health and happiness. they got angry when they thought that they had made themselves seem unattractive, or powerless, publicly. they couldn't handle the social responsibility. too childish or uncaring, greedy, wanting to take power away from all men. not humble or cooperative. i think that they think that it keeps girls in a comfort zone. i'm not a chauvinist. they are the feminists. this is a very serious issue for people all over the world, and they made and make a sick childish joke of it, like they are stating with stupid attitude "isn't it funny how girls are childish and weak, and how they made a big problem for the entire world? hehe." i tried to lead by setting good examples, and then they made a huge mess of things by not doing the same thing, or by being selfish. i mean girls who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. i don't want to hurt innocent girls. the black guy wouldn't be doing what he is doing if the girls were not doing what they are doing. they tell each other that they will fake liking each other, and continue to cause unnecessary problems. they don't even care if people believe their lies about me, as long as they are giving themselves something to lie about. really lazy people, with no honest ambition.
my experience has been that girls try to get me to state negative things about them, publicly, once they think that they have made themselves look weak, or incompetent, publicly. they do it because they want to imply that they have leverage over me, or everyone, implying that they are superior. i just want to be left alone. instead of being humble and cool, cooperative, like some girls are, they develop an inferiority complex, and then make it a point to continually refer to how they think that they have made themselves look weak, over and over and over, while wanting to be thought of as dominant or superior, at the same time. doesn't make sense.
ignorant people don't get it. i can't think about anything else other than being stalked. i would like for an authoritative body to act like they are at least trying to help protect me and the community, since i know that many people, including members of u.s. government, know about this situation.
realistically, practical analysis, because i am a real worker, not fake, and not because i am a negative person, this is story about how childish creepy weird mean socially lame people stalked others. it is good that we know that there is something bad out there, but i don't think that it changes it from being a bad story to a good story. i don't think that it will get better, because the few people who are being unnecessarily aggressive want us to know that they get a sick pleasure or thrill from harming others. they assume that no authoritative body will ever do anything about it. make it a happy story. apparently it repeats every 1/12th of the zodiac.
the government would be the ones implying that i am God, or something about church and state, if they want people thinking that they are supposed to ignore me. my name is not God. my name is joshua evan mishler, born november 29th, 1972, in mission viejo, california. i just want to be an individual who was shown some basic necessary recognition, respect, so that the entire community is protected. i don't want to have to worry about mean childish weird people with personality disorders harming me or anyone else, now, or every time i come back. does it sound like i am whining? would the president of the united states whine if the secret service told him that they were not going to secure a public venue where he was to give a speech? he probably would. this is not just about complaining. it is about trying to make it better.
i sent a letter to several offices in order to try to obtain some social protection for myself and the community, in general.
- galveston-houston archdiocese (pope francis)
- houston city mayor
- houston police chief
- houston police community affairs
- president joe biden
- president elect donald j. trump
- texas state representative lizzie fletcher, district # 7
- houston channel 2 news investigates
all of those offices were made aware that i had sent to all offices.
i think that some people don't understand. if you intentionally, unnecessarily, obstruct or complicate my happiness, or basic progress as a person, you obstruct or complicate your own happiness, or long term happiness, or basic progress as a person. community. sociological issue. you might as well show some acceptance, or show some respect. like in the beginning of the book of matthew. 3 wise men. 3 stars of Orion. it is going to keep happening, again and again. sociological issue. it doesn't mean that people need to stupidly kiss my ass. no. just basic respect. i have to work for my respect and money, just like other people do.
people should read the top of my website, and not the bottom. the few people who are being unnecessarily aggressive are childish, perverted, sadistic, evil. consistently, every day. they want to use the 144,000, and others, as a form of media, wanting attention, and notoriety, because they don't think very much about themselves. they hate me because they think that i am more special, or interesting, or more likeable than they are. they have personality disorders. they are weird haters, who lack confidence, or who don't believe in themselves. they behavior indicates that they don't like or care about themselves. i'm not stuck up. their behavior indicates that they want to be thought of as childish and flirtatious, wanting to give me the creeps, and also wanting to interfere with my relationships with other people. they try to spread their crap to other people, and that is part of the reason why i communicate about what is going on.
i'm not going to just sit here and take this stupid shit from stupid people, every day. i am not fake, putting on a fake cheesy act, like i am pretending as if everything is great, when it isn't, and more importantly, when i don't think that it will be in the future. i am trying to get someone to realize that other people have to lead in this public situation. be bold. don't let a social or community problem sneak up on you, after you die.
my brain is like a computer hard drive which is being infected or corrupted with a virus. it won't function better, unless the unnecessary aggression toward me stops. the people intentionally causing problems like it when i look weak on the internet. their intent is to make me feel constantly threatened, every day, like clock work. i'm not weak. i think that people are surprised that i have accomplished what i have accomplished, given the circumstances. if they left me alone for a few days, all day long, and then a few weeks, all day long, and then months, all day long, you would see a difference in my behavior. i am stalked every day, blatantly creepy crap, with the intent of making me sick and confused, publicly. they stalk everyone, and i really think that it is possible to do something about this negative situation. it will be negative whether i communicate about it on my website or not, due to other people's testimony. it is meant to be thought of as degrading and demoralizing. it is what would happen if a famous person didn't have security at the academy awards, or body guards in public. there are weird mean selfish childish people who shove famous people in a crowd, they try to use me as a way for them to get attention, obnoxious, really because they don't think much about themselves at all. i am not implying that i need constant security or body guards. it would be nice if someone acted like they were trying to give me and the community blanket protection. you would have to let me personally know about what you had done. people can't focus or work efficiently if they are not relaxed. their intent is that they don't want me to meet my potential, or actually, that they don't want the community to meet its' potential. envy. very selfish and childish of them, and they flaunt it. the people doing this are sour sore losers who don't care about themselves or anyone else. there is going to be a story about something negative, whether i communicate about it or not. they think that they can create some negative story about me so that someone will murder me in this life, or in future lives, because they want to hide. they want to hide, but also try to get something for themselves, deceptively, thinking that it is the only way which they can try to survive. negative aliens? negative alien agenda? they can't have it both ways. it would be nice if the government helped out. maybe the letter G could mean Government, too. makes sense. all the Government would need to say is that there is evidence that i am here, my full name, and that i am being harassed and stalked, and that it should and will stop. i am not in any trouble with the law, and i don't think that i ever will be, except for maybe a minor traffic violation. the Government can also refer to my website. these few childish people are trying to bully the government as well, but they are not sophisticated. like childish anarchists, or vandals, but it is still a serious long term problem for government. they seem to hate or resent people who they think are more intelligent or civil than they are. create order. get them in line. they are like obnoxious adolescent students in a classroom, who try to bully the teacher and other students. why should the government put up with it, when the school doesn't, communicating figuratively?
a few mean dishonest black girls are bullying sweet caring honest black girls, or black people in general. they have an identity problem. they pretend as if it has something to do with me, when actually it doesn't. they should move on. quit implying that you are famous, or that you have power which you don't have, because you want to associate me with famous people, or because you want to associate with me. be humble, and strong individuals.
some of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, mostly the black man and mexican girl, think that they are incapable of making someone like them, so they just stupidly, knowingly, intentionally irritate me, publicly, in order to try to get people to not like me, with them desperately trying to survive, confused. i think that people will like me fine, when all is said and done.
the black guy is like a black guy who shouts at black women, like he wants them to think that he would also slap them, angrily, "don't act like you like a white man more than a black man, even if you do, and even if you know that i know that you do! don't make me look stupid!" he is a very weird, creepy, childish, evil, fake, insecure black man. he thinks that it creates a problem for black men, in general, when it doesn't.
doesn't mean that people have to worship me, or go to church. people should be allowed to openly talk about me, using my name. sense of acceptance and confidence, or love, in general. people in government can be bullied or intimidated by others, behind the scenes. there is potential for a childish, dangerous game. trends, cliques. please neutralize the potential for problems. we all have to come back to this, next time.
the mexican girl was with a mexican guy who she lied to about me, at memorial park, in houston, i think sometime around 2015 to 2017, when i was jogging. she wanted me to know that it was her, as she has on other occasions at different places.. she is childish and obnoxious. she used this mexican guy in order to try to create another alibi for herself. i know what i am communicating about. he knows about the problem with her left eye. he should go to the police and give them as much information about her as he possibly can. she probably told him that she was in constant 24/7 activity with me, but not that she has the ability to act aggressively toward me and others. i know that she bragged to her parents about the fact that she can act aggressively toward me and others. she gave this mexican guy only parts of information about me, probably trying to make him think that he was dependent on her, so that she could manipulate him for sex, or to try to get him to try to spread false or biased information about me and the situation. she also told this ignorant mexican guy to follow me closely, confrontationally, into my town home community around the same time, or just after the park experience. i know that she told him to do this. she thought that she could get me to talk about the aggression, publicly, trying to make it seem like mexican men don't like me, or that there is a problem, when there isn't a problem, in order to try to create another problem which she thought that she would benefit from. i know that she is not with this mexican guy anymore. she is obviously with no one, doing nothing at all, not trying to do anything at all with anyone. mexican men would like me fine if they knew me in person. the mexican girl is evil, childish, criminally insane, and goes way out of her stupid way, continually, to try to create all of these unnecessary alibis for herself, pretending as if she is a smart criminal, totally childish and stupid, trying to hide, yet get something for herself, using deception.
i don't have to like everyone, especially if there is a good reason to not like someone, especially if they are incredibly mean or dishonest, or if they have childish hate in them. this isn't the bible. i didn't write the bible. jesus didn't write the bible, either. this isn't a church service, either, where people are typically loving, peaceful, and respectful toward one another.
a few of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with think of themselves, not the community. i understand if they have mental/social problems, but it doesn't excuse them from doing intentional harm to people because they are angry.
for what it is worth.
paris whitney hilton is a childish disrespectful greedy weirdo, who hurt many people all over the world. her stupid family money got her on tv, and gigs. not much else. i was not a fan of hers. that is not how this started. she would want ignorant people to think that she has class, or is kind, or is civil, because she communicates nothing about this situation, publicly. she is actually a cruel thoughtless person, who thinks that they can trick people into thinking that she is more interesting than she is. i know what i am communicating about. she lacks in class, and she is definitely not kind. she is seriously lacking in class. what kind of uncaring irresponsible childish selfish fool would think that they can do their jail sentence at home? i mean hilton, back in 2007 or 2008, or whatever. that is what started all of this. violation of law. uncaring. selfishness and irresponsibility. hilton makes me sick, literally, and she has harmed so many people. her identity as as a socialite is stupid. for cheesy fake hilton hotel marketing reasons? she is totally socially stupid. she likes to brag and bully, irresponsible, thoughtless, childish, but doesn't have anything to brag about. she is the worst possible female who i could have ever gotten mixed up with. i didn't want to or intend to get mixed up with her, permanently. i was not a fan of hers. i was neutral. it could have been any girl who i was innocently harmlessly teasing or innocently giving fun love to, like a coworker. then she had to make a really stupid big deal of it, wanting to be able to use it for her pseudo publicity ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, a nasty mooch, not giving a damn about how she was UNNECESSARILY CONFUSING me in public, horribly. why is it confusing? because it is cryptic and inconclusive, publicly, when there was no good reason for it to be cryptic or inconclusive, publicly. extremely damaging, every day, in public, and she knows it. it could have been, and should have been, business as usual. the important part about hilton is that i want to protect people from girls or people like that. it confuses my peace, publicly, nonstop. i wouldn't bitch, if it were not a very serious problem, which hilton has damn well known about for 16 years. she is trying to give herself a way out, but implying that maybe she doesn't know about how bad it is, and also because she knows that she is mostly responsible for creating something bad, definitely not acting like she is trying to stop unnecessary aggression toward me, or others; not when it really really mattered. she is an enabler. she thinks of it as a game; entertainment. like a weird grey rainy cloud following me around, always, lurking, stalking, creepy. she lacks real value, and she knows it. she doesn't care about people, not even her family, and as long as i don't get $150 back, with the public knowing about it, (and an apology to everyone would be nice), i will call her out for her public nonsense greedy childish irresponsible cruel dumb yuck. i want her to be held accountable for what she has done. she is going to pay for what she has done to me and others, one way or another. she wants to try to create the impression that i am a weak or angry man. i am not a weak or angry man. she is a weak female, who played stupid unnecessary publicity games for her stupid amusement. she is a lame childish girl who holds people like me hostage. like i stated, she makes me sick, literally. my spirit can not really efficiently build, publicly, because of a basic lack of respect, or basic lack of love, publicly, and it never will be able to. she knows this, but plays dumb. black women and the mexican girl intentionally did the same thing. like children. blatantly childish and abusive, angry and destructive, like they wanted or want people to think that they think that it is fun to toy with me, or harm me, a special male, publicly. it is childish and perverted, angry. they have a weird, very creepy fascination with me. it seems like hilton didn't want my spirit to build, publicly, if i didn't stupidly kiss her ass after she embarrassed herself. she thinks that she is a failure. people like her make me sick and confused. i wanted to be able to move on back in 2009, just like any other person could have.
how could i move on, publicly, with a real sense of dignity, knowing that i have to support people, when i lack privacy in the way which i do, and after what hilton did, but more importantly, what she didn't or doesn't do? i wish that i could file a lawsuit. i looked into it. i think that i could have gotten around the time limit, because it depends on the judge, but i can't prove that she owes me money, because i sent cash. even if a judge believed me, they couldn't do anything about it. absolutely horrible. 16 years of it. from more than one person. it doesn't mean that i can, or that i am going to try to file a lawsuit. lack of dignified treatment in public, constantly, treated me and others like we were or are worthless, like she likes to think of it as an ugly cheesy boring rich kid bully game, like she is a real zero or nobody who plays games, publicly, because she has nothing better to do. she seems to have a weird inferiority complex. has money, but lack of real Godliness. what she has done to me and other people all over the world is so undignified, and it honestly seems as if her childish "the simple life" marketing shit is so stupid and blah; old, creepy and weird.
she intentionally didn't input anything positive into my mind, like a smart caring person would, like she really wanted me to think that she really wanted to send me and everyone else on in life, in a good healthy state of mind, publicly, after i had a good reason(s) to not like or respect her, publicly. it is like she gave me an ultimatum "kiss my ass, or it will seem as if you are angry and unpopular." i guess i will be angry and unpopular. it is a very serious issue, because of how i lack privacy, and because hilton knows that she is the reason that i have suffered horrible confusion since 2008, like right now as i write this, unnecessarily, publicly, and also because of having been targeted by other childish weird disrespectful females, publicly. really creepy childish lame shit. it seems as if hilton wanted to create danger or confusion in my life, for her own personal amusement, or so that she could gossip with her sister about it. she is weird, childish and dangerous; irresponsible. she wants people to think that i am dangerous, like cheesy childish girls do once they think that they have been caught being a problem. she isn't a social person. she likes to sit around and selfishly think about herself, by herself. i'm not weak. these girls who have caused a permanent problem are like a children who would throw a toy against the wall in their room, destroying it; weird fascination with it. it would be nice if someone would make a public statement, so that i didn't feel as if it were a permanent problem, or so that aggression wouldn't continue, making me think that it is a permanent problem. it is a form of anarchy. lazy uncaring girls. really just ones who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. this is not a game, but some of these girls want people to think that they think of it as a childish game. weird childish abusive treatment, publicly. angry and destructive, once they thought that they made themselves seem unattractive or incompetent, publicly. they have done permanent damage, it seems intentionally, and it is definitely not because i deserved it. it would be good if i could get $150 back, publicly (and an apology would be nice, too), so that the community could all move on gracefully. no misunderstanding. i doubt that hilton would ever act as if she is actually social, or actually responsible, or actually kind, or actually loving, publicly.
the issue is not that i sent $150 to hilton, through the regular mail, which she did or did not get. the issue is that she sent me something which i didn't ask for, or want. it also seems as if she was stating that i couldn't return it. she treated me as if i had no power at all, or like she didn't want me to have power, publicly, and that people have to just put up with her childish, irresponsible, disrespectful tacky bullying. i am not weak. she actually couldn't rise to the occasion.
i don't want to communicate about this anymore, unless i received $150 from hilton in the mail. i would thank her, publicly, and move on. this doesn't mean that i want hilton in my life. it means that i want her out of my life, also wanting to think of something civil, in general, publicly.
i sent an email to paris hilton at
tqotd@hotmail.com. i have used this email address before, but she is playing dumb, and hiding, wanting to hold people hostage. i asked for $150 back. told her to refer to my website, even though not necessary. web address link included. also sent same electronic message to her father at
i don't really care if this hilton crud makes me unpopular.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SEWh_q5h2A&ab_channel=Flyboys817 ______________________________________________
i have become somewhat sick, sometimes, of wondering about what people were communicating to each other about me. a weird confusing awkward let down. strange void in my life, like i am not allowed to celebrate being me, publicly. how is that going to be good for children? will they feel safe later?
i lack a sense of self actualization in my life, or it is very confused, because i am isolated. i don't think that it is what people should be thinking of, either, whether i communicate about it or not.
weak black men become very confused and angry when a white boy is obviously more confident than they are, for several reasons, publicly. i am not the one who is making a racial issue of this.
i'd like to party with funk ebonik homeslices. we could go to a hookah lounge, BYOB. i'll bring some bourbon. i know that people know that a very few others have been a problem. i've got to try to keep cool on the internet. all black people are not a problem, and i don't think that they want an unnecessary problem for themselves. it is difficult to keep cool on the internet, because of how i lack privacy, because of how people think that it is fun to fuck with my feelings, and also because i know that people gossip about this situation every day. it affects my pride, confidence, and peace, constantly, publicly.
i'm not going to seem like a politician, putting on a fake cheesy politically correct act. if something is a real problem, or if someone has done something seriously wrong, i am going to let people know about it.
merry christmas, sincerely.
a very few of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with have sex problems, social problems, identity problems, image problems, family problems, friend problems, etc. they think that they don't fit in, without trying to fit it, so they don't want me to fit in, stupidly childishly harassing me, stalking me, every day. it is a stupid childish game, with them holding people hostage. it is like they are telling whoever that they will hold me and others hostage, like for some kind or ransom, or favor, but they don't even communicate with anyone, or have any power, with them having some kind of childish make believe fantasy about being happy. they are like crazy homeless people. they are not sophisticated. just because they can create these contractions in me, which other people also sense, it doesn't mean that they are more advanced that i am, or than we are. they are no more advanced than i am, with them operating at my level, but they want ignorant people and ignorant government to think that they are more advanced than i am, or that people should think that they are powerful, when they are not. they are demons who are trapped, angry, bitter, unfriendly, socially lame, weird, unpopular, desperate. for world governments, you are much better working with someone like me, who can be identified, and who actually has responsibility because of my lack of privacy, rather than people who hide, or who can hide, while trying to get something for themselves. vicious wild animals, who don't care about anyone. i can be held accountable. they can't be held accountable. they are weak people who imply that they need me in their lives, wanting to make a story about me every day, when it isn't necessary or important. like little children, implying that they are impressing people when they are not impressing people, or when what they are doing isn't impressive at all. "look what we can do." "look what we can do." like little children who can't take care of themselves, who imply that someone owes them something, like it is childish make believe. they are not getting credit for doing something, like they want people to think that they are. we don't need this black man and mexican girl in our lives. they are freaks. sorry, but it is true. they think that they don't fit it, so they don't want me to fit in. real sleazy game which they are playing. they are afraid of me, or they are unintelligent people who are afraid of intelligent people. they hold me hostage because they are afraid of me. they can't keep up, so they hold me hostage, pretending as if they have a good reason to hold me hostage. i didn't sign up for dirty politics. i signed up to try to help people, everyone.
it seems like hilton's message to everyone is that is is ok for people to discriminate against me, publicly. the stamps on the envelope crap in the 'important 2' section of this website didn't mean that she is friendly, or sweet. she didn't immediately act like she cared about fixing the the very serious problem which she knew that she created, like she thought of it as amusement and gossip for her and her sister, or whoever she communicates to. part of her publicity act is to have childish rich kid attitude, wanting ignorant people to think that she is more confident than she actually is. she is not the savvy sophisticated business woman, who she wants ignorant people to think that she is. she is an irresponsible selfish disrespectful child, with a mental problem. i communicated more about her in this section of this website, recently, because of how crappy my life is, consistently, in part because of her, and it doesn't stop, and i don't think that it will stop. she seems to want people to think that i am the one who needs to change, or that i am the problem. no. she is the problem. she doesn't want to have to do real work, publicly, like most people have to do. she wanted a quick easy publicity thing, without acting like she really needed to appropriately invest in her image.
the mexican girl and black man are freaks who are raping people (violating people's personal space) every day, wanting people to know that the enjoy harming people emotionally, making people feel threatened. they lack confidence, and are socially lame. they stupidly want to be thought of as celebrities, or cool, or interesting, but they are not. they want people to give them something. the common image of the devil as handsome suave man with a black beard is what they want, but actually they are childish weird freaks with a mental and behavior problem, like crazy homeless people, who lack confidence.
i wish that the government would make an official, public statement about this situation. these people (creatures) think like vicious animals who are implying that earth is their turf, and that christ, or loving people, are to be mocked and humiliated.
this is very serious and i wish that the government would be aggressive. make the chirst phenomenon a norm. otherwise, it has the potential to seem taboo.
the people who are causing unnecessary problems every day are like animals which don't care about a clean healthy social environment. they don't care about themselves, or are unable to take care of themselves, in the way which humans can. it makes me think that i understand a little about why jewish folk don't eat pork. i am not just complaining. i am trying to get something done about this situation, since people know about it, so that we can move on, securely.
it is not important, but i sent a few business proposals to donald j. trump, sometime between 2007 and 2008 or 2009. he probably used to get all kinds of business proposals in the past. one idea was for a restaurant on westheimer street. in houston. it was a good location for a restaurant, but bad idea, since there was an environmental problem. there had been a gas station at that location, with a problem, but the gas company was offering indemnification if there would a future problem, but still a bad idea. i was young and wanted to work on a project, like the assistant to the assistant manager or something. i can't remember if i sent trump a proposal about the old ben milam hotel in downtown houston. i might have. i think that i did. i sent a proposal about the old ben milam hotel to paris hilton's dad, when i thought that she wanted to be closer than she did, because she communicated to me with totally unnecessary stupid childish cryptic selfish crap. they ended up demolishing the old ben milam hotel. i thought that it would have been cool for an apartment on each level, 10 levels, but i think that an asbestos problem was why no one ever developed or modified it. i didn't know too much about research on the internet back then. i also sent trump an idea about a location to build an apartment building in downtown houston, next to minute maid park. i took photos and sent him a map of downtown houston. i think differently about donald j. trump now than i did back in 2007. i didn't communicate about northern trust bank to anyone other than johnny depp at the viper room, in 2007, thinking that it was my special duty to do so, johnny depp in particular, since i was already involved in writing something, thinking that it was prophesized and good for all people in the world, sort of child like. i wanted to feel as if i had a special purpose, and that i was to do good in the world. i am glad that i went to the old northern trust location on kirby drive in houston, in the early part of 2011, to speak with someone, a black woman. i hand delivered a note which basically stated that something private was made public, with me trying to protect people from the bank. there is nothing shady about northern trust bank. it was just a misunderstanding, and i wouldn't be going on and on about it, if it was obvious that the black man who created the problem wasn't insecure and lying about it, forcing weak black women to lie about it, too,. i read the letter aloud to people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with back in 2011.
one of the reasons that i was confused about the importance of george h. w. bush was because the black man acted aggressively toward me, at least once, when i was looking at bush's old office building from the terrace of my old friend's apartment. i was thinking something about masons or an imaginary network of people who i thought knew about me, thinking that they knew, or that it was prophesized, that i would do good in the world, sort of child like. i don't think that i would have thought about going to bush's old office if i wouldn't have known where his office was located. my old friend who owned the apartment is the one who told me that it was bush's office at that location, but there was nothing inappropriate going on, or discussed. they didn't know who i was. for some time, i thought that it was george h. w. bush who was acting aggressively toward me. i didn't know that it was an ignorant black man who was creating the contractions, who would eventually stab me and the community in the back. he is angry because black girls communicate that they don't like him, so he is trying to start a war between dishonest low class hater black girls and kind classy honest black girls. he is a black person who doesn't give a damn about black people at all.
it is not so much what paris whitney hilton did, even though it is a serious problem which reveals something which is seriously wrong with her mind. it is what she didn't or doesn't do, not acting like she really cared about anyone in the world, when it really mattered. she wanted to boast, childishly, i think because she really doesn't think that people think much about her. she isn't a socialite, whatever that is supposed to mean. she is socially lame. just because i am trying to defend myself and the community, doesn't mean that i am socially lame.
hilton may get attention in the media, and gigs, but she wouldn't work on my team.
she is a disrespectful coward, who didn't want to have to do work like people ordinarily do. like when she told the police that she thought that the cocaine in her purse was gum. she wastes everyone's time, including her family's time. the stamps on the envelope which she sent to me ('important 2' section of this website) didn't or don't mean that she is sweet or cooperative. they mean that she is stupid, childish, selfish, disrespectful, uncooperative, greedy, and didn't want to have to do work like people ordinarily do, while also wanting to make a big deal of herself, directing attention to herself. it is like telling me that she is trying to help me with work in an office, but not even giving me a desk and a chair to work at. stupid.
the black man and mexican girl hold me hostage, ordering black women who they know are unloving and socially lame to insult me every day on the internet, but who pays any attention to these black women?
some black women are involved in cyber crime. they actually want to be thought of as something which intimidates, or has power, even when they don't, stupidly angry. they are like the african cyber criminals, but in america. i feel like i am in an uncivil africa every day, not an america. like being in a war zone or something, or like how people in syria or iraq felt when isis was violating them. there is a lack of order. don't expect me to be able to change. i am stuck in shit. i don't want to insult hardworking, intelligent black people who care, and who are good leaders. it is a social climate issue which i am experiencing, or concerned about.
there is a division of class amongst black people, which is occurring in america.
i wouldn't go on about this hilton money issue, if it were a private situation. it is not a private situation, and hilton knew that it wasn't a private situation, so why is she doing this? why did she treat me this way, knowingly, publicly? what is her point?
i wonder what a psychologist or criminologist would think. she also called my house and my parent's house, too, with other childish cryptic crap, publicly, wanting people to know that it was her, but not allowing me to have any power, publicly. she is weird, and actually doesn't think much about herself, publicly.
she is conniving. her plan was to try to make me look angry, if i didn't go along with her childish crap, publicly. she exposed herself as being weak and unfriendly, making a mess, and she isn't happy about it. she wants to use her "glamour" and tv crap as a way of implying that she is superior, or that girls are superior, or that i am not glamourous, or that i should be ignored. i would just like for the community and myself to be treated with a basic amount of dignity. 50% - 50% is ok with me.
the black man and mexican girl are like a fighting force which would commit heinous war crimes. they are crazy low class. they engage in ugly childish psychological warfare. like unintelligent childish vandals do. they have disgusting vicious minds, like an wild animal. like watching how a crocodile becomes excited when grabbing a person and taking them under water. they want to war, but there is nothing to war about. they end up harming themselves, or stagnating their development, because they are not intelligent or kind enough to socialize.
if the government would be aggressive, like campers who use a noise horn (air) to scare off a bear or wild pig, i believe that there would be more long term government cohesion, or consensus. most of the reason that i am wonky on the internet sometimes is because i can't rest, or because i am not thinking clearly because i am not rested or peaceful. i can't rest, and i feel constantly uncomfortable, threatened, and confused. i am not schizophrenic. i am not the one(s) with the mental problem.
the black man, the mexican girl, and a few black women are admitting to being evil and sadistic. they have been doing this for a long time already, years. they admit to being racists in america, like childishly wanting to be thought of as gangsters or something blatantly low class, wanting notoriety, wanting to be thought of as powerful, since they are not intelligent enough to earn attention in another way. they are holding us hostage, not allowing me to develop, mentally. this has been going on for a long time already, years. they are psychopaths, i think negative aliens. dangerous. perverted. it seems like they are genetically modified. absolutely disgusting unfriendly minds. they lack confidence. they don't like it when other beings are happy. weird envious creatures, who admit to being envious, who admit to being angry because they are envious. socially lame. i read that negative aliens harm people for their own amusement, and that is definitely what they are doing. it is sick. there isn't much to look forward to. it has seemed like they are angry and confused for months, stalking me in a weird ugly creepy manner, i think with them thinking that it will look like people support me or care about me, with a GoFundMe, like they are really really trying to humiliate me, my family, and other people. they didn't anticipate that i would accomplish what i have accomplished. they assumed that i wouldn't accomplish anything, with them harassing me every day in the way which they have been. they wanted and want to sabotage anything positive, not wanting me to be popular, or not wanting there to be a positive story about this, thinking that they can have me killed, in this life, or in future lives. i can't do anything positive for people unless you protect me. money might make my situation more confused, but i think that it will help. money isn't the real answer to the problem which the community has. people need to be able to communicate openly about this situation.
they are also implying that they can accuse me and others of faking being sick, or faking all of this, and they don't care if people know what they are doing, as long as they have an excuse to be lazy and rude, or to ignore a person who was loving.
it seems like they are stating that they want to be a part of government which is evil or corrupt. i am telling world leaders right now that you do not want to work with this creature. it is not sophisticated. it doesn't like what it is. it spends all of it's time being weird, childish and envious, stalking others, like some creature which is retarded. it harms people really for its' own personal sick amusement, like a crazy person who is put in jail. it is not capable of accomplishing work. it would be a liability for governments.
i tried to send this to whitehouse.gov, to president joe biden, and vice president kamala harris, on 12/29/24, but it is not possible, i think because of the change in administration.
i sent it to the office of donald j. trump on 12/29/24.
the black people who are intentionally causing unnecessary problems, being unnecessarily aggressive, racial, can be defined as a terrorist organization. the nature of their continual aggression, consistently, every day, is intended to invoke fear, or terror, or confusion. these people are weak, and don't feel powerful. their intent is to create fear and confusion, implying that they have power, or that they feel powerful, when they actually think that they don't. the government needs to pay attention to me. make a statement about me. these people do what they are doing because they don't feel powerful, and they try to recruit other weak black people, who they think also have an identity problem or social problem. they have a unusual psychological problem, confidence problem, identity problem, image problem, peer pressure problem. i tried to help them, but it seems like it had the opposite affect, because they don't care about being loving in the way which i have been. intelligent, confident people don't understand they way in which they think, from a sociological perspective. these black people, with all due respect to them, are choosing to be like animals, or something which is the opposite of a loving christ, because THEY think of themselves as different. it is a choice which THEY are making. they need strong leadership. now it seems as if they are trying to politicize their own thought about how they are different, wanting power, or wanting to be thought of as powerful, like other terrorist organizations. it is like childish make believe or imaginary power, and usually it doesn't work out very well for these terrorist organizations. governments do not like terrorist organizations. these few black people think that they can't get attention or feel powerful for doing good things, so they want attention and a feeling of power for doing stupid things, or things which don't require talent, or skill. they need strong leadership at this moment, from a black person or from a group of black people, officially, publicly, actually referring to this situation, and me, by my full name. ignorant people wouldn't believe how much i suffer every day because of these black people. they seem angry because they think that i can be more confident than they are or can be, publicly. that is how all of this crap got started back in 2008.
for everyone. i reread the message above, thinking that i sound fed up and desperate. i am really really tired of being bullied. for 16 years now. i don't care if it sounds like i am racist, because i am not a mean racist person. these people are trying to bully everyone, and i want the government to help me and the community.
i reread it again. it would seem to an ignorant person, who doesn't know me well, who would take it out of context, that i am a whining weak weird childish racist. i'm not. i am bullied every day, publicly, knowingly, in public. it is meant to be thought of as a weird childish attack on a white person who could be considered superior; christ. they have an inferiority complex, having damaged their own image, and they should grow up and move on. i didn't attack them. they attacked and continue to attack me, implying that they can get away with it, or that i am defenseless. i don't want to have to take care of black females, or the black man, like they are obnoxious children, screaming for a happy meal from mcdonalds. i already took care of black people. grow up and move on. i tried to protect them, and i gave them love, publicly.
i don't care about who is president, republican or democrat, now, or in the future, when it is about my unique situation.
i thought about deleting the message above, which i sent to the office of donald j. trump from this website. i don't like the tone of it. it sounds like i am a mean racist. i am going to leave it. i am bullied every day. no, i'm not faking it. some people want to intentionally cause problems for the community, wanting to toy with the community, wanting me to be blamed for the problems they intentionally create. it is a childish game. i am sick of lazy weird childish dishonest rude people.
hilton is conniving. her plan is to infuriate me, by ignoring me, neglect (abuse), publicly, in order to try to make it look like i am angry, and that i don't have class, or that people shouldn't like me. she has been doing this for years. it is discrimination, and prejudicial, because it involves business which should have just been business as usual, like i am any other person. other people discriminate against me because she did, and she knows it. she tried to work it so that she would have my approval, or God's approval, even if she was blatantly stupid, rude and childish, but it didn't work.
the government should figure out who this black man is, i think in new jersey, and learn everything about him that you can, and share it with the military. document it, if you can obtain conclusive proof from his family, or anyone else who knows who he is, that he is who i am stating he is. check with social security administration. unusual problem with left eye, began in february of 1998. i am guessing that he filed a claim with social security in february, march or april of 1998. refer to above work in this section of this website. egyptian Set or Sat-an. draco. alpha draconis. he (it) is evil, crazy, sadistic, and greedy. it has a strong will to survive, or to be dominant. same with the hispanic girl who i have seen many times.
i know that many black men would like to punch him in the face. i am not telling black men to punch him in the face.
if the world because of jesus christ is so perfect, why would someone ever have tried to assassinate the pope. i am not stating that anyone should ever attempt to assassinate the pope. what about me, as a public person?
i think that people want to think of me as a little boy, who is supposed to be good all of the time. i am a man, and i have had, and continue to have, knowingly, very serious community problems, given the circumstances. i am not going to just sit here and take this absolutely ridiculous stupid unnecessary crap, mostly racial in america. i am not a mean or unloving racist. i am fighting for something civil, and loving.
what is weird and obnoxious is not this website. it is other people's aggression, including hilton's. she stupidly wants to imply that she has so much class, when she doesn't even communicate "sorry", or "excuse me", or anything at all, like she was acting as if she is actually committed to the public welfare of the community. she really doesn't care about people because she is already in a relationship with stupid money.
i want people to know that i am angry, and fed up. i am treated in such a horrible stupid cruel childish way, every day, publicly. it is torturous, like being kidnapped by weird unintelligent creepy people, and i wish that someone would say something about this situation, publicly, since you know about it from others.
i feel like i would like to hug a cop, who is telling me and other people, directly, publicly, that the public knows about this situation.
people who lack confidence started some crap with me and everyone else because they didn't like me being confident in public. they were afraid of me, and of having to work hard like i do, publicly. dirty politics, and i didn't sign up for dirty politics. i just wanted to help everyone, if i could.
this is very important social work, and some people who can't handle it make an weird ugly childish mockery of it, paris hilton included. the people who cause problems were not intelligent or confident or loving enough to make it work. many black girls have been, or still are, a problem. this is not a joke, or a game. this is an every day problem, and people know about it. i would like some help, please.
it honestly seems as if hilton is implying that she is superior, even if she is blatantly chilidsh and stupid. cheesy attitude, i think because she is insecure about people not thinking much about her or her money, because she is subordinate to me. like she is stating that her money, and "popularity" on tv is more important than anything else, or having a soul. she does stupid things to direct attention toward the fact that doesn't have to be serious because she already had money. she is boring and childish. that is her "simple life" marketing scheme. it is a mockery of something important, too important for someone like her to be able to handle, publicly.
please make a public statement about this situation, which you know about, which everyone knows that you know about, in order to get lazy people to move their ass, and to quick playing games.
the black man who i have already communicated about has the most disgusting disgusting ugly creepy criminal mind. criminally insane, like the mexican girl also. i think that it is a negative alien. evil and smug. doesn't even care about its' own pleasure. it is an insecure childish envious perverted socially lame evil angry creature, which thinks like an animal does to try to survive, not caring if people think that it is different. it is like having been kidnapped, held hostage, and raped, violated, repeatedly every day by a serial killer psychopath who wants you to know that he enjoys it, and that he is going to do it every day. black girls have joined in with him, too, over the years, when i am out and about, knowing where i am and what i am doing, or where is will be traveling, really childish ugly attitude lame black girl game, childish violation after childish violation. they want people to know that they are harming an innocent, defenseless white person, like it is a trend for black people, implying that it doesn't matter, and that they can make up an excuse if they want to. it is a terrorist organization. they are working together.
i don't want to harm innocent people. i am telling ignorant people that there is a very very serious problem which is very weird. i can't develop, like i have been kidnapped.
why can't anyone talk to me, like just in person, or on tv, like they were acting like they didn't care what people thought of them, brave, wanting me to know that they knew who i was, and that they were willing to tell me that, in front of others, also trying to protect me and the community? am i just a just a person before i am christ? am i supposed to feel ashamed to be who i am? why? why do people make this so political and stuffy? part of the meaning of 5 is 'a seed'. i don't think that you properly nurture it. if you want to raise a confused emotionally sick person, you got it. it seems like neglect. i learned in a bible study class that there were times when christ was telling the disciples to "go!", but they didn't. money might make it worse in a way. it can be an even bigger reason for me to be stalked, or harassed, when i am trying to have fun with the money which i would have, with people implying that they are humiliating me. i think that money will help get people to back off of me, making my existence or popularity not so important, and help with my confidence, but it might also be a problem. many people with money are sad, if there is a problem. i don't want to be sad. i want to feel like it is ok for me to be me, publicly. something about love and confidence which seems to be missing, or is weird.
hilton is childish and weak, and that is why she makes me uncomfortable, publicly.
she is not a leader. she didn't want to lead girls like a mature caring lady. plays dumb childish unnecessary selfish cheesy publicity games. i am not playing publicity games. it is embarrassing to have to be associated with her, publicly. this is very serious for people all over the world. she implies that she doesn't have to rise to the occasion, because she is already risen, or stuck up. she wants to be thought of as a childish rich kid, who doesn't have to do much, who is at the top of a hotel in new york city, all by herself, so "cool". she isn't a social person.
i guess that i wanted to have faith in something positive, for the community, in general, and she didn't create it.
i wanted to file a report with the Department of Homeland Security, DHS, about terrorism. i think that it directed me to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, online tip system.
the problem which people are experiencing from a few others, as a group, originating from people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, has the potential to trend, or socially compound. it has almost been 2 decades since this social problem originated.
i filed an online terrorism report with the FBI, 12/31/24.
i went to paris whitney hilton's X account, with the hope that she had stated something helpful, or civil, or resolutionary. her praise of the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act is nonsensical, or should be thought of as insult toward all families, including my own.
i want people to know that this is a very serious matter.
i puked paris hilton. i think that maybe i got it all puked out.
i have been, and still am, stalked, harassed, tormented, absolutely sick, cyber bullied by a weird, totally disgusting ugly mind, creepy, angry, ugly attitude, childish, incredibly cruel black woman, who wants people to know that she is like this, and a black woman, when i try to work at my computer. this has been going on for about 5 or 6 years. i want to try to get this person out of my house, and my computer. somehow she has a limited remote access to my computer, ONLY WHEN I AM WORKING AT. i think that she is getting in through my modem or something, maybe because she knows black girls at comcast xfinity. she is very mean, weird, very childish, angry, emotionally unstable, crazy, toying with me and everyone else, showing off. she is not sophisticated, even thought she knows a little about computers, like many childish hackers. she is a person who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. it is torturous, given the fact that i lack privacy in the way which i do, and she wants people to know that she is sadistic, and that she takes sick childish pleasure in making me uncomfortable, publicly, probably because i am a more confident person than she is. other black women have been the same. i think that it is the same black woman from the grocery store incident in 2008. exact same attitude, like she wants me to know that it is her, wanting me and others to know that she likes to harm an innocent person who is in public, probably because i can be happier in public than she can be. i think a black woman who i think poisoned my mom's cat, and also possibly my girlfriend's mom's dog. there was also evidence that she was on the property of my mother's house, tampering with things, knowing when i was home and when i wasn't home, wanting to burn up the motor in the water fountain, not thinking that i would check on it after i cleaned the water fountain, also to confuse me in front of everyone, trying to make my parents angry with me, publicly. she also followed me and my girlfriend to a grocery store, after she knew that we were going there, just to be creepy and weird at the store, trying to make me and my girlfriend look bad together, when we don't look bad together at all. there is no evidence that she has altered my website at all. the only thing she would have done, if possible, is delete something from my website when i am in edit mode, but i seriously doubt that she would do this. she wants to toy with me or harass me, but she is also being careful about not getting caught. this computer harassment started when i sent mail to TMZ in california, trying to find out if paris hilton went on TMZ in 2008, referring to me by name, just trying to get to the bottom of something, because i was harassed in an unusual way at my jobs in 2008 by childish coworkers who seemed to know something about my situation, or me. very confusing, given that i lack privacy in the manner which i do. paris hilton could have easily answered my question about TMZ, which i asked her on more than one occasion, voice mail (which was her's because she played a game with me and everyone else), also email, which would have saved everyone stress and confusion, including reading this crap right now. hilton thinks that it is fun and interesting to cause me to work much harder than i had needed to, belittlement, like she has a weird fixation or fasciation with an honest person who works hard, unlike her. i sent something to TMZ 3 times. the first 2 times was with the regular mail, and black girls who work in the mail made a total mockery of the delivery confirmation/return receipt, playing with the system. keep in mind that i am telling people about what i am doing before i do it. the last time with mail was with fed ex, and i think that black girls tampered with that delivery security as well. harvey levin, or someone, would probably have written back to me, i think knowing about who i am, just to be helpful. i just wanted to get to the bottom of the matter, so that i could have peace, publicly. it seems like black girls wanted me to think that it had been delivered, so that i would become publicly uncomfortable, confused, frustrated, then angry, by not getting a response. childish game, like their point is "oh look, we made the sweet white boy angry. hehe.". they imply that the man is always wrong if he is angry, even if he has a good reason to be angry. not true. very childish game. in other words, black girls play a game which is related to paris hilton, like they want people to think that they want me to think of them instead of paris hilton, and i don't even like paris hilton. it is really childish and annoying. hilton created a type of aberration, because her violation of the law was the cause.
this black woman who is harassing me online, or some black women, in general, like it when i give people this information, because they imply that i can't say anything negative about black women, even though they think that there is evidence that black women are toying with me, or that a black woman is doing this with my computer. they also want people to think that maybe i didn't create everything on my website, which i did create, because of their childish disrespect, jealously or envy. or they want ignorant people to think that maybe it is russia or china or whoever assaulting me, when i seriously doubt that it ever would be. black women imply that i am not allowed to try to defend myself, and that they are superior, no matter how blatantly stupid, ugly attitude, unintelligent, and unfriendly they are. they imply that they are superior, also with a real ugly attitude, and that is what i have a problem with. we could have all been the same, but for some reason they want to imply that they are superior. many people don't like this attitude of theirs', in america. i don't mean that all white people have the best attitude, either.
these black girls want people to know that they know that i am innocent, and that it makes them happy, sick creepy childish sadistic pleasure, to make me unhappy and confused, publicly. that is what they want to be thought of as. totally socially lame, angry, childish creatures who are not gay (happy, in general). get a life. don't mess with me because i am a happy person by nature, or because i work for my happiness. i want you to be happy. move on.
they try to deny christ's existence, something decent, loving and honest, because they don't want to have to compare themselves to something which they think that they are not, publicly. don't want to create division, or to be divisive.
i want to try and get security help with my computer. i am worried that i will try, but that she will still get in to my computer somehow.
i believe that that no one who is sophisticated or civil, including governments, would want to harm me while i work at my computer, or in general. i don't think that religious organizations would do that do me, either.
it is an unsophisticated, angry, crazy, weird childish black woman who is doing this to me, and she wants an excuse to be able to get away with it.
sorry if i am getting on your nerves. people are getting on my nerves. breaks are good. believe it or not, if you ever work with me in person, i don't communicate too much when with other people, or when working. i sort of keep to myself, just do the job.
i need a time out, but i am not going to quit. drill sergeants used to work us pretty good, but they also cared about us. i don't mean that i am the drill sergeant. each platoon has 3 drill sergeants, one high intensity, one medium intensity, one low intensity. i figured that out later on my own, but also after i spoke with a former drill sergeant, after i was out of the military. good experience. i recommend it for anyone. money for school. benefits. travel. pay. running in formation, sounding off. i liked to work hard, but i was too wild when i was younger.
rocka rocka rock, rock steady.
roll, a roll, a roll, a roll ready
for government, i revised some work a few posts above about the black man who i am having problems with. i'm very frustrated, but i am not a serious problem. i wish that the government or police would officially stick up for me, publicly. less posting is better.
the black man who can assault me, because no one has officially, publicly tried to stop him, wants everyone to know that he is trying to force black people, black women in particular, to act like uncivil, childish, mean animals. i don't think that it will work. he thinks that they are not intelligent enough or caring to act like they care about doing anything else. i don't work with him. there is no he and i.
the government should back me and the community up, so that this situation doesn't get out of control later. other things could happen, too.
i don't want to post for at least 30 days, or longer. bye.
i thought that this was important.
i wouldn't go on about the paris whitney hilton issue if i were not continually, consistently troubled. i'm not a weak person. she is weak. i feel totally violated by her, by other people, publicly, every day. it is very confusing.
i walked back some of the angry tone about paris whitney hilton in a few posts above.
i have much more respect for girls who are humble and committed, teamwork, like a girl who would get a real job at a fast food restaurant, rather than paris whitney hilton.
what she did, and continues to do through neglect is so UNBELIEVEABLY stupid, childish, selfish and irresponsible. i'm not happy if innocent girls get hurt or confused, but i'm not the party pooper.
thinking again about the last message which i sent to the office of donald j. trump, posted above.
i reread it again. i didn't like the manner in which it seems like i generalize too much about black people. it is a very few black people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with who are the problem, and they want me to know that they conspire, and that they take sick pleasure in my public confusion, discomfort, so i can feel threatened by black people, in general, publicly. some of them have mental/social problems. it doesn't excuse them or people they know from being intentionally harmful and destructive to others. it is a form of terrorism. not sophisticated, not well organized, but terrorism, nonetheless. it needs to stop. turn off the tv and go to bed. grow up.
i sent the message below to the office of donald j. trump on 1/13/25.
thinking again about the last message which i sent to the office of donald j. trump, posted above.
i reread it again. i didn't like the manner in which it seems like i generalize too much about black people. it is a very few black people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with who are the problem, and they want me to know that they conspire, and that they take sick pleasure in my public confusion, discomfort, so i can feel threatened by black people, in general, publicly. some of them have mental/social problems. it doesn't excuse them or people they know from being intentionally harmful and destructive to others. it is a form of terrorism. not sophisticated, not well organized, but terrorism, nonetheless
all of this crap in this section of this website means that other people are complaining. mostly girls who lack honest friendly humble character, who get in the way. they think of their own empowerment, not feeling powerful, rather than making sacrifice, or sacrificing themselves, being concerned about the general welfare of the community, as a whole.
i am a good person to work around at a job, who mainly keeps quiet and focused on work. i look for things to do, not sitting around. if i didn't know what to do at a job, i would ask questions, but not get in the way. sometimes other people are not the same way. for some reason they don't believe in themselves, or their advancement.
good luck.
i wanted to state again that i am absolutely sure that a childish, unsophisticated, racist, smug, obnoxious, sadistic angry black woman, who wants me and others to know that i am in 24/7 activity with her, is toying with me and others when i work at my computer. many people know how to do what she is doing, getting into my computer somehow. they just don't communicate about it. a type of inside information. i have seen absolutely no evidence that anything has been added or subtracted from my website. there probably wouldn't be any evidence, either. this person wants to harass stalk me, publicly, and get away with it, so i doubt that any changes to my website would occur. she thinks like a small time hoodlum. she also knows that other people can be monitoring what is going on. what she mostly does is change my computer pointer or cursor from the arrow to the blue circle computer thinking thing, i think by her pressing the return button on her computer, as a way of assaulting me, irritating me, wanting to make me uncomfortable, feel threatened, publicly, many times when i say one specific when i am talking out loud, or sometimes when i am quiet, trying to concentrate, just to intentionally give me the creeps. it is a form of cyber bullying. easy to understand that it is a black woman, because of her attitude, and because black girls have bullied me. they also have the motive. it is not the computer thinking when see the blue circle where the pointer is.. i am sure of it. many people know what i am talking about. small time hacking shit. she is pressing a button on her computer, which affects my computer. socially lame people who don't have a life. like she wants me to know that she is an ugly attitude childish racist black woman with nothing but weird unwarranted hate in her. she is also signaling the black man and mexican girl, because she knows that they both have my vision, that she will harass stalk me if they also both do it. they have been sending each other signals for a long time. extremely creepy and socially lame. these people are people who are in mental/social trouble, acting like obnoxious children. they are not sophisticated. even though it is stupidly childish, is is extremely cruel, sickening. ugly stupid evil. they take pleasure in making me confused and sick in public, mocking my cheerful spirit, wanting people to know that i don't deserve it, wanting people to communicate about it on the internet, and wanting people to know that they want to get away with it. they do it because THEY are confused and sick. it doesn't excuse them from doing what they are doing. very weak unfriendly people.
i'm sorry ya'll. i need to make a statement. the black man, who i definitely know is a black man, wants an image as a childish weird savage. no government would want anything to do with him. he has a weird mental problem, and then it looks like i have a mental problem, when i really don't. he is intentionally, blatantly harming families all over the world, unnecessarily. he wants people to feel threatened by american black people, pretending in his very weak, weird, insecure, creepy, lazy black man mind, that american black people are going to take over america and the world, like he intentionally wants people to think that they are savages who don't care about anyone's feelings. this is very serious. he knows that people communicate about this on the internet. people are unnecessarily suffering every day. mother's, black or white or whoever, can't spend quality time with their children. it is much worse that you could possibly imagine. i would like for president trump to try to protect me, and to try to protect the community and the government, from themselves. please make a statement. the gossip is a ticking time bomb. get it under control! concise simple message. i state this, not as a pessimist, but as an optimist who believes that we can do better. SOME black people, mostly black females, are acting weird, crazy, childish, blatantly uncivil, dishonest, like coo coo birds, who want to mess up happy people's lives and homes, because it makes them feel powerful, or because they hate thinking about happy, confident people. they fake thinking that they are powerful. they do it because they don't feel powerful, and because THEY are unhappy. they lack confidence. they actually want people to know that they lack confidence, and that they are insecure, trying to recruit black people who they think lack confidence and are insecure. i tried to give them confidence, but because they lack confidence themselves, it had the opposite effect. now watch. they will go back to the exact blatant stupidity, blatantly lying about paris hilton and northern trust bank. they mock someone who is honest and caring, weird cruelty every day, because they got themselves into social trouble. God knows that i honestly tried to give them good power, giving them love and acceptance. they are afraid, fearful, that it will seem as if a white person, or that white people, are superior, or that they are inferior. that is why they want to knowingly mess with my confidence, publicly, every day, more than one time per day. people are being intentionally made sick every day, because they know that i can create positive thoughts and feelings, if i am left alone in peace. they want to make a mockery of my popularity. the mexican girl works with them, also doing damage every day. they are racists, who fear that they will look inferior if i am left alone in peace. we can be equal, if they want it that way. if they want to be thought of as low class losers, so be it. i never thought that i would be thinking this, or writing this.
jesus had power, or did some good, because the government acknowledged his existence. i am not jesus. my name is josh. i don't have power. don't try to have it both ways. do it yourself. i tried. it doesn't work.
i tried to lead with love and honesty. it doesn't work, unless what i have actually already done was publicly acknowledged. otherwise, irresponsible selfish dishonest people just make a childish mockery of it.
i wish that it felt like a real job. coordination. universities. study work from nasa or some place. government study. military (peace preservation).
why can't the government send an agent to my home? stating, "we know who you are, we know about this situation, and we want you and the people who we know are sensing this right now to know that we are not happy about it, and that we are going to make an official public statement about it. stay out of trouble and do your best." do the government want to let childish obnoxious hoodlums run the government?
the black man and mexican girl are childish and desperate, nervous, trying to play it off like they are cool, implying that they can distract ignorant people with crap and then hide. they want to hide and cause someone to murder me, by making my constantly sick, so that they can hide in future incarnations. they are worried that someone will kill them. in this life, or in future lives. easy to identify, with their left eye issue.
i am reasonably certain that the same black woman who attacked me at the grocery store in 2008, and who stalked me and my girlfriend at trader joe's grocery store in houston about 2 years ago, wanting me to know that it was her, just stole my step father's medication which was delivered to his houston home last tuesday. she likes it when i communicate about this. she tries to get me to communicate about it, implying that she can harass me and get away with it. other black girls have definitely done the same. my step father got delivery confirmation, but was out of town. he told me to pick it up when i was taking my parents to the airport. this would have been overheard. i think that this black woman wanted to harm me and others, and also refer to the water fountain issue, which i recently posted on my website. my parent's front door is far away from the curb, and people in my parent's neighborhood are not childish thugs, with the motive to harm me, or to try to cover up the fact that have been a problem, or to try to make it seem like someone else wants to harm me. no one else wants to harm me or the community, in general. we are not animals who want to live in slop. black women, whether they like it or not, have been, or still are, ugly attitude and destructive, sadistic, childish. grow up. move on. i am not the problem. we don't need your permission to be happy, just because you are not happy. they have proven themselves to be weak creatures, intentionally wanting people to think of them as weak creatures, who wallow in their own shit; racist shit. God knows that i tried to help them in life. i want the government to make a statement. this these types of actions can spread in the future. there should be a general consensus, publicly, including for all members of government, that i am not a problem, because i am not a problem. my presence should not be taboo, or not officially recognized and respected. don't be weak. the government looks weak, or scared. what is the big deal? deal with it.
some black women lack confidence, and they are a problem for people who have confidence, in a work setting. they have this attitude, like "it don't matter if i'm nasty, cuz i'm superior." guess what? it does matter. guess what? you are not superior. you are in for a startling awakening, in 100 or 200 years. you are going to know God, and that he didn't care that you were black, and that he didn't care about some racial issue in america, because everybody will have problems. make the best of it. i'm trying to make the best of it. maybe you're superior if the guy is dumb, or lazy. i'm not dumb or lazy. are you putting me together with dumb, lazy men who you are around?
the black man is insecure because he thinks he is unattractive, and because he thinks that he lacks experience. i am not insecure, and people have known this for a much time already. this could be such a happy, interesting, peaceful experience for people all over the world. unfortunately, people who are sour or unhappy with themselves want to take everyone down with them. i am not an unhappy person by nature. my goal was, and still is, to put positive feelings into the environment. i am not a pessimist, but an optimist who is trying to protect the community, who would really like for the government to try to protect me and the community, which includes the government. i am not wanting to make a racial issue of this situation. it is a situation which involves everyone. it really stupid to leave this situation, a public person, me, without protection, or without official acknowledgment, vulnerable to attacks. i am the warning the government all over the world. don't eventually act like i didn't try, or care, or that i am to blame.
if some black people intentionally want to be thought of as something different, then they will be thought of, or treated as something different. the choice is theirs.
these very few black women who pretend as if they like and support the black man who is staking harassing me, and everyone else, are stupidly fake, dishonest, pretending as if they are trying to empower all black men. they are attempting to take power away from men.
i'll try to stop posting. this is so confusing, and i wish that the government or someone would officially, publicly make a statement about this situation. every day is a like a bad dream. the intent of the few people who are being unnecessarily aggressive, vicious, blatantly ugly, evil, is to confuse my feelings, publicly. it is extremely cruel. weird. extremely childish. since it affects my feelings, publicly, i try to make myself feel better by trying to defend myself when i am defenseless. they understand this, and try to take advantage of people's ignorance. then i look weird on the internet. their intent is to try to make me look weird on the internet. i'm sorry. try not to judge me for this too much.
i don't want to incite violence from anyone, and deleted a post which was above. it was confused.
in reference to the 2008 grocery store incident with the black woman, who wanted me and other people to know that she was a person who i am in constant 24/7 activity with. i would have called the person something like an evil ugly bitch, even it would have been a white girl super model. i don't mean paris hilton. it was, and still is, extremely hateful and cruel. i have to to constantly think of how she likes to make me uncomfortable and awkward, publicly, with her wanting me to constantly know that she likes it. she wanted me and others to know that she knew that i was innocent, and to permanently interfere with my work, and relationships with everyone. weird evil childish sadism. grow up. i have suffered so greatly for 17 years, just because i wanted to try to lead with love. it is a public mockery of a loving person.
i don't want to cause problems for girls, in general, or for men, either. i don't like the anger at all. i am not an angry person by nature. people who are not happy want to make a childish weird cruel mockery of a cheerful spirit. they are lazy dishonest people who complain about having to make effort. i am a child of god, who deserves a basic amount of acceptance and love, like it or not. it is what happens when there is no security for a public person. there are weird mean people out there, and they should stop with their unnecessary aggression. part of the reason they do what they do is to try to make me look incompetent or crazy, with them trying to cover up the fact that they are a problem. they don't care about the community. they don't care about themselves. it is very sad and confusing, and i hope that they move on. i am not the one who needs to change.
what i am going through, and have been going through for years, is unusually unusually cruel. blatant weird childish sadism. these people have a sick fasciation with my unnecessary confusion, suffering, publicly, and imply that it doesn't matter if they think that they can get away with it. i am not the one who needs to change. god damn it, do something about this! weird mean people like to try to humiliate a special public person, publicly, if there is no security, or if they think that then can get away with it. it is why television stations have security. it is why public people have security. do you know what kind of weird shit people would do to A list actors at the academy awards, publicly, if they thought that they could get away with it. if you want to treat me like a child, you are going to have a group of children, not adults, who are doing work. don't try to blame it on my mental health, or psychiatry, or medication. i can't even talk to my doctor, who is ignorant, about who i am, or the real situation, publicly. not my parents or family or girlfriend. either. what's the matter? you don't want to have to deal with this situation? you don't want to make effort, publicly? guess what? it is neglect, and you are the ones who are gong to suffer from confusion, also. what is the point? that i am supposed to do something for you? that i am supposed to save you? what am i going to do for you? really. why don't you do something for me? and i don't mean money. why don't you do something for the community. it is easier or more socially convenient for the community to find fault with me, one single person, rather than the community as a whole, or to police the community. these very few people who are blatantly, intentionally causing unnecessary problems for everyone are absolutely sick and weird. they don't want to allow for the impression that i am more loved than they are, really because they don't love themselves. you wouldn't want to live, allowing some people to want you and others to know that they get sick pleasure from making you look powerless and confused, publicly, every day, all day long!. just because it is an unusual situation doesn't mean that you can't publicly, officially act like you didn't care about trying to protect me. i am blatantly, knowingly bullied, tortured, every day. it has caused problems with my family, my girlfriend, my pets. sick weird shit. these people who are intentionally causing unnecessary problems, like the black man, have a weird weird inferiority complex and social problem, but that doesn't mean that i am stuck up. they think that they can't survive unless they humiliate me, and make this negative. it is attempted murder. i am not weak, and i am not over reacting.
the black man has the attitude of a violent criminal who would be in mental lock up. like a criminal black man who has been who thinks that he has been caught doing something, is going to go to jail, and who grabs an innocent bystander black woman, holds a gun to her head, saying "bitch, do what i tell you to do!", while he tries to make a getaway, wanting to use her as a hostage, leverage or bargaining chip.
for people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who don't speak english. i mean that the black man is telling black women to say that he is friendly, when obviously he is not friendly. he is trying to wrongfully defame me.
this is a very sad, very confusing situation. he is telling us that he doesn't care if he ruins our lives. the mexican girl is working with him. they tell each other, "you wash my back, i'll wash yours." they won't help each other. they will just ruin each other.
the black man, and a few black women, seem to be implying that their thought is that america is black people's turf. i'd like to actually see him or them communicate that. i'd like to see how everyone in america officially reacts to it, publicly. i don't agree with all white people, and i am definitely not stating that america is white people's turf. share. make the most of human resources. diversify the portfolio. a form of economics. black people, as a group, should tactfully and forcefully make a public statement about how they disagree with white nationalist or white supremacists. don't secretly conspire or hate. be publicly bold about how you don't like it, and about how you will do something about it, if need be. take a stand. don't pretend as if you are a nice guy, if there isn't a reason to be a nice guy. state, "if you want war, you are going to have it." who wants war? i don't think that white people want that for their children. i am not the one who you should take a stand against. i gave black people love, and still do. the information in this section of this website is not the only information which black people have about me or my attitude toward black people.
for people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who don't understand english.
as you already know, the black man is evil. he isn't making any type of intelligent, conclusive argument about anything, with the use of words. he is a dumb bully. he thinks that he can't create a long term story about something, or some type of confused story about him, with him hoping that he gets away with being evil. he is implying that he is outsmarting everyone, when he isn't. he implies that people can't understand what he is doing, or why. it is either that he is being friendly, and that i am not friendly, or that i did something wrong, am lying, and that i deserve to be tortured. those are both scenarios are untrue, and stupid. no one would deserve to be treated this way. you people are innocent, too. he copies the mexican girl. she implies that no one can understand what she is doing, or why. she is evil, too. they are implying that no one can criticize them, because they are implying that we don't understand what they are dong, or why. they pretend as if they are getting away with something evil. they are not going to get away with it. they are both fixated on deception, like it is a game which they like to play. they are satan, or something satanic. it is related to the egyptian person, named Set. the names of Satan and Set are spelled similarly.
for everyone. i am not crazy and i am not weak. that is another way which the black man and mexican girl try to deceive. they are torturing us every day. it is torture. they want people communicating all over the world about how they are torturing people, trying to get away with it. they know that electronic communication is not their friend, but they are fake, and implying that electronic communication is their friend. they are both blatantly stupid.
i'd like to get rid of all of this shit, except for the very top part + a little, but i won't. sorry. it will create a vacuum. i've been through this before, having deleted negative shit from my website about 10 times. if there was some kind of official statement about some people causing childish problems, then i would delete it. i feel like the main character in the movie "a clockwork orange", when he is getting sick from looking at all of the violence or negativity.
it continues. i am constantly being harassed, every day. very very bad. torturous. all of this shit in this section of this website is because it is ongoing. it is not me just feeling the need to explain something over and over. the harassment and stalking is every day.
i dont want to harm black women. i am sick of them unnecessarily harming me, for no good reason. stupid obnoxious games. you started it. get out of my life! get away from everyone! you are not superior, just because you think you have to bully the black men who are weak. i am not a black man, and i am not weak. it is a greedy power grab, like a nasty mean woman stealing a loaf of bread from some other woman who had to wait in line for it, by lazy black women, because some black women don't want to have to work as hard as me, or other good men. they can't keep up. they can get in the way. they don't care about good management, with a need to sacrifice themselves, or give power away from themselves, or trying to empower others. they are more concerned with their own childish unnecessary empowerment, rather than the power of the entire group. this creates the impression that i am a male chauvinist. i'm not. they are stupid feminists who want power, because they think that they are lacking in power. i am a sweet humble cooperative honest guy, who takes good care of my girlfriend. don't take this section of this website out of context. they like to think of themselves as powerful, but usually when things are going easy, or when it doesn't require difficult work; sacrifice. they keep getting in the way, because of their own need to stupidly empower themselves. they tell people, i don't like it, because josh can have fun, and i can't, because of how they made themselves look weak and mean.
just because some black people didn't want to include themselves, or think that they can be included, doesn't mean that i didn't or don't want to include them.
the black guy is so unbelievably, STUPIDLY fake, STUPID and weak, lying about northern trust bank. he is pissed off because i crossed my Ts and dotted my Is. he is telling black people to be fake and obnoxious. i don't want to live in slop, like an animal does. neither do most humans.
we can keep going with this, if you want to. choice is yours.
i wish that i could sue paris whitney hilton for discrimination and prejudice. because she did it, and continues to do it, other people are engaged in it, all ganging up on me, every day, like it is a sick game, implying that they think that it is fun. these few people who act unnecessarily aggressively, every day, want to use her "status" on tv as a way of wrongfully implying that they have power, or that they are superior to me. hilton actually wants to be an enabler, even though it would seem unlikely, not wanting me to be happy, or look better than she does, after she knows she made a fool of herself. greedy, childish, irresponsible and CRUEL. her family fortune is a flop.
she wants people to think that she finds this amusing or funny.
she wants to try to create the impression that i am weak man. i'm not. she is weak, childish and irresponsible. she likes to direct attention toward the fact that she is irresponsible, or that she never really had to be responsible, because she already had everything done for her. she wanted to use me, wanting an easy cheesy childish publicity stunt, but it didn't work out for her. she doesn't give a damn about me or other people.
paris whitney hilton, many black girls, the mexican girl, don't want girls to be able to like me, intentionally irritating me, publicly, because the public knows that i don't like them. they are greedy, thinking of it as a survival issue. they are unpopular, so they shit on me, wanting to be able to get away with it, in order to try to make me unpopular. hilton wants to bully ignorant girls, or ignorant everyone around, with her "glamour", or because she is on tv and i am not. in a way i am glad that i am not on tv. i'm not the problem. i just wanted to lead with love and honesty, and also get my niece a chirstmas present, not thinking that i would be totally totally jerked around for years.
i can't wait until i die, so that i don't have to think about her anymore, her lurking, smirking, yuck. she knows first hand, every day, like right now when type this, how much i am stalked and harassed, intentionally emotionally spiritually harmed, or how innocent people, including mothers and fathers all over the world, who are trying to raise children, unnecessarily suffer.
hilton as ruined, and continues to ruin america. this is true. by what she did, but much much more importantly, what she chooses to not do, not communicating like a real woman, publicly setting a record straight, indicating that she intentionally wants to get everyone, especially some black people, on track, not giving people the option to be divisive, to be blatantly stupid, obnoxious, disrespectful and cruel. she wanted an easy cheesy childish publicity and gossip thing. she wanted to create unnecessary childish gossip, so unbelievably greedy, uncaring, destructive, (angry?), really for the amusement of her, her sister, her parents, and whoever she communicates to in her whatever, who gives a damn tiny circle.
i am not the one who is being argumentative. she is. there is nothing to argue about. it should have been business as usual, with me being treated in a normal dignified manner. her violation of laws are the problem. one by not going to jail the way she should have in 2007 and another sending me merchandise i didn't ask for, then not responding to my communication, about money or about business. she obviously thinks of it as some kind of stupid childish game, like her "simple life" bullshit. it is the image she wants, stupidly. i know what she is, and it is totally stupid. this is a very very serious situation for people in america, and all over the world, and she doesn't care. she thinks about directing attention toward herself, even if i wasn't communicating about it myself. she wanted to create unnecessary childish gossip about herself. she likes to believe, like a child, that she has more power than she does, or that people think that she is more special than she is, like she lives in a weird bubble her whole life. creepy. her parents did a really bad job with her. she is a whole lot of nothing who got attention in the media.
i am sort of glad that the government hasn't, or probably won't make an official public story about me. childish mean girls would probably try to publicly humiliate a guy who they thought had interesting power, or who was special, or unique, publicly, toying with me, finding it childishly fascinating to be able toy with a unique person, publicly, knowing that i don't have privacy, or private feelings, or trying to make it look like i am angry or unfriendly when i am not an angry or unfriendly person. childishness, envy, jealousy, hate. this is what i have learned. they think that if they gave me power, that it would take power away from females, in general. they don't want to share power with me, or with men, in general. they are greedy and power hungry. that is the way their minds work, playing childish games, i think afraid to do work, or work as hard as i do. i am really sorry if this hurts innocent girls. i really mean it. i see you struggling when i am out, and i don't like it, but these few girls who are causing problems intentionally want to cause me to struggle, for their own sick female amusement. actually, it seems like they want to make innocent girls struggle, too. i am innocent, and they know that. they are just pissed off because i can have fun and they can't, so they don't want me to be able to have fun, publicly, and i'm not putting on an act. it is ridiculous how greedy and mean they are.
i know that all of this crap in this section of this website seems like i am the one who is going on and on. they are the ones who are going on and on, every day. it is stupid. ignorant people wouldn't believe it. they are so stupid and mean that it is weird. very weird. they are trying to take advantage of ignorant people. they don't want people to like me. it isn't everyone who is the problem. it is a few people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who got themselves into trouble, with their families and people who they knew, personally. obviously they run their mouths too much. it is obvious. some black girls stupidly spread gossip, trying to create an impression that they think that black girls are superior, or that they are supposed to have an ugly attitude in america. they aren't superior, and they shouldn't have an ugly attitude. weird childish obnoxious haters. it is not all black girls who are the problem. it is some black girls who are socially lame, or who don't have a life, who are the problem. another thing they do is try to get people to feel sorry for them if i state anything negative, trying to work people, like a thug hustle.
my step father's medication was at the post office, who held his mail when he and my mother were on vacation. he thought that it was going to be delivered by an independent delivery carrier. he got a creepy phone call from someone who did not say anything when we were driving to the post office to pick up mail, after i picked my parents up from the airport. black girls who are thug (i am not stating that all black girls are thug) will sometimes mix something rude with something else, to try and make it seem like it is ok for them to be rude, or ugly (behavior), trying to work people. it is a hustle. just like when they stole my niece's birthday card and $20 cash (thule.org). black girls were relating 20 with 200, wanting to be thought of as intelligent, and it is so dumb that it is ridiculous. also implying that i did something unethical with paris hilton, when i didn't. they are evil, childish and cold hearted. you don't a right to steal my niece's mail, or to try to scare my family. you are scary, i am not. just because we found my step father's mail a few days ago, doesn't mean that i don't have a right to have criticized some black women. grow up and move on, please. i am tired of the anger. i am really tired of your anger. everyone is.
sometimes people will toy with famous people, wanting power over them. ask A list actors who conceal their appearance when they go to the grocery store or something. people can be weird and childish, getting a weird thrill from being able to interact with, or have power over, toy with, a famous person. i don't mean that i am an A list actor.
just because i am christ, doesn't mean that i always know what to do, or that everything i do is "perfect". if people left me alone, we would be ok, but i still think that the government should be informative about christ, in general. i am defenseless. other people are also defenseless. secure the perimeter. some people are intentionally causing a problem, weird and sadistic, and it is going to have an affect on the world, because of how i am in constant 24/7 activity with people who are situated everywhere (144,000). it will basically be a negative story, i think, but not because i am a negative person. i wanted it to be a triumph, for happiness and security sake. i would like for the government to help. i think that if they showed me some official public respect, confidence, that it would be good for positive long term social progress. make a big deal of it, so that it is not a big deal, or not mysterious, or so that people are not ignorant about christ. that is what the bible is about. you need to let them know that it worked, or that christ is a real phenomenon. not so much because of what i am doing, but really just that it exists. in a way, you should combine christ with government. better to protect him, rather than to let it go all socially crazy, incarnation after incarnation. it is a sociological issue. it can also affect the military. rock on. young people who find out about this will eventually be the government. what is gong to happen then?
for some black girls, or maybe black guys, too. don't put me in the middle of your relationship problems. word to the wise. white people, too. or anyone.
the very few people who continue to be intentionally irritating are evil cowards, acting out in fear. they fear people thinking that they are less attractive than me, or that people will think that they are not god like. they created problems with their family members, and the people who were around them, by stupidly gossiping, and by not having love in them. it makes me think of a snake in the woods, which is confused and fearful, thinking that it is inferior when it sees you, which would lunge at a human. really. i thinks that it has a lack of power, or lack of intellect. they did stupid, incredibly dishonest things, and are trying to cover it up, and they don't even care if people know what they are doing. some of the 144,000 are evil. they try to get people do gang up on me, like they are acting like children. paris hilton, mexican girl, a few black girls, black guy. it is a very sad situation, but that doesn't mean that i am not a happy person at heart. i wish that the government or police or someone would speak up on my behalf. since there is not an official problem, people imply that they can get away with it. please try to make it a happy story, about love and respect.
the very few people who continue to be intentionally irritating are attempting to discredit me, and good people in the 144,000, by trying to discredit us. they try to make us look crazy or dishonest, trying to cover up the mess which they know that that they have made. another way to think about it, is that they are harming people emotionally and spiritually, just for the sake of harming people emotionally or spiritually. if they would believe that they could happy lives, they would leave us alone. obvioiusly their stupid gossip got them into trouble. they are sore losers, who won't forgive themselves, or who don't think that anyone would forgive them. people would forgive them, if they acted like they were taking responsibility for what they have done. it would all be better in 6 months or 1 year.
the black man and mexican girl, and a very few of the people who i am in constant 24/7 activity with are disgusting weird freaks. that is not an overstatement. i am also in constant 24/7 activity with, for example, an 18 year old honest chinese girl, who got straight As in school, who plays the violin, whose father is a successful honest business man in china.
in 50 years, much of the happy knowledge of me will work into government all over the world.
i think that people all over the world, who i am in constant 24/7 activity with, who don't speak understand english, have figured out that both the black man and mexican girl try to make me defensive about issues which are not important, or irrelevant, in order to try to make it seem like i am a problem, when i am not a problem. they both envy the love which they think that i have in my life. a few black girls in america do the same thing.
i got the egyptian pound (currency) in the 'mishmosh josh' section of this website when i went scuba diving in egypt in november of 1992. i was in the military, and took 2 weeks of leave. we stayed in the town of hurghada. the red sea is some of the best scuba diving in the world.
the black man and mexican girl think so much about how they are different, with their weird left eye issue, knowing that they are something evil and unattractive, that they don't try to be the same. they are competing as something different, vicious, confused, like an animal attacking humans. sort of like the clingons in star trek. they hate being what they are so much, that they are trying to destoy people's happiness, so that it doesn't have to think that other people are happy, while it is not. it is the most ugly disgusting evil mind that you could ever think of. they are predators, and they don't care if people know what they are doing, as long as they think that they can get away with it. they are in human bodies, here on earth. they are not sophisticated. they are having a child like fantasy about controlling the government, desperate to survive or be happy somehow, or about trying to make it so that loving honest people like myself are mocked. someone please make an official, public statement about this. i know that you know about it from others. the information about them, in this section of this website, can be confirmed, or attested to. they are unusually unusually cruel. they think that as long as no one will officially, publicly stick up for me, or the community, in general, that they can dominate. it is a global security concern. again, it is a child like fantasy of theirs. they don't want there to be an official story about them, or they want to be able to hide somehow, so they think causing me to be murdered, in this life or future lives, or creating a generally negative story about this situation, will help them. at a minimum, the government or police could state that they have proof that i am here, and that i am being stalked and harassed. at least some type of preventative action. it is common sense. i would like a little respect, please. the entire community is being stalked. it is obvious that this creature takes sick unusual pleasure in harming people emotionally or spiritually. it is angry. it engages in extremely ugly psychological warfare. please make this a happy story about love and respect, concisely, easily. it is trying to create division. i am trying to stop bad things from spreading. i am not an angry person by nature. the people who i know confirm what i am saying are not crazy or lying. it is trying to create a way to survive somehow, living in fear. it is an insane, confused, very dangerous creature, thinking that it is inferior, desperately trying to survive.
i am very tired of this. please help.
THC use was for about 30 days, from the 1st week of December 2024 to approximately 1st week of January 2025. I’ve been using CBD, which does not contain THC. It is not evil. If anyone wants to stupidly insult me, go ahead. If anyone wants to stupidly avoid real leadership responsibility, go ahead. First of all, I need protection, as does the entire global community. This includes my psychiatrist being briefed on my actual situation, which other people are knowingly aware of. I really don’t need a psychiatrist. I would be better off with an honest psychologist, or being able to have a real conversation with my family about what is really happening, gaining emotional support from them. If you want to treat me like a child, there is a greater likelihood that I will not meet my potential as an adult, just like other people won’t. I have 28 years of experience, not incompetence. truthfully, it seems as if you want to set me up for "failure". it is more socially convenient for you.
where is peter? where is paul?
i know that i stated that i was not going to post anything for about 30 days, a few weeks ago. i'm sorry if it taxes people. i can't think clearly, because i am not peaceful, and feel constantly threatened. this is not about money. i want to stop posting for a good while. i'm in great pain, suffering unnecessarily every day. so are mothers and fathers trying to raise children. or children. or old folks who are going to pass away soon.
i deleted the youtube link to 'the man with two brains". it really isn't anything to joke about, or it isn't funny, and i also thought that people would misinterpret it.
paris whitney hilton would want people to think that she finds this amusing, or funny. it isn't amusing or funny. she has confused many people and families, worldwide, because of her greed, childishness, disrespect, and irresponsibility. a great deal of unnecessary tension and stress.
i'll post it again. i thought that people thought that the brain in the jar could also be her. no.
since some black girls and this black guy wanted to teach hate, i got it. that is what they wanted to teach, so i learned, and got an A+ on the exam. class dismissed.
same thing with paris whitney hilton. she wanted to teach hate and disrespect, so that is what i learned. i wish that i would have never sent her anything at all. she is an bad person. i was just trying to cheer her up while she was in jail, thinking that she was going through something difficult. i didn't know or think that she would do something as stupid and childish as she did.